Guys.. about that CMC...
Model Diagnostic Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
1134 PM EST Sun Dec 08 2019
Valid Dec 09/0000 UTC thru Dec 12/1200 UTC
...See NOUS42 KWNO (ADMNFD) for the status of the upper air
12Z Model Evaluation with Preferences and Forecast Confidence
...Eastern CONUS...
Preference: Non-CMC blend favoring ECWMF then GFS in blend
Confidence: Slightly above average
The global scale deep latitude trof is taking a more phased shape
currently as presented by GOES-WV suite. The model guidance
appears to have come into stronger consensus with respect to the
timing of the northern stream shortwave and point where the
southern stream shortwave decouple late Monday into Tues...and
show strong timing/amplitude agreement aloft which translates to
solid agreement in the depth/track of the surface wave and cold
front. By late Tuesday, though the 12z CMC starts to fall out of
tolerance in both the northern and southern stream. The southern
stream, it is a bit stronger but also evolves into a more
compact/deeper solution while the remaining sheared energy slides
through the Appalachians into the Northeast in the other
solutions. The 00z GFS and 12z ECMWF are in fairly solid
agreement with only moderate differences noted in QPF. The 00z
NAM shows a bit stronger inflection in this energy lifting through
the Mid-Atlantic into the Northeast by end of Day 3 which is
solid, but may be too wet, especially given the likely dynamic
cooling, and potentially producing a bit too much a
GFS/ECMWF solution is generally more favored but some localized
inclusion of the UKMET/NAM may be employed if desired.