19 at the house this morning. My dad down the street (in a hollow) got down to 17. Nice freeze!
Update: dropped .3 more before the sun came up, 16 on the nose lol. Mid teens in November with no snow on the ground is dang impressive, heck mid teens of late any month is impressive16.3, When you have a cold air mass in place., and optimal radiation like last night. Models are always way off with low temps
We’re taking a couple hogs to Sumter this morning for processing. FittingThe low at my house this morning was 22.1 degrees. It was a hard freeze and was close to what the old timers around here used to call hog killing weather. Farmers used to kill and process pigs on cold days like this.
ATL Airport isnt a real site. Never look at it .Dang you were quite a bit colder than the Atlanta airport. They got down to 28.
That’s because rains coming inLows on Friday night are going to be warmer than the highs today. Quite a big change over the next 2 days.
Fronts. WeatherLows on Friday night are going to be warmer than the highs today. Quite a big change over the next 2 days.
Bottomed out at 29 here… GSP was 5 degrees to cold yesterday morning and 6 degrees to cold this morningNWS called for 23 IMBY, got down to 30 then back up to 33. Don’t think we make it down to the forecast low
Bottomed out at 29 here… GSP was 5 degrees to cold yesterday morning and 6 degrees to cold this morning
Yeah, GSP seems normally does really well with temperatures in my location which is what makes the last couple mornings surprising. This morning it made a little more since because the clouds moved a while earlier than expected which held temps up, but yesterday morning they had gone a good 5 degrees or so below the coldest guidance (I’m at the point of not ever considering temperatures on the CMC with how bad it’s cold bias is).I'm to the point where whatever my forecast low is, I add a 2-3 degrees to my expectations. Thankfully though that doesn't seem to apply to when there's a winter storm. NWS seems to get pretty darn close to the surface temp during a storm. Odd, but my observation. No idea why the distinction.
If it would have been rain, you would have underperformed for sure ?28-20-24 the last 3 nights all beat nws forecasts some of you guys must not be living right