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Political Thread

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Ummm Ben Carson did that all on his own by saying many stupid things.

Also, Trump is the same person he's always been. I guess you forgot about the 80s where he did stuff as he did with the whole Central Park 5 situation. He brought it all on himself then and still does to this day. Has nothing to do with the (R).
Actually it has EVERYTHING to do with the (R). You put a (D) beside Carson's name he is a bonafide Rockstar. Trump was too when he was throwing all that money to the (D) side which is really all that Democrats care about. They love really rich people and really poor people. The rich fund their power and the poor blindly vote for them again and again and again. Hell you put an (R) beside Obama and he wouldn't have won an election as dog catcher
Ben Carson is a straightfoward example of book smart =/= actually smart. I mean come on. His idea that gay people are only gay because of prison? What?
My personal plan? Vote out Trump, get Biden in there, complain about him for 4 years, then vote in a competent, smart Republican. Or shoot, maybe by 2024 the two main parties will fracture into moderates vs extremists on both sides and either we get a moderate in office or we succumb completely into extremism
Lol Cuomo has it under control.

So in one post you imply cuomo isnt getting it done in terms disinfecting public transportation.

In previous post you applaud an idiot governor who is ignoring even the presidents own plan and reopening.

Looks pretty hypocritical to me.
The pro-Trump folks here defending even these crazy things Trump said yesterday means they'll defend practically anything he says. There was an easy chance for these pro-Trump folks to finally criticize him, but they just can't bring themselves to do it. Tribalism type bias to the max. It takes away from their credibility as they can't be trusted to be objective.

If Trump were to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and it weren't for self defense or to save someone else, I wonder what % of these same folks would criticize him.
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The pro-Trump folks here defending even these crazy things Trump said yesterday means they'll defend practically anything he says. There was an easy chance for these pro-Trump folks to finally criticize him, but they just can't being themselves to do it. Tribalism type bas to the max. It takes away from their credibility as they can't be trusted to be objective.

If Trump were to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and it weren't for self defense or to save someone else, I wonder what % of these same folks would criticize him.

I asked months ago about where the red line was for people so blindly supporting him. It was clear then and it's clear now that there will never be a line. He owns them now and they are incapable of criticism. The case was the same with many Obama supporters who so blindly gave him cover for all his blunders.

It's those people that allow the swamp to fester and sink us.
My personal plan? Vote out Trump, get Biden in there, complain about him for 4 years, then vote in a competent, smart Republican. Or shoot, maybe by 2024 the two main parties will fracture into moderates vs extremists on both sides and either we get a moderate in office or we succumb completely into extremism
after he ingets Lysol and follows with a bleach chaser, there may just be one in the wings already, already duly elected ...
Trump really has no business doing pressers anymore just let the experts talk.

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