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Political Thread

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Really? With Trump's time playing golf at the expense of taxpayers and as this crisis was starting we are going to point out Obama playing? Newsflash, he hasn't been president for years now.
Point was he should have been in his house in isolation.
Yes but ultimately it started with Trump who is too lazy to bother reading his briefing books. Sorry, but it does. Also it should never have been left to the states to begin with. That suggests to me that Trump just didn't want to take the time to deal with it.
So are you saying Trump should rule over the states choices on what should be allowed?
Crime worldwide is dropping at never seen levels. People arent dying from secondary causes like car crashes. Globally millions of lives have been saved.

Yes let’s tell all these unemployed and losing everything. You helped save millions globally. Even though millions globally are starting to and already are losing everything and suffering and poverty and hungry.
National strike tomorrow any many work places as hazard pay disappears for the month of May. I will be joining in calling out
US Jobless claims top 30 million.
Ah drop in the bucket man. Remember you cant recover if you are dead! I wonder what the cutoff rate is for the stay at home longer crowd that are still working......The distancing did its job. Now its time to get back to living. They will find something else to ----- about Trump in no time

I still can't see him losing to Biden. The country is screwed. Our main choices are a crazed insecure egomaniac accused and admitted sex offender vs. a senile creepy accused sex offender

I still can't see him losing to Biden. The country is screwed. Our main choices are a crazed insecure egomaniac accused and admitted sex offender vs. a senile creepy accused sex offender

Justin Amash it is for me if he gets the nomination.
^ Captain Obvious has spoken everyone! Dead people cant recover but people who might lose everything can! I bet those who arent fortunate enough as yourself to be working are cheering for joy over this news!

Yes and for something so obvious as 1+1=2 some of yall dont understand it or just flat out dont care.
National strike tomorrow any many work places as hazard pay disappears for the month of May. I will be joining in calling out

I fully support a general strike. There is no reason people like Jeff Bezos who have more wealth than can possibly spent in several life times can't do better for their workers. I honestly think billionaires shouldn't be able to exist as such. We praise these essential workers, yet many are trying to get by on starvation wages and are at high risk for contracting COVID-19. Of course if they do get sick, they don't get paid leave and likely can't afford the healthcare needed. One uninsured individual hospitalized with COVID-19 ended up with a $40,000 medical bill. Sometimes I think the description of the US as a third world country wearing a Gucci belt isn't far off.
Ah drop in the bucket man. Remember you cant recover if you are dead! I wonder what the cutoff rate is for the stay at home longer crowd that are still working......The distancing did its job. Now its time to get back to living. They will find something else to ----- about Trump in no time
You keep acting like everything is a grand conspiracy to get Trump. Get over it because it isn't. The action with the virus is about making sure we don't screw up everything and kill millions because we failed to control it. If you want to get back living let us take our time and be patient. We'll get there but if you and people like you keep pushing to open everything with no social distancing it'll only be longer.
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