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Political Thread

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Trans Pacific trade agreement that we decided to bow out of during negotiations. Would have given us better access to emerging economies in SE Asia. One of the 3 biggest trade agreements in the world
You're really not getting what I'm saying. I said that on the right side you have people who are purposefully using divisive rhetoric to piss the other side off and taking advantage of their flaws to make themselves look better. It's almost like some people don't want unity. And as I said, the left is a problem too being stupid calling syrup racist suddenly.
Calling out the location of the virus shouldn’t be divisive. Too many snowflakes get upset when you tell them the truth.
Calling out the location of the virus shouldn’t be divisive. Too many snowflakes get upset when you tell them the truth.
Purposefully taking advantage of people's issues to piss them off. Still not getting it. It's purposeful divisiveness even though the people are over sensitive. It's the fact he purposefully changed his language that shows he doesn't care about unifying but would rather "piss off a bunch of snowflakes".
You're really not getting what I'm saying. I said that on the right side you have people who are purposefully using divisive rhetoric to piss the other side off and taking advantage of their flaws to make themselves look better. It's almost like some people don't want unity. And as I said, the left is a problem too being stupid calling syrup racist suddenly.
There is a war within America right now. Freedom and Liberty versus Marxism and mob rule. Donald Trump didnt create this divisiveness. Its the state of America. It is what it is. I suppose you can be the one in the middle that doesn't pick a side but that's not me. Fought for my country, love my country and proudly flew my flag on the beach this weekend with my brothers
Calling out the location of the virus shouldn’t be divisive. Too many snowflakes get upset when you tell them the truth.

Pointing out where it started and how is was covered up is fine. Doing so with clearly racial intent is not.

He doesnt call it kung flu for any other reason than to excite his base.
Pointing out where it started and how is was covered up is fine. Doing so with clearly racial intent is not.

He doesnt call it kung flu for any other reason than to excite his base.
Maybe hes doing it to expose the fraudulent attack of free speech and expose the offend culture. Someone needs to expose it for what it is.
There is a war within America right now. Freedom and Liberty versus Marxism and mob rule. Donald Trump didnt create this divisiveness. Its the state of America. It is what it is. I suppose you can be the one in the middle that doesn't pick a side but that's not me. Fought for my country, love my country and proudly flew my flag on the beach this weekend with my brothers
He didn't create it of course, but he's fueling hate on the left and the left and MSM is fueling hate on the right. We're more like 5% radical right vs 10% radical left and 85% of us are in the middle wishing both sides would shut up and get along. You got the MSM supporting the left radicals and Trump supporting the right radicals. Don't get me wrong saying flying your flag is bad. Flying your flag is your right and is a great thing. It shows support for what you believe America is, not what the radical left and right think it should stand for. Us majority should do our best to call out extreme actions on both sides in order to help unify our nation. There aren't as many snowflakes or diehard racists out there as you'd think there are. Both media sides make you believe they're everywhere but that's not the case.
Trans Pacific trade agreement that we decided to bow out of during negotiations. Would have given us better access to emerging economies in SE Asia. One of the 3 biggest trade agreements in the world
We dont need the TPTA to access emerging economies in SE Asia.the only 2 Tawain and South Korea are alk we need to be dealing with. Going for cheap labor in Vietnam,China,NK to name a few just gives them more power to continually suppress their cutizens as well as be a bigger GB kobal threat than they already are. Look what the push for cheap labor created with China, then ride through small town America and look at all the closed textile mills,factories. Same for Nafta. Thank God obama,the Romneys,Richard Burrs of the world and every other Rhino, Globalist on wall street and K street didnt pull this off.
Purposefully taking advantage of people's issues to piss them off. Still not getting it. It's purposeful divisiveness even though the people are over sensitive. It's the fact he purposefully changed his language that shows he doesn't care about unifying but would rather "piss off a bunch of snowflakes".
No I 100% understand what your saying. We shouldn’t be so soft where naming the location of origin of the disease offends people. People get more pissed about that than the actual real issues our country faces. But WOKE!
No I 100% understand what your saying. We shouldn’t be so soft where naming the location of origin of the disease offends people. People get more pissed about that than the actual real issues our country faces. But WOKE!
Again my argument has nothing to do with the actual language. Has everything to do with intention.
Sandbar is 100% right on the money. We have a war for our American heritage in this country and its time to call it what it is. The DNC hates America tradition, history and values. Have we been perfect? NO. But im tired of seeing this country trashed by the Democrats. Our history should be embraced and taught correctly to future generations , the good and the bad. Democrats make America sound like its the biggest cancer on earth.
Calling out the location of the virus shouldn’t be divisive. Too many snowflakes get upset when you tell them the truth.

But do we really know that is where the virus actually came from? Also does it really matter? I promise you if the virus had originated in the USA Trump would not be calling it the American/USA virus.....Trump is ONLY doing it as a dog whistle to blame shift.....period, and his base gulps down the kool aid and LOVE it....
Make no mistake. The communist countries of this world want nothing more than a weak sauce, apologetic to win this November. GREAT article.
Andrew McCarthy: ‘President Biden’ would be music to Russian and Taliban ears
Trump, has dramatically beefed up military spending over Obama/Biden levels so that our forces can protect themselves

By Andrew McCarthy | National Review
But do we really know that is where the virus actually came from? Also does it really matter? I promise you if the virus had originated in the USA Trump would not be calling it the American/USA virus.....Trump is ONLY doing it as a dog whistle to blame shift.....period, and his base gulps down the kool aid and LOVE it....
It definitely matters where it came from.
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