Crying at those who think us not working at full capacity for a couple of months thinking we would enter something worse than the Great Depression. Please relax.
The only hopeful data I've seen (and I'm very skeptical but not completely dismissing it) is the CFR in South Korea and Germany. It's lower than other countries, and they've tested more people. This could mean the real CFR is lower than we think, and that transmission is happening much rapider.So I keep seeing things where people downplay the death/hospital rate because it isn't taking in to account people who dont show symptoms. Doesn't this same thing happen with the flu and other viruses? Do people with the flu have the same situation? Have the flu with no/mild symptoms.
LOL no one is going to die because of a depression....certainly not 20k a day that has to be the funniest thing I have seen posted yet. Americans have gotten soft, this sucks and its pretty unprecedented, but hopefully in several months things will return to normal, hell most people who have been laid off will make more per week than they did working their actual job. Seem to me 3-6 months of hardship is a small price to pay for saving potentially 100's of thousands of American lives....
The only hopeful data I've seen (and I'm very skeptical but not completely dismissing it) is the CFR in South Korea and Germany. It's lower than other countries, and they've tested more people. This could mean the real CFR is lower than we think, and that transmission is happening much rapider.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of opinions which downplay the event seem to be rooted in more hope than anything (just my opinion). I just wish we could present the data, and speculate on what it could mean without getting so twisted up in being right, or going on some weird political tangent. That seems really really hard for some of us.
The good thing that may prevent depression is the fact that everyone in the world is going down with us at the same time. The highest spot on the dung pile is better than being on the bottom.
Repeat offenders get permanently locked out from now on. If nobody can be civil we will close it entirely.Pretty sure if this thread doesn’t turn around quick, it’s gonna get shut down.
I paid 1.49 at the county line grocery/gas/grill in Franklin county today, saw one station as low as 1.45!This is true as well, the price of goods will decline not go up at least over the short term......there are huge grain stockpiles in the US so there will be no shortage of staples like bread, eggs were already super cheap and available, gas is going to end up in the $1-1.5 range for awhile etc....the service industry folks are taking a hit but the stimulus and unemployment increases will off set some of that....the stock market has undergone a much needed correction ( and then some ) and should stabilize if not recover in 6-12 months...hopefully
I think what is lost on some people is the fact that 400 people died in the US today from this and the daily number climbs every day.....the real danger to this country is that number climbing into the 1,000's every day and the ramifications of that, you think things are locked down now if that happens and people stay home and refuse to go to essential jobs and hospitals cease being able to operate etc that panic and anarchy would make anything we see over the next few months look tame.
Honestly, I haven't even thought about multiple strains and how that could be affecting numbers. Thanks for adding another variable to consider. (As if government restrictions, density, # of tests, age distribution, and so on weren't enough..) ?With the 8 strains they've so far traced I'm curious if they can highlight the hardest hit areas and tie that to one strain over another or if they are all the same in terms of impacts and dangers.
This is true as well, the price of goods will decline not go up at least over the short term......there are huge grain stockpiles in the US so there will be no shortage of staples like bread, eggs were already super cheap and available, gas is going to end up in the $1-1.5 range for awhile etc....the service industry folks are taking a hit but the stimulus and unemployment increases will off set some of that....the stock market has undergone a much needed correction ( and then some ) and should stabilize if not recover in 6-12 months...hopefully
I think what is lost on some people is the fact that 400 people died in the US today from this and the daily number climbs every day.....the real danger to this country is that number climbing into the 1,000's every day and the ramifications of that, you think things are locked down now if that happens and people stay home and refuse to go to essential jobs and hospitals cease being able to operate etc that panic and anarchy would make anything we see over the next few months look tame.
Absolutely incorrect. That is complete and utter crap. You can only get the correct percent of death if you know the actual total number infected and follow it through to see if they recover or not. The number who die from the virus is much easier to find. The number infected is only as good as the number of people we test and the time they are tested. Most of the reported death % is wrong for two reasons.PSA: The current CFR is 1.64% U.S
I was quoting the CFR based on the current reported cases and reported deaths in the US.Absolutely incorrect. That is complete and utter crap. You can only get the correct percent of death if you know the actual total number infected and follow it through to see if they recover or not. The number who die from the virus is much easier to find. The number infected is only as good as the number of people we test and the time they are tested. Most of the reported death % is wrong for two reasons.
