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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

It's going to be really sad to see Karen Minton retire. Her last day is February 28th. I've been watching her since I was a little kid. She was always my favorite at WSB.
You know we're in an awful blah pattern when a favorable tracking ULL (even with the cooling dynamics) is still waaayy to warm for snow.
It's going to be really sad to see Karen Minton retire. Her last day is February 28th. I've been watching her since I was a little kid. She was always my favorite at WSB.

Yeah, she was always one of favorites to watch. I always thought G.B. would have retired before she did especially after his health scare a couple years ago, but I've come to the realization he's staying there until he literally drops dead. Retirement is not in his vocabulary. Here's a nice tribute video for her 30th anniversary a couple years ago. I wonder if they will go all out for Karen on her last day like they did for Monica (Kauffman) Pearson. They should, she deserves it.

They recently hired Eboni Deon (former The Weather Channel meteorologist) for weekend mornings last month. Maybe Brian Monahan will be Karen Minton's replacement?
Yeah, she was always one of favorites to watch. I always thought G.B. would have retired before she did especially after his health scare a couple years ago, but I've come to the realization he's staying there until he literally drops dead. Retirement is not in his vocabulary. Here's a nice tribute video for her 30th anniversary a couple years ago. I wonder if they will go all out for Karen on her last day like they did for Monica (Kauffman) Pearson. They should, she deserves it.

They recently hired Eboni Deon (former The Weather Channel meteorologist) for weekend mornings last month. Maybe Brian Monahan will be Karen Minton's replacement?

He is going to be.

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Not gonna debate politics, but I have to make this comment.

I am very conservative, yet I think most of the Republicans in Congress are idiots, and I just shake my head at some of Trumps comments. As bad and worthless as I believe they are, the Democrats then one up them. I dont know what some of them were thinking with some of their comments the last few days. Do they want to get Trump re-elected?

Politcians bumfuzzle me more than blocking.
Not gonna debate politics, but I have to make this comment.

I am very conservative, yet I think most of the Republicans in Congress are idiots, and I just shake my head at some of Trumps comments. As bad and worthless as I believe they are, the Democrats then one up them. I dont know what some of them were thinking with some of their comments the last few days. Do they want to get Trump re-elected?

Politcians bumfuzzle me more than blocking.
Just keep it shut down until we realize what we don't need ... and do need ... then maybe for once in a lifetime there will be some fiscal sense ...

EDIT: The Government is like a child ... it will take, whine, kick, demand, scream, and just plainly act obnoxious until the parent says "Stop". Do not forget who the parent is ... Or did you vote?
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Not gonna debate politics, but I have to make this comment.

I am very conservative, yet I think most of the Republicans in Congress are idiots, and I just shake my head at some of Trumps comments. As bad and worthless as I believe they are, the Democrats then one up them. I dont know what some of them were thinking with some of their comments the last few days. Do they want to get Trump re-elected?

Politcians bumfuzzle me more than blocking.

They’re pressuring him. Dems want to see him squirm because the dems finally have the house. They will not move to impeach, trust me on that. We are 2 years away from election, probably 6 months to a year away from campaigning. Impeachment takes a long time....the dems would rather try to win in 2020. If not, they can always move to impeach later if mueller finds something. Trying to move to impeach right now would be absolutely idiotic and in poor taste, they’re simply not there yet and there’s no real evidence to move on, at least not enough reason to get the votes. What you’re seeing now is for show. The real story is mueller, 2020 and post 2020.

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They’re pressuring him. Dems want to see him squirm because the dems finally have the house. They will not move to impeach, trust me on that. We are 2 years away from election, probably 6 months to a year away from campaigning. Impeachment takes a long time....the dems would rather try to win in 2020. If not, they can always move to impeach later if mueller finds something. Trying to move to impeach right now would be absolutely idiotic and in poor taste, they’re simply not there yet and there’s no real evidence to move on, at least not enough reason to get the votes. What you’re seeing now is for show. The real story is mueller, 2020 and post 2020.

