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Wintry Winter Discussion 2023/24


Most ensembles show near neutral temperatures for the remainder of the month. Unless GSO averages -2F or less the rest of the way, that's not happening.
You talk as if you trust the ensembles like Bible.... from 2 weeks out. At the same time, you call us weenies for doing what you do routinely. that's the definition of a hypocrite. You are a climate change activist and have a warm bias to all your posts and your long-range forecasts. It's getting old when you troll posters for merely pointing out weather possibilities. We are tired of all your unwarranted negativity.
You talk as if you trust the ensembles like Bible.... from 2 weeks out. At the same time, you call us weenies for doing what you do routinely. that's the definition of a hypocrite. You are a climate change activist and have a warm bias to all your posts and your long-range forecasts. It's getting old when you troll posters for merely pointing out weather possibilities. We are tired of all your unwarranted negativity.
You talk as if you trust the ensembles like Bible.... from 2 weeks out. At the same time, you call us weenies for doing what you do routinely. that's the definition of a hypocrite. You are a climate change activist and have a warm bias to all your posts and your long-range forecasts. It's getting old when you troll posters for merely pointing out weather possibilities. We are tired of all your unwarranted negativity.

Sigh... what's with the personal attacks?

Climate change really doesn't factor into anything in my previous few posts.

Last I checked, every December since 2010 has been above average over the SE US, complaining about someone posting information that shows it happening this year once again for the 13th time in a row isn't helping anyone.
Go check out JB video today if you haven't already. He mentions about a forecaster competition that is on his page that any good forecaster, like yourself, can enter.
You talk as if you trust the ensembles like Bible.... from 2 weeks out. At the same time, you call us weenies for doing what you do routinely. that's the definition of a hypocrite. You are a climate change activist and have a warm bias to all your posts and your long-range forecasts. It's getting old when you troll posters for merely pointing out weather possibilities. We are tired of all your unwarranted negativity.
It is what it is …. Climate is changing . Nothing we can do about it
Sigh... what's with the personal attacks?

Climate change really doesn't factor into anything in my previous few posts.

Last I checked, every December since 2010 has been above average over the SE US, complaining about someone posting information that shows it happening this year once again for the 13th time in a row isn't helping anyone.
I think it's mostly the absolutism and dismissive tone, like, "No.....etc." Anyway, it's not worth going down that road for the 10th year in a row.

At least things look a little bit decent out at range...for now.
CMC and GFS Ens still meh at hr360, but Euro Ens progressing nicely

I think it's mostly the absolutism and dismissive tone, like, "No.....etc." Anyway, it's not worth going down that road for the 10th year in a row.

At least things look a little bit decent out at range...for now.

It's just a fact that most reliable guidance don't support a huge improvement temperature-wise, let alone a below normal December as was previously claimed to be "likely".

Not my fault people get offended by that kind of objectivity.

Not to mention, several other sites (RDU, CLT, FAY, etc.) are running warmer than GSO is in the +2.5F range or so thus far this month. GSO seems more like a cold cherry-pick to support a certain narrative than objective analyses.
It's just a fact that most reliable guidance don't support a huge improvement temperature-wise, let alone a below normal December as was previously claimed to be "likely".

Not my fault people get offended by that kind of objectivity.

Not to mention, several other sites (RDU, CLT, FAY, etc.) are running warmer than GSO is in the +2.5F range or so thus far this month. GSO seems more like a cold cherry-pick to support a certain narrative than objective analyses.
I don't think your content is wrong.
To be clearer, I was saying its not likely, just a long shot possibility at my location GSO to possibly, maybe finish BN. Highly doubtfull,but can't be dismissed totally, which is the point I was attempting to make. Myself , alot of us expected a torch. If +5 was the #, we all (most)would have bet on the over for December.

And yes climate is changing. It always has been and will be. long and short cycles, depending on the metric scale you use. Neat thing about our atmosphere. I contribute 98%+ to sun cycles and Geo Thermal influences mostly, espeacilly under water in the pacific. Man made contributions I dont weigh in as much an influence. When I do, Id say brick ,mortar and asphalt are the biggest nemisis. Definitely not fossil fuels.
Is it safe to say tyat everyone's prediction of megatorch December 2015 repeat will most likely be wrong?
Yeah. CLT will still end up above average. If I had to guess it will be about 3 degrees or so above. The few days around Christmas could make that go higher depending on how much daytime temps are held in check by any cloud cover, but low temperatures around then look like they’ll be 8-10 degrees above average
Yeah. CLT will still end up above average. If I had to guess it will be about 3 degrees or so above. The few days around Christmas could make that go higher depending on how much daytime temps are held in check by any cloud cover, but low temperatures around then look like they’ll be 8-10 degrees above average
Going cooler in the western SE/southern plains is gonna come back to get me E6A729A0-8CBC-4A6F-AA7B-07B94F9AF4A6.png
Yeah. CLT will still end up above average. If I had to guess it will be about 3 degrees or so above. The few days around Christmas could make that go higher depending on how much daytime temps are held in check by any cloud cover, but low temperatures around then look like they’ll be 8-10 degrees above average
Tbh our highs have been pretty seasonable for the most part, if our lows weren't so warm we would be near average.

The next few days should knock us down a bit. Especially Tuesday.