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Misc 2020/21 Fall and Winter Whamby Thread

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Bamwx and the CFS lol

That Bamwx tweet was just what the CFS has for December, not the whole winter. Besides, even if Dec is warm, that doesn't mean there can't be cold for a few days that month which we have now, which I'd expect. The first 5 days are looking on the models to be near normal rate than torch. Fingers crossed that the SER won't screw that up!
Around here (central NC) December is almost always a dumpster fire. I always thought of December snow as an uncommon event rather than a common event. It was quite unusual to see substantial portions of the SE getting snow on ON THE SAME DAY in early December two years in a row. Of the past 15 years only 3 Decembers had measurable snow at RDU - 2010, 2017 (barely) and 2018. February has been much better on average
Maybe it's just dumb optimism but I feel like despite everything on paper saying that it's gonna be a bad winter, I feel like it'll be pretty decent.

Remember in previous years how all those long range forecasts had us in the deep freezer for winter and it never really panned out? Apply that same logic to this winter and that's how I feel.
If things go as bad as possible, at least I have already seen my winter weather for the year. I have no right to complain about winter in any way because of that.

Yeah I'm not cancelling my Denver trip in January lol it's probably gonna be the one real shot to see snow this winter unless I get lucky and a snow chase lines up when I'm off work but the odds of that happening again are probably next to zero

The La Nina and the track record lately is meh

I mean I guess you could look at it like the predictions are always wrong but I'm just over it tbh

Lately it hasn't even rained here now that may be changing but yeah
WRAL calling for below average snow again this winter for the Triangle.

Forecasting snow in this area is always tricky because one storm can make the difference between no measurable snow and above normal snowfall.
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