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Political Thread

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To be fair, Trump is dividing America with his actions as well. Both sides are creating bad forms of division. We need to stop electing idiots as leaders in both parties or we're really going to have issues. I hate seeing our nation be divided over the stupidest things and each side reacting like one thing or election is the end of civilization or syrup and rice is oppressive. People need to just chill and stop liking disgusting rhetoric from both sides.
very dividing stuff by the president ....
Imagine if Kanye was actually a serious moderate running. This is a year in which you'd would probably get all of the moderates rejecting both candidates. I know that I've felt lately because of some actions by the far left that if there was a serious moderate 3rd party candidate, I'd most likely reject voting democrat (like my parents do, although my dad drunkenly told me again last night that he didn't like either Hillary or Trump in 2016) and vote for them.

The far left doesn't realize how damaging they're being by using the wording "defund the police" instead of talking about police reform, especially if you show that in a commercial to people that might not be as smart. That's one way they're just handing free ammo to the GOP. That and some other antics, like blocking up interstates for protests and taking down statues just as a beginning, is an awful look. You would be better off laying low at this point with what's been going on.
very dividing stuff by the president ....

Wasn't even referring to that. More of the way he chooses to say things like "Kung flu" over covid. He said coronavirus until people were like "Oh no he's saying/ is gonna say chinese flu" And he chose to start talking like that. Just an example there but his choice to change rhetoric to piss his opponents off is just divisiveness.
I was hanging out with some friends last night that had some high school age kids... those kids were posting pictures on Instagram of them holding a flag, and celebrating the 4th. Those kids were getting attacked by their fellow classmates because they were celebrating the 4th.. I would say 40 to 50% of their comments on Instagram were negative.. the kids told me that the those kids tell them they shouldn't celebrate the 4th and this is in suburban Charlotte.
Wasn't even referring to that. More of the way he chooses to say things like "Kung flu" over covid. He said coronavirus until people were like "Oh no he's saying/ is gonna say chinese flu" And he chose to start talking like that. Just an example there but his choice to change rhetoric to piss his opponents off is just divisiveness.

Trump strikes me as the kinda guy that in high school locker rooms would snap your ass with a wet towel and walk off laughing.
I was hanging out with some friends last night that had some high school age kids... those kids were posting pictures on Instagram of them holding a flag, and celebrating the 4th. Those kids were getting attacked by their fellow classmates because they were celebrating the 4th.. I would say 40 to 50% of their comments on Instagram were negative.. the kids told me that the those kids tell them they shouldn't celebrate the 4th and this is in suburban Charlotte.
Thank god I was born when I was. There is a huge difference in the kids that I graduated with in high school and the ones there today. If I was born 2 years later who knows. Maybe I would be a gender-fluid unicorn.
lol...... Sounds like you are taking a politics class online and want someone to answer your essay question. You already know why it helps Trump. Your post was not directed at me....... however I will just say that I have a personal hatred for NAFTA. I lost a very good job due to our entire business going to Canada. Bill Clinton was the culprit behind that one. So, yeah I despise the DNC platform. It that enough of a direct POV for you bucko?

Thank you for your very direct POV, bucko.
Wasn't even referring to that. More of the way he chooses to say things like "Kung flu" over covid. He said coronavirus until people were like "Oh no he's saying/ is gonna say chinese flu" And he chose to start talking like that. Just an example there but his choice to change rhetoric to piss his opponents off is just divisiveness.
Oh, so don’t hurt people’s feelings by exposing the truth. Got it.
Oh, so don’t hurt people’s feelings by exposing the truth. Got it.
You're really not getting what I'm saying. I said that on the right side you have people who are purposefully using divisive rhetoric to piss the other side off and taking advantage of their flaws to make themselves look better. It's almost like some people don't want unity. And as I said, the left is a problem too being stupid calling syrup racist suddenly.
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