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Severe 3/30-4/2 Severe Weather

Just food for thought, but that south Alabama portion of the state is starting to look nasty for tornadoes...

Also the HRRR is now forecasting supercells ahead of the line in north Alabama. So theres that
I was ready to write off any chance of storms here last night since it looked like the main storms would form east of here, but I’m seeing the latest hrrr runs have started showing more cellular development forming earlier in the next few hours.1D397AD6-46AC-459B-82C2-B4E5CBE948D9.png SPC also expanded the severe area west a little to account for potentially earlier development so I’m gonna have to pay more attention tonight then I originally anticipated. Lol
According to SPC the derecho definition is

“By definition, if the swath of wind damage extends at least 400 miles (about 650 kilometers), is at least 60 miles (about 100 km) wide, includes wind gusts of at least 58 mph (93 km/h) along most of its length, and also includes several, well-separated 75 mph (121 km/h) or greater gusts, the event may be classified as a derecho.”

Regardless, it doesn’t have to be a derecho to cause a lot of wind damage. I was just curious after seeing several Mets mention derecho potential.

I always thought a derecho had that bowling ball look to it, like a MCS. Can a squall line be considered a derecho?

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I always thought a derecho had that bowling ball look to it, like a MCS. Can a squall line be considered a derecho?

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Tomorrow is a classic look for a serial ( more typical in cooler seasons) derecho, driven by a large trough/cutoff, typically a squall line/long lived QLCS with several kinks.
Typically summertime progressive derechos are driven by MCVs/energy on the northern side of ridges, where typically a belt of elevated 500mb flow resides