I think the potential issue is the conflict of interest issue that has been raised regarding the Biden's which is what will be investigated by the GOP.
"Enter Hunter Biden, who made the jaw-droppingly stupid decision to accept a post on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company founded and tainted by an oligarch widely labeled as corrupt, while his father was the leading Obama administration point person on Ukraine. Even if Hunter Biden’s sole interest had been to help Burisma adopt better governance practices and mend its ways — I’m offering that just for the sake of argument, not because there’s any evidence to support that idea — he should have known better than to lend his name to a company under investigation for money laundering." Source
"The chronology of the Bidens' transactions raises serious questions:
April 15, 2014: Burisma sends Hunter Biden's business partner, Devon Archer, $112,000.
April 16, 2014: Archer visits Vice President Biden at the White House.
April 21, 2014: Vice President Biden arrives in Ukraine bearing millions in aid for the Ukraine energy industry.
May 12, 2014: Hunter Biden joins Burisma's board.
February 2015: Ukrainian authorities seize the property of Burisma's CEO and go after unpaid taxes.
March 2016: Biden demands that Ukraine's top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, be fired, and threatens to hold up $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees.
The Biden campaign claims the vice president demanded Shokin's dismissal for being soft on corruption, and the media gladly parrot that claim. It defies common sense.
Though accounts vary about how aggressively Shokin investigated Burisma, Shokin himself is clear. In an email to The Washington Post, he blamed Vice President Biden for getting him axed, saying that Biden's "motives" were "the activities of Hunter Biden, and the investigators on his tail.
"Profiles in Corruption," a new book by Peter Schweizer, documents how Biden's family and friends leveraged his position to cash in with deals in China, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Latin America. Joe Biden's suspect dealings in Ukraine were not out of character." Source
So while there isn't any proof here of corruption there are some concerns that would warrant an investigation into what was going on, especially with the reputation Burisma had for being corrupt. The very nature of someone joining a company like Burisma, known for corruption and money laundering practices, should raise some serious red flags and at the very least there is a potential conflict of interest issue.
I completely agree that Hunter should have not joined Burisma and that it is aconflict of interest.....but how is that different than what Trumps kds are doing right now. Ivanka has gotten numerous Chinese patents, and Jared has this little gem surely we should investigate that right it sure looks suspicious right?

Jared Kushner's Company Curiously Raked in $90 Million Since He Joined the White House
His real estate company, Cadre, has quintupled in value since 2017.
The real estate company Cadre, owned by Kushner, his brother, Joshua, and a friend, has taken in $90 million in investments from Saudi Arabia and a "Goldman Sachs entity" in the Cayman Islands. Cadre is also one of the properties that Kushner initially forgot to put on his security-clearance application when he joined the Trump administration. Kushner co-founded Cadre in 2014, and despite slow growth in its first couple years, its value has quintupled since 2017, when Kushner joined the White House. The company allows investors to pool money together to buy real estate, and it now manages about $522 million to buy properties across the U.S.
As for Shokin it does not defy common sense, its well documented.....Shokin is and was a crook, he had like a 3% approval rating and was still protected because the Ukrainian president was also corrupt and they worked together. Find me proof that Shokin was tough on corruption.....
Also you information is incorrect, Shokin was fired in March of 2016 but Biden made the 6 hr threat to withhold the aid sometime in Dec 2015 so 3 months passed in which no aid was withheld. The statement was made to express how serious the US was that Shokin be many people actually believe that Biden made the threat and Shokin was fired in 6 hrs.....that's not what happened at all....

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington
U.S. President Donald Trump asserts that Joe Biden pushed for the ouster of Ukraine’s chief prosecutor to quash a probe into a Burisma, a gas company with Biden's son on its board. Officials and anti-corruption activists in Kyiv say Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin had shelved the case long...