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It’s not for everybody, but I like it. It’s all better once winter gets here!@Tarheel1 So as I had said in the other thread, Iowa is quite boring outside any large town/small city. It's not even flat, just a bunch of rolling hills (hills is a generous word to use). Dubuque was nice, the downtown was pleasant to walk through. The aquarium/river museum was a little underwhelming considering the cost to get in. To each their own, but it's definitely a place I've scratched off my potential places to live. Also 65mph speed limits on a 4 line divided highway in the middle of nowhere is stupid.
North Dakota, now that is flat. I actually liked Fargo during the short time I was there. If it weren't for the copious amount of snow they get, I would put that on my potential places to move.
South Dakota is more like Iowa with slightly rolling "hills". The 80mph speed limit is nice though. Also, everyone spoke as if they were from Appalachia. Very bizarre.
All that being said, it is something else to see the clouds in the sky for miles on end. Kinda wish a thunderstorm had rolled through. I got a nice picture, but my phone is being stupid and can't upload it.