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Wintry Winter Discussion 2023/24

RDUs top 13 snow Februarys since 1950

basically half are nino


Now that I am home, I have some stats in front of me that are valid for KCLT. There's been five winters(at least since official recordkeeping began in 1878-1879) where there has been no snow through Nov/Dec/Jan:

1900-1901 - 1"
1910-1911 - 0.1"
1923-1924 - 4.7"
2011-2012 - T
2014-2015 - 3"
2022-2023 - 0"

So as you can tell, there's only one even close to normal winter in the entire mix.
That's ok. February is planting month and I need to build a fence around my garden. Maples will be in full bloom by 3rd week in February, too. I'm done chasing snow after the first week in Feb.
I like to give it bout February 17 …. Been my cutoff date chasing winter storms for my area … then bring on my spring severe weather ….
Now that I am home, I have some stats in front of me that are valid for KCLT. There's been five winters(at least since official recordkeeping began in 1878-1879) where there has been no snow through Nov/Dec/Jan:

1900-1901 - 1"
1910-1911 - 0.1"
1923-1924 - 4.7"
2011-2012 - T
2014-2015 - 3"
2022-2023 - 0"

So as you can tell, there's only one even close to normal winter in the entire mix.
Good thing Jan hasn't started yet.
That's ok. February is planting month and I need to build a fence around my garden. Maples will be in full bloom by 3rd week in February, too. I'm done chasing snow after the first week in Feb.
You must be planting greens. That’s too early to even plant potatoes. I’m not that much north of you and my ground takes until early May usually to be warm enough for most summer plants. I wasted a lot of rotten corn and okra seeds to discover that.
Great stats but doesn't really seem to strongly support ninos mean fab febs a whole lot. Seems to be a mixed bag. 6-ninos, 4-neuts, 3-ninas
I don't have a site that has pre 1950 enso data if someone does I'll expand the window
You must be planting greens. That’s too early to even plant potatoes. I’m not that much north of you and my ground takes until early May usually to be warm enough for most summer plants. I wasted a lot of rotten corn and okra seeds to discover that.
Yes, cool season veggies. You can usually get a crop in before it gets too warm in late spring. They bolt and then we can harvest the seed.
Way out in fantasyland but this the exact progression that everyone needs to hope for in terms of the West Coast trough dump. As systems slide SW to NE that cold slowly progresses east. Then as that cold gets in position hope for a wave to slide through and board wide hit becomes possible. Just have to endure a rainy and warm ridge to get to it.
Yes, cool season veggies. You can usually get a crop in before it gets too warm in late spring. They bolt and then we can harvest the seed.
I usually overwinter some garlic. I’ve grown greens but never tried seed saving. I need to do that.
View attachment 139349
Way out in fantasyland but this the exact progression that everyone needs to hope for in terms of the West Coast trough dump. As systems slide SW to NE that cold slowly progresses east. Then as that cold gets in position hope for a wave to slide through and board wide hit becomes possible. Just have to endure a rainy and warm ridge to get to it.
The surface look one day farther would be encouraging:
Now that I am home, I have some stats in front of me that are valid for KCLT. There's been five winters(at least since official recordkeeping began in 1878-1879) where there has been no snow through Nov/Dec/Jan:

1900-1901 - 1"
1910-1911 - 0.1"
1923-1924 - 4.7"
2011-2012 - T
2014-2015 - 3"
2022-2023 - 0"

So as you can tell, there's only one even close to normal winter in the entire mix.
So, what we gather from the data is this, if it doesn't snow in January, then February and March are off the table as well. Interesting that Webber is going against data that is 150 years old. Bet he is banking on us getting some snow that last week in January.