The June Thread 2021

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But there have been many times when Atlanta got the brunt of the cold more than Dallas.
The magnitude of the cold relative to the averages has never been as great in Atlanta as it has in Dallas . Dallas is just a more extreme climate no matter how we slice this up. East coast climates are a bit more moderated.
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The magnitude of the cold relative to the averages has never been as great in Atlanta as it has in Dallas . Dallas is just a more extreme climate no matter how we slice this up. East coast climates are a bit more moderated.
Atlanta isn't even an east coast city so I wouldn't include it with east coast climates. Plus there aren't a ton of mountains to the west and northwest of Atlanta to block the cold air like you have in the Carolinas. Most of the mountains are northeast of Atlanta.
Atlanta isn't even an east coast city so I wouldn't include it with east coast climates. Plus there aren't a ton of mountains to the west and northwest of Atlanta to block the cold air like you have in the Carolinas. Most of the mountains are northeast of Atlanta.
True but the location of the cold plays a big role. Also the Rockies help funnel the cold down toward Dallas. The cold air tends to warm and takes longer to travel to Atlanta then to Dallas.
True but the location of the cold plays a big role. Also the Rockies help funnel the cold down toward Dallas. The cold air tends to warm be use it takes longer to travel to Atlanta then to Dallas.
While the explanation isn’t perfect ( mine isn’t either , this stuff is beyond me for the most part ) you still hit the nail on the head ! Essentially the jet stream is forced into a ridge position normally because of the Rockies . It has to take the path of least resistance so that’s what it does , now as it rounds the Rockies due to its angular momentum ( I guess kinda like coming down a hill ) it dives into a more trough type position normally before rounding out again as it approaches the Appalachian mountains. It’s more of a matter of the further east you are once you are east of the Rockies the more moderate your cold will be. Places in New England and the northeast have warmer record lows than places further south in Kentucky and Tennessee in many instances . Alabama state record low is -27 degrees recorded at an elevation of 700 feet ! Jesus!
Had no idea an ordinary post about today's weather observations and the forecast this week would turn into a ---- measuring contest between Dallas and Atlanta's winter climo.

My bad...
Nah, it’s not a big deal it’s just scientific discourse ! It’s only a ---- measuring contest if you are looking for a particular answer , and that anwser affects your pride/ self esteem.