Again, the average man on the street would disagree primarily because we're paying more at the grocery store and for gas. But, again, speaking on the metrics by which we measure the's quite strong. As always, some don't benefit from that great economy, same as when we had a pretty solid economy under Trump.So how will Harris' unrealized g/l tax help? You're voting for her, so you must like and support it.
And by the way, we've been bailing out and subsidizing farmers for decades.
And the average man on the street would probably disagree with you about being in better shape under Biden than under Trump.
Harris unrealized tax plan won't actually come to fruition. It has merits in what it's trying to accomplish but needs fleshed out and be more detailed. But, you act like it is impacting the "average man" but it only applies only to individuals with at least $100 million in wealth who do not pay at least a 25% tax rate on their income