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Misc Stock Market

CTRM I bought in at opening and its killing it, up 48%. Anything and everything that moves goods fron Asia to US is gonna be green. Caught Academy sports on a opening dip. Thats a good value stock right now. Hint , my company/ employer one of their top 10 suppliers in a product. They will be having a killer 3rd qtr, profits wise if stimulus rolls through. Unlike rest of us cogs up everywhere, we kept their pricing same.
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I was in NAK back in Oct and Nov, it was sputtering so sold for minor profits the exact same day news hit that the Pebble Mine permit had been rejected (it dropped from .9 to .33 instantly). It's made a nice recover thanks to news of their Request for Appeal to that decision. It's a gamble though, entirely dependent upon the decision since the Pebble Mine is the only project they have... if the decision stands it's over, if they reverse course, to the moon. I want to but I don't have the garbanzos for that
I was in NAK back in Oct and Nov, it was sputtering so sold for minor profits the exact same day news hit that the Pebble Mine permit had been rejected (it dropped from .9 to .33 instantly). It's made a nice recover thanks to news of their Request for Appeal to that decision. It's a gamble though, entirely dependent upon the decision since the Pebble Mine is the only project they have... if the decision stands it's over, if they reverse course, to the moon. I want to but I don't have the garbanzos for that
I made $1000. sold
Kinda feels like a planned MM attack to shake out shares across the OTC today. Maybe on the larger markets as well a bit. This is why you always lock profits when you can, can't get too greedy. Also noticing more stop sign OTC'S getting shut down by the SEC. Something to watch.
Me too. So I just kept adding. Has rebounded nicely already
So many new investors that when the MMs shake the trees a lot of them are going to just sell and protect their small gain/loss. They know this and we all need to keep cash on the sidelines for these days to grab up their shares.
Kinda feels like a planned MM attack to shake out shares across the OTC today. Maybe on the larger markets as well a bit. This is why you always lock profits when you can, can't get too greedy. Also noticing more stop sign OTC'S getting shut down by the SEC. Something to watch.

Yep I wouldn't be surprised if we see a few more shut down and a general reset in prices across the OTC as people take profits. I pulled a good chunk of mine out into cash but still have some of my core ones like PVDG.