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Political Thread

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Life would be better without social media. Wouldn’t bother me if Twitter and Facebook just went away

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Twitter is a full of people who argue back and forth and spout off vitriolic comments towards people they disagree with. Out of all the social media platforms it is imo the most toxic, I don't have a twitter and never plan on it. Life would be so much better without it lol.
Twitter is a full of people who argue back and forth and spout off vitriolic comments towards people they disagree with. Out of all the social media platforms it is imo the most toxic, I don't have a twitter and never plan on it. Life would be so much better without it lol.

I personally like twitter its good for stuff like severe weather etc....sure its full of a lot of crap but I just don't look at it cause I am a adult and can choose what I do and don't wanna look at.....

The real question is are you ok with Trump using twitter to slander Joe Scarborough, how does it sit with you that the president of this great nation makes tweets like these below in his official capacity as the leader of the USA....

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago

Psycho Joe Scarborough is rattled, not only by his bad ratings but all of the things and facts that are coming out on the internet about opening a Cold Case. He knows what is happening!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump May 24

Donald J. Trump Retweeted Thomas Paine

A lot of interest in this story about Psycho Joe Scarborough. So a young marathon runner just happened to faint in his office, hit her head on his desk, & die? I would think there is a lot more to this story than that? An affair? What about the so-called investigator? Read story!
Life would be better without social media. Wouldn’t bother me if Twitter and Facebook just went away

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No it's not Twitter or Facebook. Its us that go on there and screw the place up. I know it may seem a shock to a lot of people but the divisivness and fighting is no fault but our own.

Treat people with respect even if you disagree.

If me and @Matthew70 can keep it respectful everyone else should too because we disagree on just about everything.
No it's not Twitter or Facebook. Its us that go on there and screw the place up. I know it may seem a shock to a lot of people but the divisivness and fighting is no fault but our own.

Treat people with respect even if you disagree.

If me and @Matthew70 can keep it respectful everyone else should too because we disagree on just about everything.

Yeah.....cant like this enough
I personally like twitter its good for stuff like severe weather etc....sure its full of a lot of crap but I just don't look at it cause I am a adult and can choose what I do and don't wanna look at.....

The real question is are you ok with Trump using twitter to slander Joe Scarborough, how does it sit with you that the president of this great nation makes tweets like these below in his official capacity as the leader of the USA....

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago

Psycho Joe Scarborough is rattled, not only by his bad ratings but all of the things and facts that are coming out on the internet about opening a Cold Case. He knows what is happening!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump May 24

Donald J. Trump Retweeted Thomas Paine

A lot of interest in this story about Psycho Joe Scarborough. So a young marathon runner just happened to faint in his office, hit her head on his desk, & die? I would think there is a lot more to this story than that? An affair? What about the so-called investigator? Read story!

That's fine if you like twitter, I hate it and always will. The few useful things on there don't make it a beneficial platform for me.

I personally don't care what Trump tweets on Twitter but what he tweeted was a conspiracy theory that has been circulating around the internet for quite some time. The reason the conspiracy theory is so popular is that the medical examiner used for this wasn't the one for the state of Florida, as is typically the case. Instead it was Dr Berkland who had lost his examiner license for the state of FL and has a history of criminal conduct. As a result the conspiracy theorists believe there was a coverup as to what really happened and a non-licensed medical examiner was used to hide something. I'm not saying the conspiracy theory is valid or true but its not like Trump made this up, it is a pretty popular conspiracy theory. I wish he would focus on other stuff and tweet less but I don't have an issue with him tweeting this.. and I would say this even if Pelosi, Biden, Obama or another democrat tweeted this same thing.

"The main thing conspiracy theorists point to in the Klausutis case is the fact that Dr. Berkland lost his medical license in Missouri and Florida. According to CBS News, Berkland was fired as a contract medical examiner in 1996 in Jackson County, Missouri in a dispute over his caseload and autopsy reports. His doctor’s license was ultimately revoked.

Berkland then started working at the District 1 Medical Examiner’s Office in Pensacola, Florida in 1997 before being fired in 2003 for allegedly “not completing autopsy reports.” His medical examiner’s license in Florida was later revoked.

Then in a bizarre turn of events, he was arrested in 2012 for “improper storage of hazardous waste, keeping a public nuisance and driving with a suspended license.” Berkland was accused of keeping “preserved human remains in a rented storage unit in Florida.”

The affidavit for the case said that, “The remains included tissue samples and dissected organs. (Investigators) also advised that there were numerous whole organs, including hearts, brains, a liver and a lung,”

The organs apparently came from “private autopsies Berkland performed between 1997 and 2007 at funeral homes in the Florida Panhandle and in Tallahassee.” according to CBS News." Link
This is a fundamental shift in how evangelicals have acted though. and we all know its because all of a sudden the Republican in office is a lying, cheating , immoral idiot......remember when the evangelicals called for Clinton to be removed for being immoral...so lets not pretend that the evangelicals didnt in fact judge previous presidents on moral behavior to the point they saw it as a reason to not vote for that person. So this attitude is hypocritical at best.

