Shocking that the next door Senator and a former two term VP will not get a single delegate tonight nor will they get double digit %. Disastrous.
She’s definitely the lesser of the evils on that side for sure, her and Tulsi.I kind of like Klobuchar......
Yea but she has no groundwork laid out in Nevada or SC. Went for broke Iowa,NH, so now she has to wing it.She’s definitely the lesser of the evils on that side for sure, her and Tulsi.
At least it shows that they're still moderate Center Democrats against currently they outnumber all of they Bernie Warren votesYea but she has no groundwork laid out in Nevada or SC. Went for broke Iowa,NH, so now she has to wing it.
Democrat party will end up with Bernie as nominee as long as the Mayor,Amy,Bloomburg and Biden stay in race. They split up the moderate pie and Saunders will win with 30 to 35% verse the other 4 splitting the remaining 60%.
Fortunately for ny preference, thats how Trump won the nominee 2016. You had 4 establishment RHINO candidates splitting up that piece of pie every state. Bush,Kasisch,Rubio, lesser extent cruz. Trump coraled all the anti Rhino establishment conservatives, the ole tea party gang and rode off to victory.
Trump has hurricane force wind at his back today. You put him against this Green Deal, No borders Global Socialism agenda and we (MAGA) will smash them come November. The consequences of losing and being goverened by that idealogy will cause even me to grass roots canvass do everything I can to save my country from self destructing.
Well said. The longer this drags out for dems the bigger Trump wins in November.Yea but she has no groundwork laid out in Nevada or SC. Went for broke Iowa,NH, so now she has to wing it.
Democrat party will end up with Bernie as nominee as long as the Mayor,Amy,Bloomburg and Biden stay in race. They split up the moderate pie and Saunders will win with 30 to 35% verse the other 4 splitting the remaining 60%.
Fortunately for ny preference, thats how Trump won the nominee 2016. You had 4 establishment RHINO candidates splitting up that piece of pie every state. Bush,Kasisch,Rubio, lesser extent cruz. Trump coraled all the anti Rhino establishment conservatives, the ole tea party gang and rode off to victory.
Trump has hurricane force wind at his back today. You put him against this Green Deal, No borders Global Socialism agenda and we (MAGA) will smash them come November. The consequences of losing and being goverened by that idealogy will cause even me to grass roots canvass do everything I can to save my country from self destructing.
What others define as moderate Dem, establishment, is still socialism to me.At least it shows that they're still moderate Center Democrats against currently they outnumber all of they Bernie Warren votes
The Dems opened up and welcomed all these radical ideas and groups to their platform for decades in order to build a coalition. The estabishment always had control of them at arms length but not anymore. Now the chickens are coming home to roost as one talk show host put it tonight. The party is in complete panick mode. Eitheir they stop Bernie by super Tuesday by getti g behind one candidate, rig up rules at convention to stop him or get behind him as their nominee. Time is up in just a few weeks.
More people in California and New York will want a socialist over Trump. Fixed your sentence for you.And if Bernie is the nominee he crushes Trump in the election popular vote. More people will want a socialist over trump.
More people in California and New York will want a socialist over Trump. Fixed your sentence for you.
Heck even some of the democrats running for president don’t want a socialist.
It’ll be a tough message to sell to folks that this economy just benefits Wall Street and the 1% like Bernie keeps saying. That’s tough to run on with the way the economy is, especially in those rust belt states.We'll see what happens in the midwest swing states should Sanders win the nomination. I wouldn't be so sure. Hell even Trump ain't. He has time and time again mentioned that Sanders is the toughest to beat.
It’ll be a tough message to sell to folks that this economy just benefits Wall Street and the 1% like Bernie keeps saying. That’s tough to run on with the way the economy is, especially in those rust belt states.
It’ll be a tough message to sell to folks that this economy just benefits Wall Street and the 1% like Bernie keeps saying. That’s tough to run on with the way the economy is, especially in those rust belt states.
A big reason you’re not seeing a coalition around Sanders is because every policy and reform he puts forth he doesn’t have a price tag on it. Anyone that is halfway fiscally minded is not going to be rushing to the ballot box to vote Bernie. I know he keeps mentioning “cancelling” student debt but at the end of the day someone has to pay for that and that will be the tax payers. So anyone who doesn’t want to see taxes go up that’s another strike for them on Bernie.The bottom half of the country make as much as the top 3 people. The income inequality gap is the highest it's ever been and working class/lower middle class families are starting to question if this reality should really be their reality. People are dying because they can't afford prescription medications. Student debt is crippling the young generation. If you don't think many Americans won't embrace the idea that these issues are messed up, you may want to think closer about demographics and who makes up the majority of this country. The only reason we're not seeing a tremendous backing behind Sanders right now is because the democratic media corporations are doing their absolute best in preventing him from winning through misinformation and bias. The only way they have a shot against Trump, is if their whole party revolutionizes and goes against the establishment. How long did it take for Republicans to embrace Trump? It's a similar pattern that Trump utilized in 2016.
Gas prices below $2.00 here can’t hurt Trump either.The economy can go south at any minute and the longer the issues in China go on the thinner the ice gets.
