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Severe 3/24-3/26 possible severe wx

95% of tornado watch by early afternoon View attachment 80368
DISCUSSION...Ongoing activity over eastern MS and into AL has been
elevated for much of the morning, but cells now extend southwest of
the warm front which is situated from from northern MS into central
AL. Radar trends show that cells within these areas have acquired
rotation as they attempt to transition from elevated to surface
based. This may happen over the next couple hours as temperatures
warm into the 70s F with the warm front lifting north, maximizing
effective SRH. Therefore, it is possible that these cells develop a
tornado threat over the next few hours. 0-1 km SRH of 300-400 m2/s2
along the warm front will favor strong tornadoes as the stronger
instability develops into the warm advection zone.
Word is due to the high risk, that it will be a PDS watch. Apparently that is standard procedure going forward. You can have a pds watch without a high risk, but if it's a high risk, it will be a pds watch in that area.
didn’t want to say this on Twitter & piss off everyone and their cousin, but there seems to be a lot of convection lingering in to the late morning hours. No one is really mentioning it (maybe cause it doesn’t matter), but I was expecting things to be a little more cleared out by now.

but some of those storms already look intense, so I am assuming they will begin to start rotating eventually.
View attachment 80369
didn’t want to say this on Twitter & piss off everyone and their cousin, but there seems to be a lot of convection lingering in to the late morning hours. No one is really mentioning it (maybe cause it doesn’t matter), but I was expecting things to be a little more cleared out by now.

but some of those storms already look intense, so I am assuming they will begin to start rotating eventually.
Yeah the Env in the next few hours on this first wave will be supportive enough the worst scenario is we have 2 events with a break period between