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Political Thread

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Why does anyone support this man......let the local and state level school systems decide what is best for them Trump should stay the hell out of it, and they damn sure should not threaten to remove badly needed funds as long as the schools are presenting options, in my local county they are allowing kids to either come to school or have online classes, they want a certain number to not come to allow for smaller more spaced out classes etc....however they also said the recent spikes in cases may push back the date of the in school classes but on Aug 24th online classes start for all students.

The Moron in Chief continues to not understand that with the exception of Sweeden, these countries shut down and wore masks and got things under control.
Both Trump on the virus (though I agree with him on law and order) and the general platform of the libs on just about anything nonvirus (though where were they about the virus during the protests) absolutely suck gum balls!
Here something to think about. Most Daycares remained open during the pandemic. I haven’t really heard of many kids getting it and spreading it through daycare. Schools might would be ok. But it should start in a hybrid way. If that went well could very well try and do full blown 5 day school after Jan 1st

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Several daycares here had outbreaks.
Both Trump on the virus (though I agree with him on law and order) and the general platform of the libs on just about anything nonvirus (though where were they about the virus during the protests) absolutely suck gum balls!
Spot on. Trump was slow in response but so was Libs. Masks he should wear in public when seen. Though now in countries hat have been wearing masks. Apparently the virus is spreading again. Seems it’s just one thing after another these day. From virus to lawlessness to soon to be over schools. Someone said it best in here. This is not about systemic racism and the virus. Those were just fronts. This is about changing America’s foundation and making it a socialist nation. A class warfare. Where everyone has the same and thinks the same.

Just took this picture at my local Spinx. Cashless society is coming

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Why does anyone support this man......let the local and state level school systems decide what is best for them Trump should stay the hell out of it, and they damn sure should not threaten to remove badly needed funds as long as the schools are presenting options, in my local county they are allowing kids to either come to school or have online classes, they want a certain number to not come to allow for smaller more spaced out classes etc....however they also said the recent spikes in cases may push back the date of the in school classes but on Aug 24th online classes start for all students.

Everyone needs to watch Rand Paul’s remarks to Dr. False and the science and data Paul uses from other countries who actually reopened schools. All I’ve heard is science and data, well let’s use it!
Everyone needs to watch Rand Paul’s remarks to Dr. False and the science and data Paul uses from other countries who actually reopened schools. All I’ve heard is science and data, well let’s use it!

You need to get a better source than Rand Paul lol.....

So lets look at the daily cases reported from those European countries then compare them to the USA and maybe you will notice a difference, because there is plenty of science and data....





Now the USA notice a difference......maybe you should try listening to "Dr. False" a little more than Rand Paul....
USA new .png
If it doesn’t work out for them (especially Faucci, Birx has been ok) then maybe they can get into the weather occupation. Be wrong more than you’re right and still keep your job ;)

CBS had a story, came across my MSNBC news feed, that wearing a mask was simply window dressing. Its only purpose is to show others you care, but doesn't do anything beneficial concerning the spread of Covid. Faucci had said last week something similar to that. Nevertheless, I continue to wear mine along with my other family members. I'm well aware it could be merely false hope. Also, they can be manufactured with flaws as well.

We DO need to hear more about what's proven and data, unskewed by partisan warfare.
You need to get a better source than Rand Paul lol.....

So lets look at the daily cases reported from those European countries then compare them to the USA and maybe you will notice a difference, because there is plenty of science and data....


View attachment 43858


View attachment 43859

Now the USA notice a difference......maybe you should try listening to "Dr. False" a little more than Rand Paul....
View attachment 43860
So it looks like to me that all three countries there were pretty much on the same pace and then a few weeks back the USA spiked up again. Be curious to see that same type of chart with a correlation of tests per million over time.
Dr Fauchi and Dr Birx have been fantastic.

They are WAY better communicators than Trump. Admittedly, Fauci has wavered on some stuff and was minimizing the threat for the US too much very early on. So, he's been wrong at times for sure. But once he got it in gear, he has been mostly consistent. But here's the key: unlike Trump, Fauci is straightforward, doesn't tell outright lies, and acts like he actually cares about the health of Americans.

Maybe I'll write-in Fauci for POTUS.
They are WAY better communicators than Trump. Admittedly, Fauci has wavered on some stuff and was minimizing the threat for the US too much very early on. So, he's been wrong at times for sure. But once he got it in gear, he has been mostly consistent. But here's the key: unlike Trump, Fauci is straightforward, doesn't tell outright lies, and acts like he actually cares about the health of Americans.

Maybe I'll write-in Fauci for POTUS.
Good thing Trump isn’t a doctor.
Dr Fauchi and Dr Birx have been fantastic.

DOn't know much about Birx. Faucci changes his position with the mask. First we had to wear it, then its just to show you're concerned, then saying it doesn't do anything. Its getting difficult to determine the best course of action. Having said that, the best preventative is to simply stay at home as much as possible.
Good thing Trump isn’t a doctor.

Trump makes medical recommendations to the American people like a doc. He shouldn't do that imo. He's sucked so bad with regard to the virus. That will likely cost him the election. Hopefully Biden will pick a nonradical VP and won't succumb to the nasty left anarchists.
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