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Misc 2021-22 Fall/Winter Whamby Thread

The Panthers aren't winning another game this year. And I'm not upset about it. This incompetent coaching staff needs to go and we need a good pick to draft a qb.
Its horrible. This is the first time since the Jimmy Clausen year I haven't watched a Panthers game (except for games I missed because I had other commitments). Playing Nintendo Switch with my kid instead lol
My mentality is that the west has to have a true Arctic outbreak before we see one. Now sometimes it stays in the west but maybe it will slide east
Yeah it may. I can't imagine we roast in January like December with a -NAO and MJO in 7 and 8. That aggravating Aleutian ridge responsible for the -PNA seems to be related to the MJO hung in phase 6. As we get into Jan and phase 7 becomes favorable and we enter phase 8 which is inevitable it seems, it almost has to change. If that Aluetian ridge hangs tough in the wrong spot positively tilted through phase 8 and ruins this for us then someone way more knowledge than me will have to explain what went wrong ???
Lol at the Cardinals. You would have thought they would have learned when they played the Panthers not to overlook your opponent. Now they got boat raced by the Lions in a game where they could have clinched a playoff spot.
Hey they actually won today ???

I just got off the phone with my mom (who was a huge Lions fan, but pretends not to be now), and she tells me if they beat the Falcons next Sunday (which is plausible, because they haven't been doing too well either), they would qualify for the Playoffs.

I just got off the phone with my mom (who was a huge Lions fan, but pretends not to be now), and she tells me if they beat the Falcons next Sunday (which is plausible, because they haven't been doing too well either), they would qualify for the Playoffs.

That image is crazy!
Head to North Dakota. They seem to be in a great spot. If the cold dumps west they still get the fringes of it and if it dumps east they're ground zero when it enters the lower 48. That's one of the only areas in the country that the 30 year average actually cooled it think.

I'm currently thinking about northern Wyoming or Montana--but ND/SD might work too.
I'm currently thinking about northern Wyoming or Montana--but ND/SD might work too.
The one problem you may run into is it being a very dry cold and limited moisture depending on the pattern. Seems like that part of the country gets their biggest snows in late fall/early winter and late winter into spring. In January in the heart of winter it can turn into just clippers with a couple inches of blowing snow. I think I mentioned before if it's just snow you want head to the lake belts. Even in a bad pattern you get fronts come through and the lake effect machine gets going afterwards.