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Political Thread

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And how often do we test? Who do we test? Who pays for all these test? What if a fake positive and you quarantine someone and others wrongfully? They lose their job or house. Can they sue? How long reduced store capacity? Stores cant survive on half capacity forever.
why would someone lose their job/house over a positive test?
And how often do we test? Who do we test? Who pays for all these test? What if a fake positive and you quarantine someone and others wrongfully? They lose their job or house. Can they sue? How long reduced store capacity? Stores cant survive on half capacity forever.
Around the carousel we go. Around, around. Around, every single day. Ha.
I know Trump gets a lot of blame but there is A LOT of blame to go around. I think you can also call out many others(Pelosi, Biden, DeBlasio, Cuomo). Yes, he's the president and ultimately the buck falls with him. I'm thinking 50% of the people in the US fault Trump and 50% think he has handled this fine. In fact, 50% of people in the country would somehow fault Trump if he cured breast cancer since he didn't cure prostrate cancer at the same time....just sayin
Hell you have people out there that think Trump actually caused the virus NOT CHINA. The mindless are like robots. They sit there until they are programmed to think. Unfortunately the mainstream media prays on that. You actually have 2 viruses. The one from China that has infected people and the one the media created that has infected 10x more...….
Take some stimulus money buy some stank weed and smoke it.
They should have not sent stimulus to those still making bank. Some of those don’t appreciate it and those that are struggling. Hopefully some of them will donate it.
What if a structured reopen instead of reopening everything at the same time would actually be better for the economy in the long run? Would that change some minds? ?
why would someone lose their job/house over a positive test?
Several of these test are false positives. So if they are quarantined and can not work such as someone living on hourly and tips. No money. They maybe close to losing all already with the decrease in hours.
For those that are consumed with fear of the economy collapsing, if you are still working get take out from a local restaurant a few times a week. It doesn't take as much as most would think to make difference. Another way to contribute to the economy of the community is to buy as much as possible from small stores. The big box stores are where the virus is most common and the money spent there doesn't do much locally.
What if a structured reopen instead of reopening everything at the same time would actually be better for the economy in the long run? Would that change some minds? ?
I believe that is what most who say open up mean as want. Structure it and respect the social distancing. I don’t think anyone wants to just full bore open up and get close again. I know here a friend went to Olive Garden yesterday dine in. He said it was great.
Several of these test are false positives. So if they are quarantined and can not work such as someone living on hourly and tips. No money. They maybe close to losing all already with the decrease in hours.
You know how that would roll, big lawsuit vs the mfg of the test then they have more money than both of us combined.

I doubt if testing becomes a real thing we would be rolling out half ass test kits. There are false positives with testing all the time though, it happens, but they are generally the 1%
For those that are consumed with fear of the economy collapsing, if you are still working get take out from a local restaurant a few times a week. It doesn't take as much as most would think to make difference. Another way to contribute to the economy of the community is to buy as much as possible from small stores. The big box stores are where the virus is most common and the money spent there doesn't do much locally.
Also use doordash and uber eats.
They should have not sent stimulus to those still making bank. Some of those don’t appreciate it and those that are struggling. Hopefully some of them will donate it.

I'm gonna donate mine to either my local economy or maybe a trip when all this clears up.

By your standard should those individuals getting $600 a week in unemployment also give back their stimulus?.....
..yeah didnt think so
If the all the people wasting their time complaining about our current situation put their time into helping the community they live in things would improve. I'm growing as much produce as possible to donate to the local food bank. My wife is coordinating deliveries of food to the elderly and my kids are helping with farm. If you don't have the land to grow food but are financially secure donate to the needy. Little things from individuals adds up.
Well done...I applaud your effort. YES, if everyone were like you we'd have a greater society.
I believe that is what most who say open up mean as want. Structure it and respect the social distancing. I don’t think anyone wants to just full bore open up and get close again. I know here a friend went to Olive Garden yesterday dine in. He said it was great.
Very questionable judgement to dine in and I definitely wouldn't risk getting sick to eat at Olive garden. At least go to a real restaurant
I'm gonna donate mine to either my local economy or maybe a trip when all this clears up.

By your standard should those individuals getting $600 a week in unemployment also give back their stimulus?.....
..yeah didnt think so
No those that are actually unemployed and lost their jobs should not have to give it back. $600 does not go far for someone that has lost their job. They may have been making much more than that before losing their job.
Very questionable judgement to dine in and I definitely wouldn't risk getting sick to eat at Olive garden. At least go to a real restaurant
Well that was him and his wife’s choice. Also the people at the restaurants choice to work. Some don’t live in fear and realize we are all going to be exposed to it eventually if not already.
I believe that is what most who say open up mean as want. Structure it and respect the social distancing. I don’t think anyone wants to just full bore open up and get close again. I know here a friend went to Olive Garden yesterday dine in. He said it was great.
I guess I'm a bit confused then, because this thread always seems to devolve into the reopen vs lockdown camps. Each side assumes that one is of the extreme. But it seems that most 'lockdown' folks are fine with opening up gradually (with some...vocal exceptions), and it seems most 'reopen' folks want to reopen but are fine with some restrictions.

So it's like....we both really want the same thing right? It looks like we just disagree on maybe the timing of when to reopen, and maybe on the restrictions? What's the real difference?
Question. For those that have children. Will you let them go back to school especially if it starts in July like many states are planning? Do you let them play with other children yet?
No those that are actually unemployed and lost their jobs should not have to give it back. $600 does not go far for someone that has lost their job. They may have been making much more than that before losing their job.

$2400 cleared a month is pretty damn good.
Sure a stepped approach is the way to go. It seems that most of the trump supporters want to open the flood gates to save their kings chances
My desire for opening up, now that we have avoided the rush on hospital,ventilator scenerio has nothing to do with Fall election. The economy gets a pass because of this.
My concern is for multiple people I know who are unemployed. Some where self employed, about to lose it all.
Im sure all of us, me ,you etc dont want to see this happen. We all surely agree that unemployment is the biggest economic indicator that affects us all the most directly and indirectly. We all beleive in saving lives and saving jobs. The time has come where we have to get people back to work,this month of May. Leases, inventory owed on sitting in malls, resteraunt equiptment,beautician rents etc. List goes on an on.
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