One, the lack of enough tests until recently and so many asymptomatic or low impact cases, 70 to 90 +% depending on the source, aren't being tested that are indeed infected.
Two, People that were previously infected but have recovered will test negative and not show up in the numbers.
We likely have many many more infected or were infected than we know of. Maybe a million as mentioned by a poster who's doctor told them they believed. This means the true death rate is likely much lower than that. Not to say the virus is nothing but can't everyone understand why the percent actually dieing should really be much lower?
Im trying to figure out how GA has had 40 more deaths than TX despite the fact that 20 million more people live in TX.
Im trying to figure out how GA has had 40 more deaths than TX despite the fact that 20 million more people live in TX.
Sorry, nothing personal. I'm just tired of people blindly just accepting the cfr numbers by just dividing the known cases by deaths and assuming they are correct. Then everyone panics and makes decisions off of this and I can't find toilet paper ?. The Last part was s joke but I think you know what I mean.I was quoting the CFR based on the current reported cases and reported deaths in the US.
You seem to be arguing what the real numbers are for, and quite passionately it seems. I've actually speculated the numbers might be lower in another post. (I'm assuming you missed it, or perhaps I didn't clarify the point enough in my post)
I think it's time for you to stop posting here. Or anywhere, really.If "only" 20k die but more than 20k either die or have their lives ruined as a result of the economic collapse will it have been worth it ?
A lot of ramifications there. I hope they can contain it, because it means we can if a 2nd wave hits us.After a week of not claiming any new cases China is ticking up a couple dozen each day and on worldometer they have 3 new deaths
A lot of ramifications there. I hope they can contain it, because it means we can if a 2nd wave hits us.
Yeah, the CFR is the total number of all deaths divided by the number of total infected (×100).Someone in this thread said that recovered cases aren’t figures into death rate. I’m pretty sure recovered cases are figured into that.
So the total infected does include recovered cases? Correct?Yeah, the CFR is the total number of all deaths divided by the number of total infected (×100).
Yes, when someone recovers they don't deduct that number from the total number of cases.So the total infected does include recovered cases? Correct?
Good news, the Laura Ingraham show had reported a second test out of France showing GREAT results with the malaria drugs.
Im not selfish at all. Im concerned about the countless number of deaths that could occur as a result of the economic collapse. Seems like most people are more concerned with the virus than the number of deaths and other consequences such as depression, heart attacks, anxiety, and more as a result of the economy tanking. Im trying to look at both sides and not be so focused on just the virus.
Recession ? We could be headed for something worse than the Great Depression if the economy is shut down for months.
Omg guys... I'm about to start trolling the beard/man cave thread! Came to check out the latest news and its back and forth again! I know it's an internet forum and this crap happens, but this board is 99% of the time a place to go, to get away from the isht you get elsewhere. Keep it that way please. No one has the right answers. It will be a few years before we can even make sense of this crap.
I've actually thought of something similar to this. Maybe a news thread and then a separate commentary or banter thread? Just thinking out loud.Agree totally. Why not start a 'Coronavirus: Opinions' thread? That thread can house the back forth bickering about who is right or wrong based on political stance/age/education/time "studying this vrius"/death rate vs economic impact stuff.
While this thread can contain posts(not discussion) about virus data/govt reaction(not whether it's right or wrong)/where you can find supplies or food.
Feel free to discuss. But do so knowing I'm right and everyone else is wrong(unless you agree with me and then you get to be right too).
Sarcasm in the last paragraph intended.
Anyone think SC will go into a shelter in place? And those who do think we do (like myself) and those who have already been placed under one, do you think they will start really enforcing it with police and potentially national guard?
Can call it Corona ExtraI've actually thought of something similar to this. Maybe a news thread and then a separate commentary or banter thread? Just thinking out loud.