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Misc Cold Season Complaining

Being in the larger weather enterprise and having other entities impersonate my own professional forecasts, I can tell you that isn't something I think very highly of.

Any and everyone is entitled to discuss and make their own predictions, but don't package them as if they represent a professional organization. If you (they) beat the professionals, feel free to boast about it afterwards too. All fair game, except for the impersonation. It's hard enough to get the message out and above all the noise and other social media voices out there as it is these days without that rubbish murking up the waters even more.
My sister likes to say dont confuse your three minute google search with my medical degree
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Gotta say, the fight and heart being shown for a trace to dusting event warms my heart and gives me hope for the next generation. LOLLOL

The new kid on the block, the Euro AI, has been pretty locked in with precip totals shown here on its last 4 runs.

If you put your cursor on the screen on Pivotal, it shows a 0.04 area roughly from just east of Hickory to Rock Hill to Pinehurst to Chapel Hill to Greensboro. It has a small 0.05 area just N and NE of Charlotte
I promise you can count on me grit
The model runs must be absolute trash for the remainder of the month

Trash till mid-month. But if I wake up to a dusting of snow on my car tomorrow, I'm good till January. Just go back to mountain biking! Lake Norman State Park, come on up!