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The June Thread 2021

Wow almost erasing it completely.. I bet if we get this tropical system to cut through this area plus the frontal system after … we should get a complete reversal
Already seeing signs of drought stress in some lawns around here again. Last weeks rain is used up with the mostly sunny days low dews high heat and unrelenting sun coming we need that tropical system to over perform rain wise here or we just keep kicking the can
Already seeing signs of drought stress in some lawns around here again. Last weeks rain is used up with the mostly sunny days low dews high heat and unrelenting sun coming we need that tropical system to over perform rain wise here or we just keep kicking the can
Gonna need the rain and break from the sun from POT Claudette after Friday / Saturday.
Already seeing signs of drought stress in some lawns around here again. Last weeks rain is used up with the mostly sunny days low dews high heat and unrelenting sun coming we need that tropical system to over perform rain wise here or we just keep kicking the can
Not seeing it in lawns here yet but did notice it in some corn fields yesterday. The corn stalk leaves are starting to curl again during heat of the day, it's actually a natural water conservation mode the plant goes into if moisture content is low.

And for those that don't believe me..... lol

Not seeing it in lawns here yet but did notice it in some corn fields yesterday. The corn stalk leaves are starting to curl again during heat of the day, it's actually a natural water conservation mode the plant goes into if moisture content is low.

And for those that don't believe me..... lol

Yeah my centipede is rolled up and looks white, some spots in the bermuda are too. Sprinklers will be pumping tonight.

Congrats harnett county water dept
The NWS grid forecast for CLT has winds WSW through early afternoon which is typical the flow that leads to us making a run at the upper 90s to near 100. However the grid starts turning the winds more to the SW around mid-afternoon which would start to allow moisture return and probably cap temperatures off. If those winds stay WSW through the whole afternoon, I think CLT could max out 98-100
Why can't all of these different model providers that use the same color legends use the same scale? I mean, white is 116 on one model and 95 on another. That's ridiculous. Just use different colors or something.