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Political Thread

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It's too late. Any chance that we can achieve unity now, outside of a war or a calamity of some type, has evaporated. This thread, and those like it, is a pretty good representation of society. Too much emotion, too much bias, too much hypocrisy, and not enough patience, love, compassion, and level-headedness. The problems are always the fault of the other side. Just sit back and read the pages of this thread.

The reason I brought it up is a guy in have a long posting history with made a thread yesterday and right away just showed his hypocrisy to such an absurd level to me. I refrained from bringing it up because I know he isnt changing his mind. He despises this mask order and rants about "freedom of choice".

He is a religious right trump was sent by god types. Freedom of choice only applies to him.

If I wanted the choice to smoke MJ he would say no, to have a doctor help me end my life in the face of devastating diagnoses, no way, abortion.......forget about it, someones choice to marry same.sex.....cant have that.

When I see so much hypocrisy......and the left is just as guilty then I cant for the life me see a way for us to unite.

Hypocrisy on those levels breeds division i guess is how I view it.


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The reason I brought it up is a guy in have a long posting history with made a thread yesterday and right away just showed his hypocrisy to such an absurd level to me. I refrained from bringing it up because I know he isnt changing his mind. He despises this mask order and rants about "freedom of choice".

He is a religious right trump was sent by god types. Freedom of choice only applies to him.

If I wanted the choice to smoke MJ he would say no, to have a doctor help me end my life in the face of devastating diagnoses, no way, abortion.......forget about it, someones choice to marry same.sex.....cant have that.

When I see so much hypocrisy......and the left is just as guilty then I cant for the life me see a way for us to unite.

Hypocrisy on those levels breeds division i guess is how I view it.

1% of the US population dying is 3.3 million people. In what bizarro world is that okay?
Good read. After giving it some thought I'm stuck on the differences between "teaching" of our past versus monuments and statues meant to honor those men. I think that's a pretty significant determination to make. Can we still teach without the honoring of them?

Would you possibly be more content if NOBODY were honored with monuments, statues, benches, street names, building names, or whatever kind of honor? Maybe even make it illegal to do so?
Would you possibly be more content if NOBODY were honored with monuments, statues, benches, street names, building names, or whatever kind of honor? Maybe even make it illegal to do so?

Reasons for honoring matter. Would we build a statue to "honor" Hitler? Would we build a statue to honor mother Teresa?
Would you possibly be more content if NOBODY were honored with monuments, statues, benches, street names, building names, or whatever kind of honor? Maybe even make it illegal to do so?

I think General Robert E Lee said it best. He said it was wiser, “Not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife.”
all I'm going to say and I'm not trying to start a political argument I'm just trying to let people know where some of us are coming from.. no one ever said the country was divided until Republicans started standing up for their selves and standing up for their beliefs. Democrats have been doing that for years and no one ever said they were dividing the country. Yes Trump is a jackass like I have said before. Yes there are crazy right-wingers just like their crazy left lunatics. But just because Republicans finally started standing up for their selves and for this country does not mean that we are divisive. There are certain times in life where you have to stand up for things before they get out of control, stand up for what is right. Now I know this will trigger some Democrats just as much and that is fine that's part of the dialogue. But for far too long Republicans did not fight and this is why we were in the shape we are in.
Reasons for honoring matter. Would we build a statue to "honor" Hitler? Would we build a statue to honor mother Teresa?

No and yes from MY perspective. But what about other people who are in between these extremes and are the vast majority? Like Columbus, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, MLK. Obama, Trump etc. Individuals have different perspectives. Who determines who can be honored and who cannot be honored?

I'm concerned about a slippery slope: how does the line get drawn between ok and not ok and who determines that line?
No and yes from MY perspective. But what about other people who are in between these extremes and are the vast majority? Like Columbus, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, MLK. Obama, Trump etc. Individuals have different perspectives. Who determines who can be honored and who cannot be honored?

I'm concerned about a slippery slope: how does the line get drawn between ok and not ok and who determines that line?

We share these concerns. I think one clear line that can be drawn is along basic human decency. Yes the men of that time did what they knew and today thats no longer decent treatment of human beings. So where does the memory of that belong.

We can agree it's a slippery slope.
I can't get over Communist News Network and MS Nothing But Communism going apeshoot over the July 4th celebration outdoor gatherings but not do the same for antipolice anarchists. Ludicrous double standard, folks.
I'll say it again. In my opinion, 95% of the media wants to divide the people of this country. We see example after example on a continuing basis. Fair and accurate journalism is dead.
And why arent you harping on the right who think anyone not following those things is a commie?
Because, if you don't like the things that America was founded upon. You must be in support of something other than America. That's how you get to be tagged a commie.
Slowly, we are getting away from the things that have made us great, and now we are bowing down to the things that will make us weak.

So saying slavery is bad makes us weak? Agreeing that all men were created equal and allowing sa.e sex marriage makes us weak? I'm not following what makes us weak?

What makes us weak is our division. A house divided can not stand. That's what makes us weak.
So saying slavery is bad makes us weak? Agreeing that all men were created equal and allowing sa.e sex marriage makes us weak? I'm not following what makes us weak?

What makes us weak is our division. A house divided can not stand. That's what makes us weak.

I'll say it again. In my opinion, 95% of the media wants to divide the people of this country. We see example after example on a continuing basis. Fair and accurate journalism is dead.
YES! This 95% is an enemy to freedom loving people of America. When they are not destroying lives they are covering up for certain individuals responsible for destroying lives.
And why arent you harping on the right who think anyone not following those things is a commie?
When you broad brush the “right” by saying they believe you are communist for not believing like them, you lose your argument. Please state proof of your assertion that the right believes this as a group.
@Jessy89 check out this polls(you can scroll down to religious groups) evangelical losses for trump in the last month. They have cratered bigly. From 81% down to 62%. He loses even 1 or 2% of that vote and Kanye can win 1 million and trump will still get trounced.

I promise, West will take more votes away from Joe, overall
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