How often does a raging positive NAO in December flip to negative in Jan and Feb? My guess is not much.
- I found 13 raging +NAOs for Dec.: 1951, 65, 74, 79, 82, 93, 94, 99, 2004, 06, 11, 14, 15
- For Jan: 2 of 13 went to -NAO (66 and 80), including one (66) to strong -NAO. 2 went to neutral (07 and 16). 9 of 13 stayed +NAO with 5 of those raging + (83, 94, 05, 12, 15)
- For Feb: 5 of 13 went to -NAO (52, 66, 75, 83, 07) including raging -NAO in 66. 2 went neutral (80, 05). 6 of 13 were +NAO with 4 of those raging +NAO (95, 00, 15, 16).
**Edit: After I posted this, I see @KyloG posted about the abrupt shift from strong +NAO Dec of 1986 to raging -NAO Jan 87 and strong -NAO in Feb. 87. I didn't include Dec 86 because the +NAO was not quite in the "raging category" for me, but it is close enough to add to the list.
So, including Kylo's 1986, only 5 of the 14 stayed +NAO in both Jan and Feb: 1994, 1995, 2000, 2012, and 2015.
2014-5 had a raging +NAO all three of D, J, and F.
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