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Misc 2021-22 Fall/Winter Whamby Thread

Just post what models show man. I post cold maps in the winter, but I love warm weather so yeah I’m gonna post it. But I have posted cool Maps already with the last cooldown we had, yeah I may joke around time to time and troll a bit but those heat maps aren’t trolling, just posting what I like to see
Like Lick said, the commentary routine that goes along with the daily barrage of heat maps gives the impression of trolling.

It doesn't make any difference to me either way. I was just reacting to the little false equivalency thing you had going on there.

Edit: I don't mind the warmth this time of the year all that much, as it feels nice outside...particularly if we get a few days of cooler weather here and there.
During class when I get bored I do math. My sociology of medicine notebook is filled with math problems I make up. Since higher dimensional geometry was on my mind I kept trying to figure out what a cube in 4d would look like without googling it . I managed to draw what it would be interpreted as , sorta a cube inside a cube . Dope . Also ran through a level 6 problem off a Putnam exam that I had watched an explanation for . It was about calculating the probability a tetrahedron in a sphere contained the center of the sphere within its points . I couldn’t figure that but I could do it in 2 dimensions with a triangle in a circle .

Bored at my age and situation means nap time. Hint: it doesn’t happen often. Reality bites you when you are bored because so and so is looking at so and so and so and so hit/bit so and so and and so and so then called them butthole.
Like Lick said, the commentary routine that goes along with the daily barrage of heat maps gives the impression of trolling.

It doesn't make any difference to me either way. I was just reacting to the little false equivalency thing you had going on there.

Edit: I don't mind the warmth this time of the year all that much, as it feels nice outside...particularly if we get a few days of cooler weather here and there.
Sorry man. I’ll calm down with what I’ve been doing.
Bored at my age and situation means nap time. Hint: it doesn’t happen often. Reality bites you when you are bored because so and so is looking at so and so and so and so hit/bit so and so and and so and so then called them butthole.
I didn’t start needing naps till I went off to college and began working 30 hours a week senior year of high school. Before that I couldn’t fathom needing a nap. Now every day around 12-2 I’m dying for one . I can barely make it through my 130 lecture . It’s a legitimate fight to stay awake .
How would it even be possible for you to have a more historic winter than last winter which featured the absolute max level of cold possible for you . Didn’t you hit -28 or somin ? Gosh darned ! My gut tells me as well though this will be a wild winter for somebody .
Think it’s a good thing if golf gets blanked while we get a big snow, would be a nice way to return the favor of last winter, one week of cold and snow.
Sorry man. I’ll calm down with what I’ve been doing.
It's all good man you don't need to apologize. You ain't breaking any rules or anything. It's a more of a read the room thing. The nice weather has allowed me to take the cornhole game to the next level. ?
Here I stay at Motel 8 just West of Nashville. ($75) :) Anyway, I’ll be with additional family members tomorrow through leaving back Tuesday/Wednesday.

This forecast absolutely sucks. Golf Friday AM and Sunday AM. (With my three brothers) :confused:

Also, one of my brothers has an annual bon fire with around 50 - 70 attendees. I’m talking power pole logs on Saturday evening. Whatever happens I’ll be with family, So, either way thats what means the most! :)

FYI… Metro St Louis

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As of this morning gas prices are the most expensive I have seen since like 2012 or some ---- . 3.09. Wtf happened . It just bounced outta nowhere

Crude oil is also the highest it's been since 2014.

About to be hit with some big time inflation across the board, based on everything I'm seeing.
Consumer spending is about to plummet . Shoot I know my spending is about to plummet . No eating out . Only activities I’m doing will be free ones . That’s me normally though, spend money on gas and going to different parks to hike . About all I do . Gas prices are no joke what the hell is this . Demand is low is it not , and literally continuing to decrease with every year as people switch to electric . Yet they still managed to get this high? That’s pure inflation . ---- OPEC let’s pump it all, we got tons of it here in America so why would we worry about who’s pumping what. Starting to feel more like a recession .
Two words, New Administration! They have put the clamps on he domestic oil and gas industry. Stopped new pipelines and new drilling within the first week in office. It has been going up ever since and probably won't stop anytime soon. Imports have gone back up and it is far more expensive. Natural gas production is very environment friendly and more safe than ever. But everyone lumps Nat Gas in with Oil. The saddest part is there is more here than we would ever need, but the Green New Deal people have choked it out.
Two words, New Administration! They have put the clamps on he domestic oil and gas industry. Stopped new pipelines and new drilling within the first week in office. It has been going up ever since and probably won't stop anytime soon. Imports have gone back up and it is far more expensive. Natural gas production is very environment friendly and more safe than ever. But everyone lumps Nat Gas in with Oil. The saddest part is there is more here than we would ever need, but the Green New Deal people have choked it out.
It’s horrible because demand for natural gas in Asia and Europe is skyrocketing and instead of us jumping on this opportunity to make $$$$$$$$$ we do less ? What on earth , I thought they wanted to spend big. Need money to spend big !
I work for a federal contractor, and we just the official word that everyone (whether on-site or remote) will have to be fully vaccinated by 12/8.

That's some real clown ----, as I'm working remotely and won't be around any other workers or involed in production. So it's going to get hairy over the next few weeks. Not sure what the future will bring.