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Political Thread

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So in one post you imply cuomo isnt getting it done in terms disinfecting public transportation.

In previous post you applaud an idiot governor who is ignoring even the presidents own plan and reopening.

Looks pretty hypocritical to me.
What I’m implying is the smart governors are opening up and realizing wo an economy many more will suffer and die. The idiot governors that say stay shut down actually are doing no good because the virus is still spreading and will continue to spread and on top of people dying. They are adding suffering and more deaths to the virus numbers. Of course Cuomo wants everyone to panic and counts anyone that dies right now from the virus. See TX a week open and no big spikes. All those wanting to stay shut down give no answers to when to really open back up and how to pay all those that are losing everything. I’m labeled selfish yet those are just as selfish because they don’t care about anyone’s livelihood of trying to provide for their families and not end up on street. As I have said before. Stay home and don’t come out. Let those that want to take their chances and try and survive making a living let them. The virus will run its course. Those that stay home and locked up. Eventually you will have to come out. Yes the virus will still be here.
The pro-Trump folks here defending even these crazy things Trump said yesterday means they'll defend practically anything he says. There was an easy chance for these pro-Trump folks to finally criticize him, but they just can't bring themselves to do it. Tribalism type bias to the max. It takes away from their credibility as they can't be trusted to be objective.

If Trump were to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and it weren't for self defense or to save someone else, I wonder what % of these same folks would criticize him.
Ok I will admit he’s an idiot especially right now but he is still better than the ignorant Biden and his pathetic views. So both suck. What can we do about it. You have Trump (dumb) and Biden (dumber)
Except one is necessary and one isnt. People need to shop. Who has to have a tattoo right now?
Well they are small businesses trying to make a living. Why are you worried so much. Stay home collect your check and I’m sure your family and friends are staying home also. You are safe and wont get it staying home. Just order all you need online. Let others live there lives. I don’t worry about you staying home so quit worrying about others. Everyone chooses to either stay home or get out. No one is forcing anyone to do either. It’s called freedom.
Well they are small businesses trying to make a living. Why are you worried so much. Stay home collect your check and I’m sure your family and friends are staying home also. You are safe and wont get it staying home. Just order all you need online. Let others live there lives. I don’t worry about you staying home so quit worrying about others. Everyone chooses to either stay home or get out. No one is forcing anyone to do either. It’s called freedom.

You shouldnt be free to do things that risk so many others lives. You are only so free anyways.
Serious question for all those that want to stay sip or lockdown. How long do you think we should stay in this? How long do you think we can wo the economy totally collapsing? Or do you think America will never collapse and will bounce right back no matter how long or how many times we sip or lockdown?
You shouldnt be free to do things that risk so many others lives. You are only so free anyways.
How am I risking their lives when the ones that are out are out because they chose to be out? When people have flu they go out. So they are risking people’s lives.
Could the same not be said for cigarette smoke I breath while sitting in car behind someone smoking. Or vaping and the fumes it gives off. Or an elder driving that could have a medical issue? The list could go on and on and on. Living comes with risks.
Not a time for sarcasm. We deserve better than this guy.

How about this guy?????FA3F06F4-BD5A-401B-9516-89E9683021A1.jpeg
Serious question for all those that want to stay sip or lockdown. How long do you think we should stay in this? How long do you think we can wo the economy totally collapsing? Or do you think America will never collapse and will bounce right back no matter how long or how many times we sip or lockdown?
With all due respect - Your question presupposes the premise that folks "want" to stay "sip or {in} lockdown". Perhaps a better question would be your second - how long do various folks think we should? Then ask "Why?"

Just my 2¢
Serious question for all those that want to stay sip or lockdown. How long do you think we should stay in this? How long do you think we can wo the economy totally collapsing? Or do you think America will never collapse and will bounce right back no matter how long or how many times we sip or lockdown?
I think it depends on the area. Georgia could have gone a week or two more and been just fine shut down then began what they're doing today. Businesses are going to stay closed because of safety reasons so why try and open up when the businesses aren't ready? Political suicide for Kemp to me. We will be fine if we properly follow the guidelines.
Trump claimed the injection statement was sarcasm in response to a media question. The problem is he didn't say it during the question and answer portion of the presser.
I think it depends on the area. Georgia could have gone a week or two more and been just fine shut down then began what they're doing today. Businesses are going to stay closed because of safety reasons so why try and open up when the businesses aren't ready? Political suicide for Kemp to me. We will be fine if we properly follow the guidelines.
We will be fine even if we don't follow the guidelines. I'm glad the panic is almost over for Georgia and we can get back re-building our economy!
Understood but do you think its safe and smart for "you" to be going to work? You could potentiality get infected and carry it out into the public.

Yeah its risky and no I don't go flouting around in public. When I have to go to my parents I stay outside and talk to my mom through the window.
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