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Pattern Arid August

After Debby finishes her tour of the Southeast the dry weather pattern the models are currently showing might be what is needed to recover from the flooding that she will probably leave in her wake. I feel for the agricultural interests in the Eastern portions of the Southeast. After experiencing moderate to severe drought in some cases they will now have to deal with flooded fields and croplands. I hope they are covered by crop insurance.
East of 1-77 in NC will not get a drought soon, but Alabama, Mississippi, much of Georgia, and western SC will be hit hard by drought. Expect D3-D4 in many of those areas by Sept 1.
Dude. We just got more than a foot of rain in a couple weeks. We could bake until October and still be fine water wise.
Dude. We just got more than a foot of rain in a couple weeks. We could bake until October and still be fine water wise.
Not according to the drought monitor. It has moderate drought over a good bit of north GA and Alabama with a small area of severe drought in Tennessee.
Not according to the drought monitor. It has moderate drought over a good bit of north GA and Alabama with a small area of severe drought in Tennessee.
I don't really care what it shows. I know the ground truth which is we are good and my creek has more water in it than ever in the summer.
I thought we had a spell of nice weather in August a few years ago around mid-month, turns out it was 2014. To get back to the 11/12th timeframe you're looking at 2008 at least here in the coastal plain.

It's pouring its poured around 530 this morning. If you had told me in mid June the next 60 days would be like this I would have laughed until I died
Starting to think the same phenomenon that's causing our warm winters makes us abnormally wet all year as well. I bet we stay above normal precip this summer. Could be wrong though.

I told everyone in May! Lol. Wet summers is our jam now, just like warm winters. The pattern continues.
Drought will be the big story for many of us now. Much of the southeast may very well not see rain again this month.

It also says we bake again after this storm with maybe the hottest temps we have had so far.

Edit: The regular Euro has us baking, the AI Euro is not as hot, but both look dry after Debby.

East of 1-77 in NC will not get a drought soon, but Alabama, Mississippi, much of Georgia, and western SC will be hit hard by drought. Expect D3-D4 in many of those areas by Sept 1.
Shetley, I have to ask. Why do you post so many of these drought and heat apocalyptic posts when they NEVER come close to verifying? Every year it's the same posts and they are so out there it's silly. I truly do think you're a great member and post some good and insightful stuff but your heat and drought posts make no sense. Where does this come from?

I'm not certain if I should post this link here but this is an interesting story about the KRDU temperature sensor controversy and its higher readings than surrounding stations during the heat wave earlier this summer.
I complained so many times to KFFC about KATL's sensor the past few years, it was almost harassment. This year it has been far better. Temperature swings of four degrees in five minutes late in the afternoon is not acceptable for any professional weather station.