After President Bill Clinton’s infidelity, the 1998 Southern Baptist Convention passed the “Resolution on Moral Character of Public Officials” declaring that a person’s “moral character matters” and that Americans should not vote for candidates who do not “demonstrate consistent honesty, moral purity, and the highest character.”

During the Clinton impeachment, the Religion News Services found that 60% of evangelicals believed that immoral personal acts disqualified a person from public office. Since Trump, however, this number has dropped to 20 percent. This data confirms that evangelicals have significantly adjusted their standards of moral behavior in response to Trump. The study found that only 6% of white evangelicals were even “concerned” about Trump’s personal behavior. And an American Barometer poll published in The Hill found that a majority of Republicans (54 percent) believed that Trump represented Republican Party values.
I think it’s just Christianity evolving. Like now suicides are not condemning to hell. Drinking is ok now. Other bibles are ok now. Alternative lifestyles are accepted. It’s humans evolving and acceptance evolving.
No it's not Twitter or Facebook. Its us that go on there and screw the place up. I know it may seem a shock to a lot of people but the divisivness and fighting is no fault but our own.

Treat people with respect even if you disagree.

If me and @Matthew70 can keep it respectful everyone else should too because we disagree on just about everything.
Social media provides everyone a platform to say things they would have previously had to run through a filter. If you think it, just say it and hide behind the keyboard. It's really hard for people to control themselves and act with decorum. This is sort of a self-reinforcing aspect of social media, where everyone is an expert and everyone has the most important thing ever to say.

Sometimes it's good just to sit down and shut up. We learned that lesson back in the day. It's completely lost nowadays.
That's fine if you like twitter, I hate it and always will. The few useful things on there don't make it a beneficial platform for me.

I personally don't care what Trump tweets on Twitter but what he tweeted was a conspiracy theory that has been circulating around the internet for quite some time. The reason the conspiracy theory is so popular is that the medical examiner used for this wasn't the one for the state of Florida, as is typically the case. Instead it was Dr Berkland who had lost his examiner license for the state of FL and has a history of criminal conduct. As a result the conspiracy theorists believe there was a coverup as to what really happened and a non-licensed medical examiner was used to hide something. I'm not saying the conspiracy theory is valid or true but its not like Trump made this up, it is a pretty popular conspiracy theory. I wish he would focus on other stuff and tweet less but I don't have an issue with him tweeting this.. and I would say this even if Pelosi, Biden, Obama or another democrat tweeted this same thing.

"The main thing conspiracy theorists point to in the Klausutis case is the fact that Dr. Berkland lost his medical license in Missouri and Florida. According to CBS News, Berkland was fired as a contract medical examiner in 1996 in Jackson County, Missouri in a dispute over his caseload and autopsy reports. His doctor’s license was ultimately revoked.

Berkland then started working at the District 1 Medical Examiner’s Office in Pensacola, Florida in 1997 before being fired in 2003 for allegedly “not completing autopsy reports.” His medical examiner’s license in Florida was later revoked.

Then in a bizarre turn of events, he was arrested in 2012 for “improper storage of hazardous waste, keeping a public nuisance and driving with a suspended license.” Berkland was accused of keeping “preserved human remains in a rented storage unit in Florida.”

The affidavit for the case said that, “The remains included tissue samples and dissected organs. (Investigators) also advised that there were numerous whole organs, including hearts, brains, a liver and a lung,”

The organs apparently came from “private autopsies Berkland performed between 1997 and 2007 at funeral homes in the Florida Panhandle and in Tallahassee.” according to CBS News." Link

I am NOT making any claims. Just thought this was interesting.
This was Tweeted yesterday and has yet to be deleted? Assassination threat of a sitting president.


She previously received a visit from the Secret Service after her Trump beheading stunt which also landed her on Interpol’s watch list.
Well freedoms as you deem fit. I'm sure those freedoms exclude abortion rights, medicinal and recreational maryJane, right to die or dr assisted suicide freedons, gay marriage, gay adoption, and transgendered freedom to use restroom of their choice.
Actually you are totally wrong on all of those. I believe in all of those except for the last one create a bathroom separate from men and ladies. Make it a unisex which in lotta places already exist. I might be a Christian but it’s not my place to judge people and what they believe.
We all know cnn and Washington post is fake news anyway. Look mail in ballets are easy to rig. Dead people could get ballot to vote easier for illegals to vote. It’s very easy to see how mail in ballots can rig a election.

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Is it "fake" or "biased" because there is a very big and important difference in that definition.
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