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Misc 2020/21 Fall and Winter Whamby Thread

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I just want to see 50 degrees. Haven't seen that kind of warmth since last year. Cloudy and cold day after day with no snow gets old. It was 25 and cloudy today. That's just crappy weather.
Oh I know I’m just mentioning the FV3s old cold bias it used to have lol
2018-19 was a frustrating winter because of the way it started, and what happened after. With a weak El Niño in place, most meteorologists and models predicted a cold and snowy winter. November was much cooler than normal and then I had about 6-7" of wet snow on December 9-10. At one point, RDU had its record high amount of snow through the date, and had more snow than most cities in New England and the upper midwest! Some parts of the south had minor events that year in mid-January, late January, mid-March and early April, but not IMBY. In January we had some epic cold model runs like the one you showed that never verified.

Then came February. I remember a TWC forecast had central NC in the "most below average" category for February, something I had never seen before. That forecast was clearly busting when we had several days in the 70s early that month. February ended up warmer than average and concluded a very uneventful January/February. March was fairly cold, but nothing frozen either. Then came the western piedmont flizzard on April 2 which was just a cold rain for me. I did not see a single flake after December 10, 2018, until February 20, 2020.
2018-19 was a frustrating winter because of the way it started, and what happened after. With a weak El Niño in place, most meteorologists and models predicted a cold and snowy winter. November was much cooler than normal and then I had about 6-7" of wet snow on December 9-10. At one point, RDU had its record high amount of snow through the date, and had more snow than most cities in New England and the upper midwest! Some parts of the south had minor events that year in mid-January, late January, mid-March and early April, but not IMBY. In January we had some epic cold model runs like the one you showed that never verified.

Then came February. I remember a TWC forecast had central NC in the "most below average" category for February, something I had never seen before. That forecast was clearly busting when we had several days in the 70s early that month. February ended up warmer than average and concluded a very uneventful January/February. March was fairly cold, but nothing frozen either. Then came the western piedmont flizzard on April 2 which was just a cold rain for me. I did not see a single flake after December 10, 2018, until February 20, 2020.
Strong maritime forcing that year If I’m not mistaken. that and then the hot ass May/September/October
Last winter was an A , this winter is a D for being super boring. Nothing of any note has happened this winter be it snow cold warmth storms or anything . It’s been consistently close to average which in itself honestly might be noteworthy given our variable winter weather on average .
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