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Political Thread

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This would be great if we could diversify things away from China to other countries. Hopefully we can get more manufacturing back in the US with time as well, I think the virus has definitely shown people how vulnerable supply chains can be when you depend on other countries.

Not all claim to be a Bible-believing Christian and behave like a complete pagan. That's the difference here, and as a follower of Jesus that is of more concern to me than political expediency. Jesus of course reserved his strongest condemnations for such people.

This is the part I don't get, you would think that there is no wiggle room here, god and his rules "trump" ( hehe) what anyone thinks and that overlooking things that should according to Christian beliefs be deal breakers seems contrary to the entire point of believing in a god to begin with. If you choose to believe in a god and that god has a set of moral rules then that seems like a non negotiable kind of thing.

You wouldn't think that man has the agency to decide to support someone who lives outside of gods law's simply because they support policies you like. Seems like a god would require you to answer for that and at least to me " the other guy was worse" is not gonna carry a lot of weight with god.
This is the part I don't get, you would think that there is no wiggle room here, god and his rules "trump" ( hehe) what anyone thinks and that overlooking things that should according to Christian beliefs be deal breakers seems contrary to the entire point of believing in a god to begin with. If you choose to believe in a god and that god has a set of moral rules then that seems like a non negotiable kind of thing.

You wouldn't think that man has the agency to decide to support someone who lives outside of gods law's simply because they support policies you like. Seems like a god would require you to answer for that and at least to me " the other guy was worse" is not gonna carry a lot of weight with god.

If we only voted for people who adhere to God’s moral laws then we would never vote for anyone since we are all imperfect. Furthermore God’s laws are established to reveal sin and for the believer to seek to pattern his life after. It doesn’t mean one has to look at God’s laws and go around judging others based on those laws. Early Christians were also confronted with a difficult moral choice of paying taxes to Caesar even though that tax money would support all kinds of things that opposed Biblical teachings, yet Christ urged the people to give to the government what the law required. The Bible also doesn’t explicitly give a list on how to vote in a situation like this but it does discuss the purpose of government and how a Christian should operate within this framework when they are under rulers who likely are not believers or faced with tough choices like paying taxes to a government that uses the money to fund gladiator games, invade and kill other people, etc.
And I did not vote for him. Why then should I vote for Trump?Why would any evangelical vote for Trump when they condemned Clinton for the very same behavior (sexual sin)? Evangelicals went so far as to say Clinton was unfit for office. But somehow its ok to vote for Trump? That’s the height of hypocrisy if you ask me.
Look I am not telling you to vote for anyone. What I am saying is both Trump and Biden are both sick. Remember a sin is a sin is what the Bible says. As far as saying Christians should not vote for Trump because he’s more sick and vile than Biden. I call that total crap. God loves them both the same. Leave religion outta of your choice. You either want capitalism and freedom of speech or you want socialism and limited speech. You be you and vote who suits you. I don’t care honestly.
I lurk most of the time, but have one question to the all Christians on here. If Trump died today would he go to Heaven or Hell?
No way I would answer that for anyone. I hope you are not saying vote for the one that would be more likely to go to heaven. That is just flat out wrong. Remember separate church from state so we’re told. So if go by that then again. Choose either capitalism or socialism.
Have you all seen the MSNBC where there reporter is at a restaurant and during interview the reporter says does no one care about others and their own health? They are making a big deal about no one wearing a mask. Then the gentlemen looks at them well neither is your camera man. ??????oops! #panicpornfail
I lurk most of the time, but have one question to the all Christians on here. If Trump died today would he go to Heaven or Hell?

Only God knows the answer to that. Not up to us to judge. There’s people in prison today for rape and murder that are going to heaven. God forgives sin and if your saved and only God knows the true answer then yes your going to heaven!

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So a question for the crowd that says trumps moral behavior is garbage but they support his policies.

If you showed up at church on Sunday and the pastor you like that preaches the bible exactly the way you believe. On Sunday he shows up and says he has a drug problem and a sex addiction what would your reaction be? Keep him or dump him
So a question for the crowd that says trumps moral behavior is garbage but they support his policies.

If you showed up at church on Sunday and the pastor you like that preaches the bible exactly the way you believe. On Sunday he shows up and says he has a drug problem and a sex addiction what would your reaction be? Keep him or dump him

Well a pastor and president Trump is two different people. Who Trump was before he was president and who Trump is now is different. I believe Trump has changed for the better that’s just my personal opinion. Now a pastor I would pray for him and hope he got the help he needs. Would I dump the pastor maybe for the time being until he can get his life fixed. People make mistakes so ultimately I would forgive the pastor.

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So a question for the crowd that says trumps moral behavior is garbage but they support his policies.

If you showed up at church on Sunday and the pastor you like that preaches the bible exactly the way you believe. On Sunday he shows up and says he has a drug problem and a sex addiction what would your reaction be? Keep him or dump him

A pastor vs a political leader is an entirely different thing biblically. The pastor has specific moral qualifications that the Bible details he must be characterized by; a political leader of a nation (as depicted in the NT) does not. The Bible lays out in the NT a framework for how government should operate and goes so far as to make it clear that at times Christians may be faced with tough decisions, for example paying taxes to a cruel and immoral government yet still required to do so. The NT never lays out the specific moral demands and qualifications for a political leader like it does a pastor.
So a question for the crowd that says trumps moral behavior is garbage but they support his policies.

If you showed up at church on Sunday and the pastor you like that preaches the bible exactly the way you believe. On Sunday he shows up and says he has a drug problem and a sex addiction what would your reaction be? Keep him or dump him
I would believe he would step down on his own. We had a music director and assistant pastor wife have an affair. Both were kept but the embarrassment caused them to leave. The assistant pastor quit preaching. The music minister is in another state now. My issue with whole thing was them having to confess it before church. I did not agree with that.

Tensions already high in America and now cops killing for no reason.

???? Well he sure shut up fast. I bet he feels like an idiot. Now that is stand up comedy.
Reminds me of this
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Looking like Americans are waking up to the fake news and censorship and tyrant liberals wanting to control everyone.

So why were prisoners released? Could they not just wear a mask to prevent? Show compassion to their fellow inmates and strength. ?
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