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Political Thread

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You guys use the same play book everytime you get called out. Instead of debating the evidence,disproving it if its wrong. You lump sum everyone as a hack,white nationalist, disgrace,wants to starve children, pour oil in everyones tap water etc. Lol.

See this is where you go off the rails because of your TDS.....you believe Trump is innocent and that its all a hoax blah blah blah this is called gas lighting and Trump does it better than anyone.....its a classic case of if Trump tell's the same lie enough times it becomes the truth.....Trump convincing all of you that the media is evil was brilliant.....the only source of "truth" for you is Trump and his subordinates/lackeys....what do you really expect them to tell you the truth.....
See this is where you go off the rails because of your TDS.....you believe Trump is innocent and that its all a hoax blah blah blah this is called gas lighting and Trump does it better than anyone.....its a classic case of if Trump tell's the same lie enough times it becomes the truth.....Trump convincing all of you that the media is evil was brilliant.....the only source of "truth" for you is Trump and his subordinates/lackeys....what do you really expect them to tell you the truth.....
Problem is, its not Trump proving this, its the facts and all those documents being released. Mr Durham will be bringing Criminal Charges here within 1 to 2 months.
Problem is, its not Trump proving this, its the facts and all those documents being released. Mr Durham will be bringing Criminal Charges here within 1 to 2 months.

I have heard for YEARS now that criminal charges are coming for Comey and Dems etc.....remember when it was Horowitz who was going to bring down the hammer etc etc.........I know this time is different lol....your being gas lighted, stung along, played for a fool.....all to give the Trump faithful something other than the truth to latch onto.....its no mistake all this is coming out now, Trump needs to distract from how poorly they handled Corona and how the economy is in bad shape etc
So how many more people do you think are going to die from the virus? 1?
No obviously that is not likely. Would be nice 0 more die from it but that is not likely either. I really have no idea. I don’t want to predict because obviously every single prediction has been wrong. We all know some will die. I could be one of those. It will not be because I was not careful and respecting social distancing with others that prefer that. Today I was at a customers and some in there don’t care about the 6 ft rule. Fist bumped another customer today. My chances of dying from this virus are much less than having a heart attack or in a vehicle or getting cancer. I am living each day and enjoying life. Laughs are plenty especially right now.
To interrupt the current wheel chair sumo wrestling, this would allow me to become completely debt free in under a year. This is ridiculous thinking. Load up on debt if something stupid like this passes.

If this happens it’s game set match for America. The question will then be how many years before the complete collapse happens. When gas is $5 a gallon and bread $15 and milk $20 and groceries in general are 100% higher. Talk about social chaos then. Say hello Valenzuela America. I read today some of their groceries are more than a weekly salary for most.
I have heard for YEARS now that criminal charges are coming for Comey and Dems etc.....remember when it was Horowitz who was going to bring down the hammer etc etc.........I know this time is different lol....your being gas lighted, stung along, played for a fool.....all to give the Trump faithful something other than the truth to latch onto.....its no mistake all this is coming out now, Trump needs to distract from how poorly they handled Corona and how the economy is in bad shape etc
The economy is in bad shape because of the virus. Has nothing to do with Trump. If the libs and Democrats keep their states closed then they will be on their way out when the time comes for them.
Love this,​
“I never thought I would
see a time that so many
people were so afraid of
dying that they were willing
to stop living.”
Posted on Facebook by a dear friend of mine.​
My question to a lot of people is how long do we keep these things in place at stores. I don’t feel like going to a store two years from now and seeing my cashier standing behind plexi glass and wearing a mask. That’s just very uncomfortable to me and way past where we as a people should be.
I’ve also become uncomfortable with the stimulus plans that have been put in place and how much debt we’ve added almost a quarter of what the debt was originally that’s astronomical. This won’t get put off on the older people or the middle aged it will get put on the backs of the younger people and our children to pay the interest on the debt. Was it truly worth it to put a already heavy but even heavier burden on the future generations? This is a question I ask myself every day.
I’ve also become uncomfortable with the stimulus plans that have been put in place and how much debt we’ve added almost a quarter of what the debt was originally that’s astronomical. This won’t get put off on the older people or the middle aged it will get put on the backs of the younger people and our children to pay the interest on the debt. Was it truly worth it to put a already heavy but even heavier burden on the future generations? This is a question I ask myself every day.
This will be on anyone that is paying taxes and working in the next 2-3 years. Hard times have really not even started. Especially if they pass this $2k a month stimulus. I’d be really surprised if some Kinda war does not start if the world sinks into a depression that lasts. History says that’s always what happens. Now has the world learned from history? Looking at our govt. and the worlds govts. I don’t think they have. Plus most countries are lining up against China. Asking China to let investigators into their country to see about this virus. China has said no. Plus all the companies leaving China is not going to sit well with them. I agree with leaving their country but they will be losing money and jobs. Along with what this virus has done to them. With the billons living there and loss of jobs depending on their govt. Its not going to be pretty. India has lost 110 million jobs was written yesterday. That is crazy. Many countries are not happy with China and if it gets proven this virus was deliberate. Then war will surely happen.
My question to a lot of people is how long do we keep these things in place at stores. I don’t feel like going to a store two years from now and seeing my cashier standing behind plexi glass and wearing a mask. That’s just very uncomfortable to me and way past where we as a people should be.

