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Political Thread

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Hi everyone please see below:

Over the past 6 months we have seen a large increase in activity in the non weather related threads. We recognize as the board grows we will slowly transition from just a weather board to a community. With this transition we will be gaining new members with new interests and differing view points. With current global events these differing views and interests become magnified across the community as members express their thoughts, stances, and ideas. This has led us as staff to recognize the need for written guidelines for the board as a whole and independent within threads to ensure the overall climate of the board remains constructive and welcoming. With that being said we want to outline the following general rules:

#1 racist, sexist posts will be immediately deleted and you will be banned from the community
#2 using derogatory terms in posts will be immediately deleted, you will be banned from said thread for 72 hours for the first offense, 120 for the second, permanently for the 3rd.
#3 when you post statistics or something as a fact please cite your source, baseless facts will be subject to deletion.
#4 using the term snowflake, karen, maga to describe someone or a grouping of posters will be subject to deletion. Continual use will subject you to the thread suspensions in point 2.
#5 Drive by 1 liners with the purpose of getting a reaction will subject you to suspensions in point #2
#6 consistently posting the same subject matter over and over or outlandish posts will be deleted. If this continues after deletion you will be subject to suspensions in point #2
#7 posts that aren't directly related to the thread will be removed. Obviously there is a lot of crossover at this time between Corona, politics, sports. Please make sure that your placing your post in the correct thread.

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns around any of the outlined points. Our goal isn't to silence you as members it's to make sure that we keep the community as a place folks want to visit as well as keeping the weather side of the board free from carry over issues.
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Kanye west doesn’t support president Trump anymore. And believes COVID-19 vaccines is mark of the beast. What y’all make of this? Is Kanye right?

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Kanye west doesn’t support president Trump anymore. And believes COVID-19 vaccines is mark of the beast. What y’all make of this? Is Kanye right?

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The vaccine itself won’t be the mark of the beast but having that chip in you signifying you have the vaccine very likely could be the mark.
This will be hilarious if he does run.

He insisted to Forbes that his run is not a publicity stunt and said he had no issue with the idea that his planned run could potentially take votes away from presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and aid in the reelection of Trump.

"I'm not denying it, I just told you," West said. "To say that the Black vote is Democratic is a form of racism and white supremacy."

"I'm not saying Trump's in my way, he may be a part of my way. And Joe Biden? Like come on man, please," the publication also quoted West as saying. "You know? Obama's special. Trump's special. We say Kanye West is special. America needs special people that lead. Bill Clinton? Special. Joe Biden's not special."


On masks :

they should be used. They do help limit transmission of the virus. The confusion some are posting about the masks goes back to a time when there was a shortage for medical personnel.
On masks :

they should be used. They do help limit transmission of the virus. The confusion some are posting about the masks goes back to a time when there was a shortage for medical personnel.

If everyone wears masks like I’ve seen people wearing them, it just speeds up heard immunity.
But do you want a jerk to lead our country? A jerk may be good for business, but is a jerk good to be a caring, compassionate leader?
I liked Mr. Rodgers as a kid my man but I want Patton leading my country. Granted I don't want a Trump every 4 years (he isn't for the faint of heart) but I want someone who is "willing" to be a SOB (to his own party as well). I know many of you want and desire unity, but that just isn't reality in my opinion based on what I see around me. The far left isn't interested in unity and Im not interested at all in their vision of America. I believe my viison is a wee bit closer to mainstream
I liked Mr. Rodgers as a kid my man but I want Patton leading my country. Granted I don't want a Trump every 4 years (he isn't for the faint of heart) but I want someone who is "willing" to be a SOB (to his own party as well). I know many of you want and desire unity, but that just isn't reality in my opinion based on what I see around me. The far left isn't interested in unity and Im not interested at all in their vision of America. I believe my viison is a wee bit closer to mainstream
He seems to me to be a caring and or compassionate person. Now he is not towards the Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Chuck Shumers of the world, but they are divisive towards him as well.
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