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Political Thread

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Only God knows that, but he has given no discernible evidence of a genuine follower of Christ.
Scripture tells us that true Disciples of Jesus would bear the fruits of God's Spirit... love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control... I haven't seen any of this exhibited by DT... in fact the opposite. And if you take into account the 7 deadly sins: Lust.. Gluttony.. Greed.. Sloth.. Wrath..Envy.. and Pride, I see him hitting on 6 out of 7. But so many evangelicals think of him as anointed by God. He's the best con man I've ever seen.
A pastor vs a political leader is an entirely different thing biblically. The pastor has specific moral qualifications that the Bible details he must be characterized by; a political leader of a nation (as depicted in the NT) does not. The Bible lays out in the NT a framework for how government should operate and goes so far as to make it clear that at times Christians may be faced with tough decisions, for example paying taxes to a cruel and immoral government yet still required to do so. The NT never lays out the specific moral demands and qualifications for a political leader like it does a pastor.

Then why do we see so often the religious right attack the spiritual integrity of liberals running for office. If trump is not held to any moral qualifications then why are any liberals spjritualness ever brought into question?

Clinton was characterized by Graham as unfit for office because of his moral degradation.

All I see is a double standard.
340 pages, and we remain at an impasse. Has anyone in this thread changed their politcal views/affiliations yet?

There are several who voted for Trump but now no longer supports him, though like me its more the party and leadership have left them versus them leaving the party.....ideology wise I am much closer to the GOP than the Dems. but lately I feel like the GOP has taken the crazy pill and jumped right off the cliff. This certainly isn't the GOP I grew up supporting.....

I think I like many other middle of the road folks look at the problems with realistic eyes instead of ideological ones....things like immigration.....open borders and a big wall are both equally stupid IMO, there are much better realistic ways of dealing with the problem but since neither side is willing to really compromise we end up with nothing changing and a lot of finger pointing, this is the case on pretty much all the issues. Both parties are becoming radicalized, like legitimately radicalized, the rhetoric coming from both sides is getting scary and even more concerningly more mainstream, folks like Trump have encouraged the alt right and other fringe elements of the right to move to the front, the same with idiots like AOC and Bernie bringing forth the far left socialist arm of the Dems and giving them a voice. In the end its our fault especially us middle of the road more moderate types, we allow these fringe elements to gain ground.
Then why do we see so often the religious right attack the spiritual integrity of liberals running for office. If trump is not held to any moral qualifications then why are any liberals spjritualness ever brought into question?

Clinton was characterized by Graham as unfit for office because of his moral degradation.

All I see is a double standard.

I can’t speak for other Christians, but for me I would ideally like to see people in authority who are godly leaders with good character and policies. However at the same time it isn’t a requirement and there are times where you will have to make tough choices on who to vote for. My opposition for liberal opponents usually is because of the policies they have and push more than anything else. The downward spiral in politics isn't surprising at all to me and I expect it to continue here in America with less favorable choices as time goes on.
Trump showing again why he is not fit to be president and the very real threat he poses, Trump spreads baseless allegations against fellow Americans on Twitter breaking their rules, gets called on it and then threatens to regulate and shut down social media sites. This is based on his horrible tweets implying Joe Scarborough killed his intern and his anger at Twitter for labeling those tweets a with a fact check warning, they honestly should just remove them....every tweet he makes should have a default fact check warning on it.....also ironic that the man that voted by mail in the recent Florida primary doesn't think its a good idea....for us normal people.

"Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that....happen again. Just like we can’t let large scale Mail-In Ballots take root in our Country. It would be a free for all on cheating, forgery and the theft of Ballots. Whoever cheated the most would win. Likewise, Social Media. Clean up your act, NOW!!!!

This is a tweet he just made a min ago or so.....remember this man is posting these as the President of the USA.....only the far right wingnuts think this kind of thing is cool or good, the vast majority of us look at these tweets with disgust.....

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 4m4 minutes ago

Psycho Joe Scarborough is rattled, not only by his bad ratings but all of the things and facts that are coming out on the internet about opening a Cold Case. He knows what is happening!
Believe it has to do with the fact that Obama and Hillary spied on the Trump campaign and fabricated the whole Russian hoax. It will all be made public in the weeks to come.
This is a total lie and fabrication. Please stop.

There's really nothing to Obamagate, which is why there haven't been and won't be any charges.
In other news, Biden blames Charlemagne for what he said ? At least he sort of apologized, I guess.

“First of all, it was a mistake — No. 1. And I was smiling when he was asking the question. I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy to him. He was being a wise guy, and I responded in kind,” Biden told CNN’s Dana Bash. “I shouldn’t have done that. It was a mistake.”

Good ole Ilhan Omar had some interesting comments about Biden. She essentially believes he is guilty but said justice can be delayed and everything needs to be done to defeat Trump at all costs.

"Team #MeToo is only loyal to the cause until a greater cause comes along. And in this case, Rep. Ilhan Omar is willing to sell out an alleged victim of sexual harassment for what’s politically expedient.

Despite the fact that Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar says she believes Tara Reade, the woman who has accused Joe Biden of sexual harassment, Omar will still vote for Biden to “help him defeat Trump.”

In an interview with the The Times of London (which is behind a paywall), Omar said “Justice can be delayed, but should never be denied.”

