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Political Thread

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Why not back load the months of loans onto the end of the mortgage? That would be immediate relief and banks arent wiping loans off the books just readjusting the time frame for which they get their money and people dont lose their homes.
This is already being done, motgages atleast. Rent is up to property managers ,owners. Potus already pushed on mortgage folks back in March to do this very thing. I know ours has offered it .
Interesting article, even if from a Conservative. Good historic info.

Interesting article, even if from a Conservative. Good historic info.

Newt's a very smart guy and I agree with him. The debates will be the end of Biden and I don't even think the Clinton's and Obama's can help him. I do believe Joe will pick a black woman as his VP. If he could find one who is lesbian and athiest with a criminal background he will have it mostly covered.....
Why not back load the months of loans onto the end of the mortgage? That would be immediate relief and banks arent wiping loans off the books just readjusting the time frame for which they get their money and people dont lose their homes.
How about if you can’t make the payments, take out a second mortgage and amortize more debt in monthly payments so that the CDO’s don’t crater and take down the asset values with them. This is not the time to start a deflationary spiral. Talk about massive economic damage!
Start getting in line for visits.
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Start getting in line for visits. This is sign if we get socialized medicine. The wait list for visits and surgeries will be long long waits.

this article literally doesn’t have anything to do with socialized medicine. Like nothing.
this article literally doesn’t have anything to do with socialized medicine. Like nothing.
I know but that is what socialized medicine is like. Less doctors and offices and longer wait times to see doctors and have surgeries. You May think it’s all green on that side of fence but it’s not. Look up where people have to wait 1-2 years for hip replacement surgeries. Reason why so many from Canada and other countries come here for their surgeries. There is a reason we have one of best health care systems in world and not a 3rd world type health care system. You pay for what you get. Yes some of it is overpriced but that is from malpractice lawsuits that drive up costs and insurance. Health care will never be perfect but it’s better than socialism systems.
I just skimmed it I didn't feel like reading the whole thing it didn't look to be the case
It has nothing to do with it but it is what it will be like. I will correct it to not say it.
meh. Are there articles you could post that provide some sort of proof to your claims. Just saying man....
Pick your poison
Pick your poison

I could link 100 that show socialized medicine works too. I’m actually for single payer with private options of someone wants to pay.
She’s a media -----. She asked for it. Judge gave her multiple Chances to comply and she decided she would do what she wants. Entitled Karen.

It’s her right to stay open. I would say this is one of many cases that will go before the Supreme Court. It was not a law. Just as freedom to not wear a mask. So if she goes to jail and gets virus from jail. She should be able to sue or judge does his time for endangering her. Under Cuomos law.
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