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Misc 2020/21 Fall and Winter Whamby Thread

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Got some more GSP svr tstorm climatology for y'all to ignore. Used IEM's automated data plotter to find the number of svr tstorm warnings that occurred since 1986, organized by month and year. Downloaded as excel file, took averages for each month, and plotted it on a basic free online bar graph creator. I know none of this is groundbreaking research, but I find it interesting to visualize this. And this is for the entire GSP CWA.
View attachment 77028
Here's the original data plotted by IEM
View attachment 77029
July 2012 was really anomalous for the GSP CWA. The closest since 1986 was over 100 less? Kind of crazy really.
July 2012 was really anomalous for the GSP CWA. The closest since 1986 was over 100 less? Kind of crazy really.
As was June 2011, its actually the leader in this data set. I'm not really sure what caused those two jumps, I don't recall any big severe outbreaks in our area. But I was 8 and 9 years old, so my memory could easily be flawed lol
As was June 2011, its actually the leader in this data set. I'm not really sure what caused those two jumps, I don't recall any big severe outbreaks in our area. But I was 8 and 9 years old, so my memory could easily be flawed lol

June is, by far, your most active month since 86 with the glaring exception of 91 which was very sparse across the board. The July 2012 number just sticks out more due to so many other July's not being as active. A lot of caps broken that month for sure!
I personally struggle with the idea we want to get warm too quickly. You who love warm/hot weather get 7-8 months of it with very few, if any breaks in it. Cloudy days are the norm this winter but once we get to April, it is pretty much never ending sunny and hot days until late October (barring hurricanes). With the models continuing with their samba runs, it becomes tideous to try and figure out which point on their dart board is correct. As for severe, NO thanks, people die and property gets destroyed when it happens.
Yeah people seem to have forgotten how much it sucks when it's still hitting 90 in late September and mid 80s in October
I used to not mind but as I've gotten older I've grown to really hate it. I could go the rest of my life and never see 90 and be completely ok. Too bad it'll be 200 in a couple of years according to some
Thats interesting. 99% of people have a lower tolerance for cold as they get older, not heat.
I used to not mind but as I've gotten older I've grown to really hate it. I could go the rest of my life and never see 90 and be completely ok. Too bad it'll be 200 in a couple of years according to some
By 2050 we’ll be lucky to get below 90 at night during the summer and highs will be in the 120s on an average July day. At least we’ll cool off with highs only in the 80s and 90s during the winter! :)
I used to not mind but as I've gotten older I've grown to really hate it. I could go the rest of my life and never see 90 and be completely ok. Too bad it'll be 200 in a couple of years according to some
I hate heat and love cold! If I never saw 70 degree temps again, I’d love it!
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What's more likely here endless 90s or endless cold
C- endless drought
( although that’s hard to imagine after the last 2 years, but just know it’s looming)
There's talk about the possible collapse of the AMOC soon. How would that effect us?

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Yeah people seem to have forgotten how much it sucks when it's still hitting 90 in late September and mid 80s in October
Still tho , everyone for the most part is wanting 60s ( seasonable ) not torch unless your idea of pleasant is below average spring then boom summer . Therefore , 0 pleasant time in between! Which would really suck. Who wants cool weather all spring only for may and June to come around and we are hot, because that will happen for sure as there’s no such thing as a cool summer .
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