The Dems opened up and welcomed all these radical ideas and groups to their platform for decades in order to build a coalition. The estabishment always had control of them at arms length but not anymore. Now the chickens are coming home to roost as one talk show host put it tonight. The party is in complete panick mode. Eitheir they stop Bernie by super Tuesday by getti g behind one candidate, rig up rules at convention to stop him or get behind him as their nominee. Time is up in just a few weeks.
Yea but she has no groundwork laid out in Nevada or SC. Went for broke Iowa,NH, so now she has to wing it.
Democrat party will end up with Bernie as nominee as long as the Mayor,Amy,Bloomburg and Biden stay in race. They split up the moderate pie and Saunders will win with 30 to 35% verse the other 4 splitting the remaining 60%.
Fortunately for ny preference, thats how Trump won the nominee 2016. You had 4 establishment RHINO candidates splitting up that piece of pie every state. Bush,Kasisch,Rubio, lesser extent cruz. Trump coraled all the anti Rhino establishment conservatives, the ole tea party gang and rode off to victory.
Trump has hurricane force wind at his back today. You put him against this Green Deal, No borders Global Socialism agenda and we (MAGA) will smash them come November. The consequences of losing and being goverened by that idealogy will cause even me to grass roots canvass do everything I can to save my country from self destructing.
A big reason you’re not seeing a coalition around Sanders is because every policy and reform he puts forth he doesn’t have a price tag on it. Anyone that is halfway fiscally minded is not going to be rushing to the ballot box to vote Bernie. I know he keeps mentioning “cancelling” student debt but at the end of the day someone has to pay for that and that will be the tax payers. So anyone who doesn’t want to see taxes go up that’s another strike for them on Bernie.
President Pete and First Lady Chasten has a ring to it ??![]()
I'm surprised there hasn't been more focus on Bernie's health I mean he's already had one heart attack...
I think Mayor Pete is gonna have issues down the road because he has like zero black support which is a requirement that's where Biden still has a shot
I'd watch out for Bloomberg I think he has a shot too as long as the field is fractured because he's flooding the airwaves which no one else can but he also used to be a Republican
Quote: Whatitdo:
The bottom half of the country make as much as the top 3 people. The income inequality gap is the highest it's ever been and working class/lower middle class families are starting to question if this reality should really be their reality. People are dying because they can't afford prescription medications. Student debt is crippling the young generation. If you don't think many Americans won't embrace the idea that these issues are messed up, you may want to think closer about demographics and who makes up the majority of this country
I hate to spell this out for those wrapped up in this class warfare fantasy that fixing the inequality gap theory means the bottom half of the country will make as much as the top 3 people. The only way thats gonna happen is you tax them into making lower class wages. Your not gonna be raising lower class wages up their standards or meet in the middle. We all will be lower class.
Im Blue Collar Middle Class and thank the Good Lord the people I work for continously re-invest their money into our company and give me the opportunity to earn a decent living. You go to confiscate all the profits they make and I can tell you what they will do, close the door and take it to the house. Then me and my co-workers will be unemployed. The government isnt gonna swoop in and write me a paycheck every week for a job that doesnt exist anymore. They might be generous enough to throw me and my family some rations. But thats what it will be rations, cause they cant tax unemployed people and business that dont exist to pay for those rations. All socialism does is drag everyone down to the bottom with no hope of entreprenural innovation to take the risk that capitilism provides while creating more opportunities for others to use their skill sets in executing those entreprenural ideas.
We can only hope, however these are very weird times indeed..President Trump just received the most votes in New Hampshire of any incumbent of either party in 40 years. I dont care what kind of slovakian style socialism people think Doc Brown will try and shove down Americans throats, this country was built on free market capitalism and will remain as such because it works!
Yeap and that was all about getting rid of ol' Bernie. The media controls their blind followers. So fascinating to watch.It’s pretty bad when James Carville and Chris Matthews have to get on national tv and rant for 45 seconds trying to wake up their party because they’ve gone too far left.
God bless your sister! She needs to tell whacked out AOC that pulling oneself up by their own boot straps isn't false but very real and many hardworking Americans have done just that. Have you seen AOC's ridiculous comments? Scary thing is people elect these nut jobs.Agree! My oldest sister is a single mom. She put herself through college, raised 2 kids, is putting one through college now with another to follow and will have her beautiful home paid for in 15 years! Instead of people making excuses they should go buy a Dave Ramsey course like my sister did. Its called "sacrifice".....
God bless your sister! She needs to tell whacked out AOC that pulling oneself up by their own boot straps isn't false but very real and many hardworking Americans have done just that. Have you seen AOC's ridiculous comments? Scary thing is people elect these nut jobs.
The economy can go south at any minute and the longer the issues in China go on the thinner the ice gets.
I wouldn't count on it...China might be a different story, unless they want to blame Trump for that, too
WishcastingYeah the economy has been going south for 2 years now according to some. I have seen every kind of chart and index known to man that indicate the economy is going to tank leading to Trump's ouster in November. Don't see it happening
I have a kid 2 years out of college we are still paying off, one in college (scholly praise the lord) and wifey will have masters completed this spring. Its a big gamble, risk. You have to weigh out the value gained getting a 4 yr degree long term verse taking another route for your chosen career.
