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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

I can’t get enough of this.

Looks cold, what a great pattern this must be.


Or is it. Yeah, we usually like LP feeding down from Siberia and ridge off Newfoundland. We want the exact opposite.

WiFi is in and out here. Can someone pls check the 06z GFS and see how those anafrontal snow sprinkles are trending? Thanks
I wish my WiFi was broken, permanently! I could just watch the local mets and wait till Dale Gilbert tells me it’s gonna snow!! Which would be never!!
In fairness the EPS does flip pressure pattern around day 12+. That is an pattern change. And if one person tells me “see we said Feb was the best nino month, geez, have patience”. If I hear that someone is getting kicked in the ding ding.

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That's still January.
I'm sure we will get another El Nino next year guys. We'll get one, it'll somehow not be strong, but more on the lines of moderate, and we'll figure out how to make it bring La Nina like temps again with how the MJO stalls in warm phases and the SOI having a crazy positive period.

And because of the incoming El Nino, while they won't really honk their horns, everyone will call for a cooler than average winter again.