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Political Thread

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DOn't know much about Birx. Faucci changes his position with the mask. First we had to wear it, then its just to show you're concerned, then saying it doesn't do anything. Its getting difficult to determine the best course of action. Having said that, the best preventative is to simply stay at home as much as possible.
Not to mention the crazy numbers he was throwing around as recently as last week to create fear saying the US could be at 100,000 new cases per day soon, it could just as easily be 20,000 new cases per day soon. Heck, it’s like we are at the county fair trying to throw rings around the neck of the milk jug.
Trump makes medical recommendations to the American people like a doc. He shouldn't do that imo. He's sucked so bad with regard to the virus. That will likely cost him the election.
You make a good point. He’s actually recommended medicine better than some docs. Trump was the first to endorse hydroxychloroquine. He took a beaten over that and now look at the studies coming out. Looking like a genius currently.
Not to mention the crazy numbers he was throwing around as recently as last week to create fear saying the US could be at 100,000 new cases per day soon, it could just as easily be 20,000 new cases per day soon. Heck, it’s like we are at the county fair trying to throw rings around the neck of the milk jug.

He is much more likely to be correct than us going down to 20k
You make a good point. He’s actually recommended medicine better than some docs. Trump was the first to endorse hydroxychloroquine. He took a beaten over that and now look at the studies coming out. Looking like a genius currently.

And Trump is very modest about his intelligence, too. Listening to what he says about his IQ, you'd never know he was a genius.
Trump makes medical recommendations to the American people like a doc. He shouldn't do that imo. He's sucked so bad with regard to the virus. That will likely cost him the election.
I listen to my doctor and don’t care what Trump thinks since he isn’t a doctor. Recommendations are fine but you don’t have to go with it. CDC puts recommendations on everything and people don’t follow them. If he is really smart he loses this election and goes back to making billions being a businessman.
Not to mention the crazy numbers he was throwing around as recently as last week to create fear saying the US could be at 100,000 new cases per day soon, it could just as easily be 20,000 new cases per day soon. Heck, it’s like we are at the county fair trying to throw rings around the neck of the milk jug.

All I can say is that when Trump was saying this could be serious in the US, I took his word for it. We stocked up on masks and sanitizer and stayed home as much as possible. So far, so good. Yeah, I'm not trusting a doctor with a political agenda any more than I am a politician. The President gave us the warning, I listened. Glad I did. Pelosi was urging us to go out to the malls, theatres, parades, heck, even go to China. I knew then this would become political. Commons sense, a virus is spreading, protect yourself. Its quite elementary.
Maybe, possibly, it’s likely, could be. That’s my point you are making. He doesn’t know, no one knows. When you don’t know something, especially if you’re in the medical profession, you keep your dang mouth shut.

Just like the weather? So, should we not speculate about how the wx might be? Because no one knows, right?
And Trump is very modest about his intelligence, too. Listening to what he says about his IQ, you'd never know he was a genius.
The thing about Trump is that he is the same person now then he was before he was President. People seem to look over that part. He is cocky and loves to push buttons. That is why is is a good businessman. He is different but voters wanted different in 2016.
@Rain Cold you asked about Sweden the other day and here is another article.

The thing about Trump is that he is the same person now then he was before he was President. People seem to look over that part. He is cocky and loves to push buttons. That is why is is a good businessman. He is different but voters wanted different in 2016.

Just a good businessman? I'd call him a great businessman based on this:

"Over the course of 18 years, Trump's companies went into reorganization six times — five times in New Jersey, where he had his casino holdings, and once in New York:"

The thing about Trump is that he is the same person now then he was before he was President. People seem to look over that part. He is cocky and loves to push buttons. That is why is is a good businessman. He is different but voters wanted different in 2016.
So true. You don’t have to like his policies or the way he governors but the man is doing something very few if any do today and that’s doing what they campaigned to do. He caught heat for it but he asked African Americans what do you have to lose by voting for me? Well he backed that up by sending funding to historically black colleges, signed a criminal justice reform bill, and pre virus had the lowest African American unemployment ever, lest we not forget that none of this was done by the previous black president. He promised a southern wall, over 250 new miles of wall since 2016. He promised a great economy, I mean we are hitting new highs daily on the market even during a pandemic and pre virus wages were sky high. He promised tax cuts to the middle working class (definitely was thankful for mine). People can whine more than an old Singer sewing machine, but results matter.
The thing about Trump is that he is the same person now then he was before he was President. People seem to look over that part. He is cocky and loves to push buttons. That is why is is a good businessman. He is different but voters wanted different in 2016.

I think his demeanor is quite mild in past interviews and such. To me its merely a response to those on the left. Fighting fire with fire so to speak. He has come close to challenging the arrogant demeanors of Shumer, Pelosi, and that crowd, but they beat him simply on experience doing it.
I think his demeanor is quite mild in past interviews and such. To me its merely a response to those on the left. Fighting fire with fire so to speak. He has come close to challenging the arrogant demeanors of Shumer, Pelosi, and that crowd, but they beat him simply on experience doing it.

I think Trump's always been a jerk. But I did enjoy the Apprentice very much. He's very entertaining. Boring does not describe him.
Just a good businessman? I'd call him a great businessman based on this:

"Over the course of 18 years, Trump's companies went into reorganization six times — five times in New Jersey, where he had his casino holdings, and once in New York:"

That’s part of doing business, it’s sucks for employees but to save money or make more money you have too. Happens a lot.
Just a good businessman? I'd call him a great businessman based on this:

"Over the course of 18 years, Trump's companies went into reorganization six times — five times in New Jersey, where he had his casino holdings, and once in New York:"

Many companies reorganize for tax benefits.
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