Good ole Ilhan Omar had some interesting comments about Biden. She essentially believes he is guilty but said justice can be delayed and everything needs to be done to defeat Trump at all costs.

"Team #MeToo is only loyal to the cause until a greater cause comes along. And in this case, Rep. Ilhan Omar is willing to sell out an alleged victim of sexual harassment for what’s politically expedient.

Despite the fact that Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar says she believes Tara Reade, the woman who has accused Joe Biden of sexual harassment, Omar will still vote for Biden to “help him defeat Trump.”

In an interview with the The Times of London (which is behind a paywall), Omar said “Justice can be delayed, but should never be denied.”

This is the problem in a nutshell. Both sides suck and nobody wants to hold anyone accountable if they are on the same side.

This is the problem in a nutshell. Both sides suck and nobody wants to hold anyone accountable if they are on the same side.


Funny how you don't see this all over the news media too, isn't it? I think they could play a big part in holding both sides accountable if they had balanced and fair coverage of the issues on both sides instead of focusing solely on Trump and ignoring things like this.
Scripture tells us that true Disciples of Jesus would bear the fruits of God's Spirit... love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control... I haven't seen any of this exhibited by DT... in fact the opposite. And if you take into account the 7 deadly sins: Lust.. Gluttony.. Greed.. Sloth.. Wrath..Envy.. and Pride, I see him hitting on 6 out of 7. But so many evangelicals think of him as anointed by God. He's the best con man I've ever seen.
Biden shows the same characteristics. Every politician has these characteristics. We all even as Christians have shown these. I don’t think he’s anointed by God. Again this election is about Capitalism and socialism.
"Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things which are God's". There is a distinct delineation Jesus points out here between leaders and political power and Christian beliefs. My point here is that all sin is sin and it is not possible for someone to be perfect (except God) so don't think one sin is worse than another, they all are bad. Choose your leaders by what is best for the country and freedom and leave the judgment of who is worse to God where it belongs. I can not in good conscience vote for Biden and likely not for Trump either, but unless there is a viable third party candidate who emerges, I will vote but not make a selection in the Presidential selection box.

Found this explanation and thought it makes sense for our obligations to both God and the government
"It’s difficult to formulate an exact method for Christians to relate to the government. Not every law passed is moral, and not every government official deserves our respect. The Bible itself records instances where rebels are commended for resisting or overthrowing a wicked ruler. But just as we can’t use the Bible to justify unconditionally obeying everything the government says, we likewise can’t use the Bible to justify the complete opposite behavior. Whatever conclusion you come to should be reached through much thought and prayer about the proper way to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s."
I can’t speak for other Christians, but for me I would ideally like to see people in authority who are godly leaders with good character and policies. However at the same time it isn’t a requirement and there are times where you will have to make tough choices on who to vote for. My opposition for liberal opponents usually is because of the policies they have and push more than anything else. The downward spiral in politics isn't surprising at all to me and I expect it to continue here in America with less favorable choices as time goes on.

I'm gonna play devils advocate one more time. Why then if we can overlook behavior because of policy does the right rail against hunter biden and joe biden and Ukraine? None of that was policy but somehow this corruption matters. Whybdiesnt trumps corruption matter? Why doesn't his children receive the same scrutiny over their personal enrichment off the government get any bashing by the right.

I asked a question months ago........where is the red line in the sand for your support of trump.
There are several who voted for Trump but now no longer supports him, though like me its more the party and leadership have left them versus them leaving the party.....ideology wise I am much closer to the GOP than the Dems. but lately I feel like the GOP has taken the crazy pill and jumped right off the cliff. This certainly isn't the GOP I grew up supporting.....

I think I like many other middle of the road folks look at the problems with realistic eyes instead of ideological ones....things like immigration.....open borders and a big wall are both equally stupid IMO, there are much better realistic ways of dealing with the problem but since neither side is willing to really compromise we end up with nothing changing and a lot of finger pointing, this is the case on pretty much all the issues. Both parties are becoming radicalized, like legitimately radicalized, the rhetoric coming from both sides is getting scary and even more concerningly more mainstream, folks like Trump have encouraged the alt right and other fringe elements of the right to move to the front, the same with idiots like AOC and Bernie bringing forth the far left socialist arm of the Dems and giving them a voice. In the end its our fault especially us middle of the road more moderate types, we allow these fringe elements to gain ground.

What did we expect? We have the most free time in history and it’s spent on social media and on smart phones or watching movies. We are a shameful few generations.
Good ole Ilhan Omar had some interesting comments about Biden. She essentially believes he is guilty but said justice can be delayed and everything needs to be done to defeat Trump at all costs.

"Team #MeToo is only loyal to the cause until a greater cause comes along. And in this case, Rep. Ilhan Omar is willing to sell out an alleged victim of sexual harassment for what’s politically expedient.

Despite the fact that Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar says she believes Tara Reade, the woman who has accused Joe Biden of sexual harassment, Omar will still vote for Biden to “help him defeat Trump.”

In an interview with the The Times of London (which is behind a paywall), Omar said “Justice can be delayed, but should never be denied.”

Well just like everyone thinks Trump supporters are only ones crazy. Remember you had that professor said she would vote for Biden even if he ate people.
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