We "as a people" are just another living organism and nothing more. If this tiny invisible virus is still spreading and wreaking havoc in 2 years I'm sure some of these measures will still be in place.
I’ve also become uncomfortable with the stimulus plans that have been put in place and how much debt we’ve added almost a quarter of what the debt was originally that’s astronomical. This won’t get put off on the older people or the middle aged it will get put on the backs of the younger people and our children to pay the interest on the debt. Was it truly worth it to put a already heavy but even heavier burden on the future generations? This is a question I ask myself every day.

Then surely you were against Trumps tax breaks? I mean they added tons to the debt because he cut taxes while extended the debt ceiling so we were already expanding debt at a faster rate than under Obama.
This will be on anyone that is paying taxes and working in the next 2-3 years. Hard times have really not even started. Especially if they pass this $2k a month stimulus. I’d be really surprised if some Kinda war does not start if the world sinks into a depression that lasts. History says that’s always what happens. Now has the world learned from history? Looking at our govt. and the worlds govts. I don’t think they have. Plus most countries are lining up against China. Asking China to let investigators into their country to see about this virus. China has said no. Plus all the companies leaving China is not going to sit well with them. I agree with leaving their country but they will be losing money and jobs. Along with what this virus has done to them. With the billons living there and loss of jobs depending on their govt. Its not going to be pretty. India has lost 110 million jobs was written yesterday. That is crazy. Many countries are not happy with China and if it gets proven this virus was deliberate. Then war will surely happen.

Hordes of child slaves- check
Starving fathers murdering their neighbors over food- check
WWIII- check
Realeased prisoners rioting-check

Yet we are the ones living in fear. Sigh
Liberals will be the first to cry, gnash their teeth and wonder what happened when this country implodes. Look in the mirror folks and there is your answer. To think we can keep giving all of our money to the government (any government Rep or Dem) and have them spend it wisely is in never never land. Reps do a little better job than Dems but either way we are toast IMO, Dems will just have it happen a little sooner
Liberals will be the first to cry, gnash their teeth and wonder what happened when this country implodes. Look in the mirror folks and there is your answer. To think we can keep giving all of our money to the government (any government Rep or Dem) and have them spend it wisely is in never never land. Reps do a little better job than Dems but either way we are toast IMO, Dems will just have it happen a little sooner
Both parties are corrupt beyond repair. They're getting just what they want -- growing division among the people. The media and corporate America are part of it. It allows for the continued power and wealth transfer to the top while everyone is fighting over dumb things.

Of course Trump colluded by seeking dirt on his opponent. But if you think others haven't done similar things, then you have your head in the sand. The only difference is the methodology.

But it doesn't matter. Everyone is so busy arguing about one hot topic or one crisis after another, that we have allowed the political pot to slowly come to a boil. And now we're all faced with a calamitous future. There are no good solutions to any of our problems from this point. It's going to be a matter of which choice is the least bad.

If we survive as a nation, maybe next time we will pay more attention and stop letting people pull the wool over our eyes. Hopefully we will learn. Hopefully.
Liberals will be the first to cry, gnash their teeth and wonder what happened when this country implodes. Look in the mirror folks and there is your answer. To think we can keep giving all of our money to the government (any government Rep or Dem) and have them spend it wisely is in never never land. Reps do a little better job than Dems but either way we are toast IMO, Dems will just have it happen a little sooner

Trump is raising the deficit faster than ANY other president....I agree though its not going to be any different under a Dem the point is though that is is suppose to be different under a Rep president and that has not been the case in a long while....
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