Ill say this, A big part of the unaffordable cost for a 4 year degree is associated with the business model still being employed by universities today. They waste 2 years of a kids time in general ed, filling up occupancy for the room and board . Its a business to them and they are out pricing the value of their service.
I have what will be 3 teachers in the house. 2 already, one on the way. One kid come out of school making 30,000 just recently per year. The cost of that degree would have been roughly 60,000 bucks if she hadn't of gone to early college in high school and alleviated 60 credit hours. I have to say its not smart money for a kid who wants to teach in public school to go in the hawk 60,000 with interest only to come out and be capped at making 30,000 with hit- n -miss cost of living raise every other election cycle. So you do the math long term on some of these majors, that end up being so generic and you see the current collision course we are all expierencing. Universities can not afford to not raise prices and fund their current budgets. However in my opinion they are pricing themselves out of customers. Unless your degree is specifically required for your professional field, its not worth the investment. We've hired 5 shipping clerks over the past 7 years and alll of them have degrees in fields of study they couldnt get a job in. Now weve trained them and promoted 3 up the ladder at our company.
Its a whole nother debate,one that needs to be had. Universities would be better served rolling kids in an out in 2 an half years as oppossed to 4. Taking all this extended literature, geology, art,music etc. Just sucking money out of their customer base isnt sustainable for the buyer and the seller.
I have a kid 2 years out of college we are still paying off, one in college (scholly praise the lord) and wifey will have masters completed this spring. Its a big gamble, risk. You have to weigh out the value gained getting a 4 yr degree long term verse taking another route for your chosen career.
Ill say this, A big part of the unaffordable cost for a 4 year degree is associated with the business model still being employed by universities today. They waste 2 years of a kids time in general ed, filling up occupancy for the room and board . Its a business to them and they are out pricing the value of their service.
I have what will be 3 teachers in the house. 2 already, one on the way. One kid come out of school making 30,000 just recently per year. The cost of that degree would have been roughly 60,000 bucks if she hadn't of gone to early college in high school and alleviated 60 credit hours. I have to say its not smart money for a kid who wants to teach in public school to go in the hawk 60,000 with interest only to come out and be capped at making 30,000 with hit- n -miss cost of living raise every other election cycle. So you do the math long term on some of these majors, that end up being so generic and you see the current collision course we are all expierencing. Universities can not afford to not raise prices and fund their current budgets. However in my opinion they are pricing themselves out of customers. Unless your degree is specifically required for your professional field, its not worth the investment. We've hired 5 shipping clerks over the past 7 years and alll of them have degrees in fields of study they couldnt get a job in. Now weve trained them and promoted 3 up the ladder at our company.
Its a whole nother debate,one that needs to be had. Universities would be better served rolling kids in an out in 2 an half years as oppossed to 4. Taking all this extended literature, geology, art,music etc. Just sucking money out of their customer base isnt sustainable for the buyer and the seller.
As a college student myself, there's certain ways to cut corners and costs, but not everyone can do that. Having a part time job and living at home versus spending thousands a year on just housing saves money. Sure I have to commute, but gas is cheaper than a dorm. Having a scholarship to cover the tuition is helpful as well, but as mentioned, not everyone can get one. Some fees at the university are really stupid to me. I get charged hundreds for something I don't even use. I get they have to pay for things, but it starts getting ridiculous at some points. I worry for those around me who are getting student loans to cover these if they'll be able to pay for them or not just because the market will go downhill around when we graduate or will be in the gutter already.I have a kid 2 years out of college we are still paying off, one in college (scholly praise the lord) and wifey will have masters completed this spring. Its a big gamble, risk. You have to weigh out the value gained getting a 4 yr degree long term verse taking another route for your chosen career.
Ill say this, A big part of the unaffordable cost for a 4 year degree is associated with the business model still being employed by universities today. They waste 2 years of a kids time in general ed, filling up occupancy for the room and board . Its a business to them and they are out pricing the value of their service.
I have what will be 3 teachers in the house. 2 already, one on the way. One kid come out of school making 30,000 just recently per year. The cost of that degree would have been roughly 60,000 bucks if she hadn't of gone to early college in high school and alleviated 60 credit hours. I have to say its not smart money for a kid who wants to teach in public school to go in the hawk 60,000 with interest only to come out and be capped at making 30,000 with hit- n -miss cost of living raise every other election cycle. So you do the math long term on some of these majors, that end up being so generic and you see the current collision course we are all expierencing. Universities can not afford to not raise prices and fund their current budgets. However in my opinion they are pricing themselves out of customers. Unless your degree is specifically required for your professional field, its not worth the investment. We've hired 5 shipping clerks over the past 7 years and alll of them have degrees in fields of study they couldnt get a job in. Now weve trained them and promoted 3 up the ladder at our company.
Its a whole nother debate,one that needs to be had. Universities would be better served rolling kids in an out in 2 an half years as oppossed to 4. Taking all this extended literature, geology, art,music etc. Just sucking money out of their customer base isnt sustainable for the buyer and the seller.