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Another political season ... :mad:
Like winter ... it's just always around the bend ... o_O ...
Your friend,
The government has evolved to the point that it has become essentially a corporatocracy. The dog and pony show we see on a daily basis is very, very much like a storyline or some angle you’d see out of the WWE. We have a red team and a blue team that shoots on each other publicly, while hanging out backstage planning where they’re going to go eat dinner together. Meanwhile, we get all wrapped up in social politics, either liberal or conservative and quarrel with each other, while they become richer and more powerful, never really fixing anything or dealing with any of the major problems we face now or will soon face. We’re mostly distracted to the point that they can play whatever role they want to play, while most don’t understand what’s really happening. Meanwhile, debt is exploding, the living standard is getting harder to maintain, and prosperity for Main Street is generally declining. We’ll go on being distracted and arguing about this social policy or that and play the role they want us to play, while they continue to work to the benefit of their corporate (and wealthy elite) sponsors, until the convergence of debt, bad monetary policy, bad fiscal policy, and a strapped Main Street result in a severe economic downturn. Then, maybe there will be some will to bring about a meaningful change. In the meantime, the pendulum will swing from leadership like Trump to the more far left socialistic-type. Such has become American politics.
Regardless of how you feel politically about this whole shut down/border wall mess, having nearly 1 million people effectively out of work is going to be a major drag on the economy if this ---- drags on for too much longer. This is a ton of people who are no longer able to go shopping at the mall, eat out at restaurants, finish closing on their homes, buy cars, etc.

And don't forget, there are going to be a lot of peole looking for tax refund checks as well as their government assistance benefits come the end of January / first of February. 40 million Americans depends on Food Stamps to feed their families alone, and there are a ton of job-creating supermarkets in low income and rural communities who depend on these individuals spending their food stamps in order to remain profitable.

Some would say "Well they'll get all of their back pay once the goverment re-opens," but that's not the point. Bills still have to be paid in the mean time.

My hope is cooler heads prevail before it reaches that point. In normal times, I'd be certain they would. But given the sheer divisiveness that exists now and the tone-deaf "leaders" we have running the show now, I have my doubts this time.
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Just a “by the way” on a couple of things, people have really strong opinions when it comes to politics. Things can get heated pretty quick. Let’s try and remember that. I tried to keep my comments sort of neutral. Let’s try not to get into a bashing type of a conversation toward one side or the other. If we can avoid that, a little objective discussion is probably ok. If it starts to devolve, we’ll need to shut it down quickly here and take it to PM.
Just a “by the way” on a couple of things, people have really strong opinions when it comes to politics. Things can get heated pretty quick. Let’s try and remember that. I tried to keep my comments sort of neutral. Let’s try not to get into a bashing type of a conversation toward one side or the other. If we can avoid that, a little objective discussion is probably ok. If it starts to devolve, we’ll need to shut it down quickly here and take it to PM.
And we actually have a political thread too just fyi....

BUT since ARCC started this in here I'll add my .02 worth Haha. I'll keep it short, politicians spend their entire career justifying their position and fighting to stay there with no regard for the peoples well being (basically same thing you said, kind of)

And while I hate to see so many out of work because of the partial gov't shutdown, it just goes to show you gov't is entirely too big and out of control. Sometimes you have to burn the under growth to manifest a thriving forest.

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They could keep it shut down til the end of time and it wouldn’t move me one bit. With that said I just paid my property taxes today and the payment went through without a hitch so just remember there’s still plenty of “government” that isn’t shut down. Don’t be fooled. Cough up money for the wall. “It’s a waste of money” is not reason enough to deny funds. The people voted. They waste our money every day. Would be nice if it went towards something I could see and touch

If I ran for president I would run on the promise of more snow. I would snow hole the northeast and the only storms between December and March would be southern sliders with dry air killing moisture just north of southeastern wake county. I would throw northern Wake an occasional clipper to satisfy my voting base up there
This gone sound kind of out there but one of the biggest things I see as a problem with politics is we buy into the things that they push that divide us but the things could bring us together never get done anything about. Like an EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse it can totally destroy our power grid and leave us in the 1800s but they could careless about this becuase it doesn’t get votes. They could upgrade certain parts of our grid to prevent this especially around the big cities but they won’t ever do it cause it isn’t controversial and doesn’t rally votes. It I sound like the crazy prepper person but it ain’t as crazy as it sounds when u look into it.
What bothers me is that especially the extremes on each side seem to hate many on the other side more than our true enemies in other countries. That’s where the anger is concentrated. Our country is two nations. I’d like to see more moderates in govt like the old days. The extremes want everything their way or forget it. There needs to be more compromise like used to occur if we’re going to remain a strong country. Sadly, that horse may already be out of the barn and the internet, especially pol message bbs & social media, makes it worse by fueling outright hatred for the other side (including juvenile name calling/insults) as opposed to just robust debating of issues. Actually, I think the internet is great, but one bad aspect of it imo is the increased divisiveness it has caused.
(I’m overall a right of center independent.)
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