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Misc Winter 22-23 Whamby and Banter Thread Part 2

Obviously taking everything from the long range GFS with a mound of salt at this point. It’ll most likely show a completely different solution at 12z. Ensembles aren’t showing anything close to what the operational is showing storm wise, other than a trend toward a potential favorable pattern.

That being said, I have had a cabin in Little Switzerland booked for February 1-5 since November and the potential has my attention. I have gone from anticipating rain and temps in the 50s to the prospect of getting snowed in, or having to adjust my arrival date so I can even make it up there. Could be an interesting couple weeks seeing how this unfolds.
Well from the looks of the past few GFS runs my original expectation of rain and temps in the 50s is getting more probable. May have picked a really bad weekend to book a place in the mountains. Ensembles still giving me a glimmer of hope, but it’s fading. Might have to root for warm and dry while I’m up there at this point. At least I’d be able to do some hiking and get some use out of the fire pit. Nothings worse than going on vacation and being stuck in the house the whole time because of rain.
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That’s some pretty funny pandemic humor. I always did think those arrows were silly.

As long as we’re sharing pandemic humor, my mother was told that the vaccine was the mark of the antichrist. I still haven’t found out who told her that but when I do, someone is going to get a two piece combo from me.
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That’s some pretty funny pandemic humor. I always did think those arrows were silly.

As long as we’re sharing pandemic humor, my mother was told that the vaccine was the mark of the antichrist. I still haven’t found out who told her that but when I do, someone is going to get a two piece combo from me.

The vaccine may not have been the mark of the antichrist, but its benefits were grossly oversold and its negative side effects were grossly understated

That's what happens when people run out (or are forced by authoritarian government leaders under duress) to take a form of medical treatment that was cobbled together in less than a year without long-term testing.

Did your mother take the vaccine?
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I need to move to Buffalo. They are guaranteed snow every year. Even in the horrible 2011-12 winter, they got 37", which was their lowest seasonal snowfall going back to 1940.
I miss the days when the seasons were normal. Nowadays you don't even know if winter will ever arrive, then when spring gets here winter seems to arrive. Mother nature is confused.

Seems it is getting harder and harder to get snow in NC outside the mountains. Our climate just sucks for snow now.
That’s some pretty funny pandemic humor. I always did think those arrows were silly.

As long as we’re sharing pandemic humor, my mother was told that the vaccine was the mark of the antichrist. I still haven’t found out who told her that but when I do, someone is going to get a two piece combo from me.

From Bojangles tough guy ?