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Political Thread

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As many of us have a good idea where you stand. You get paid no matter what. To heck with those that have lost jobs and might lose their homes and families may go hungry. It’s all about saving lives and forget about those that want be able to afford food for their kids or even pay to take care of their parents that may be in assisted living. Yes lives matter Shaggy but some will be forever in poverty after this. Some will lose family businesses and all they have. How about having some sympathy for those individuals also. We are all suffering it’s not just those dying. It goes both ways. I have been called selfish for my opinions and mentally insane and morbid obsession with death. Those should look in mirror and realize it goes both ways. I could say you have a hyperbole of 2 million deaths and morbid obsession of seeing people suffer and lose everything. I am not trying to be mean but quit throwing it in my face. Show sympathy please for those that lose everything. To them they would rather be dead. Those that want to try and make a living instead of sitting on their butts collecting unemployment that will not make ends meet. Is that a crime?

I get that theres pain and suffering from the lost jobs. I know the govt is paying those people unemployment and a stimulus check. Good that they are getting the aid needed. Still there will be some jobs that wont come back. Some businesses wont return. Already a local factory Lennox here in eastern NC has closed a factory for good. They were probably already on the brink of going under anyways.

People still above ground will have a chance to regain what was lost. It may take time and hard work but they have that chance. The dead have no chance to recover anything and their loved ones unable to even say goodbye will live with that lose and trauma for the rest of their lives.

Its a crappy deal there are no winners there are no easy pathways forward there is a fine line that needs to be walked. Open up enough but dont cause a 2nd wave.....let's hope we find that line.
Polls I’ve seen tonight are about 80% against/20% in favor of Gov Kemp’s reopening in GA of places like bowling alleys, barbershops, nail salons, and tattoo parlors. I’ve yet to see one mayor speak out in favor. Some places have said they’ll open then and others said they won’t.
I think we need to look at TX. Watch and see if any spikes or hot spots develop. They opened up Friday.
Mathew 70 good article:

The global oil industry is producing vastly more oil than the world needs, like 30 million barrels a day.

The oil industry in America employs about 10 million people directly. Then indirectly it creates many other jobs from companies who supply construction of equiptment, materials the industry needs to function.
Where did GA talk show host Erick Erickson get these GA daily case #s from? They are far lower than the numbers derived from the official GA health website!

“From Here are the present numbers in Georgia based on daily new cases:

April 14: 830
April 15: 634
April 16: 661
April 17: 537
April 18: 256
April 19: 157
April 20: 96
April 21: 23”

Based on these #s that I can’t verify, Erick is saying the Rt factor is now under 1. I’m sensing BS here based on these #s being far lower than what can be inferred from the aforementioned GA website but also due to some wacko things he’s said in the past about unrelated topics.

He’s supposedly getting data based on date tests were actually administered as opposed to dates the test results came out. But where is this data? Help!

IF these #s were real, then I’d agree GA is probably improving rapidly. But again, I don’t trust him at all and have no way to verify his #s.

Edit: From his wiki to show how wacky he has been:

“In April 2009, Erickson described retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter on his Twitter account as ‘the only goat f-cking child molester to ever serve on the Supreme Court’. In an appearance on The Colbert Report, Erickson said the statement was ‘not my finest hour.’”

What the heck is that crap?
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Limousine radical liberals could care less about Christian Conservative working class men and women who are the backbone of our country

Donald Trump totally is for the working man and we appreciate it

There is not a big enough eye roll for this but here ya go......:rolleyes: .....? at Trump being for the working class.......
Where did GA talk show host Erick Erickson get these GA daily case #s from? They are far lower than the numbers derived from the official GA health website!

“From Here are the present numbers in Georgia based on daily new cases:

April 14: 830
April 15: 634
April 16: 661
April 17: 537
April 18: 256
April 19: 157
April 20: 96
April 21: 23”

Based on these #s that I can’t verify, Erick is saying the Rt factor is now under 1. I’m sending BS here based on these #s being far lower than what can be inferred from the aforementioned GA website but also due to some wacko things he’s said in the past about unrelated topics.

He’s supposedly getting data based on date tests were actually administered as opposed to dates the test results came out. But where is this data? Help!

IF these #s were real, then I’d agree GA is improving rapidly.

He actually might be getting it from DPH. I was extremely confused at first when I saw the chart on the website because it was much lower than the numbers that I had seen recently a couple days ago, but then I saw this below:

Confirmed cases of COVID-19 by date of earliest known sign of illness. Please note that these data represent our most current understanding of the cases at the time of report. The most recent days of these trend data are impacted by a reporting lag that varies based on how the case is reported to public health and are subject to change.

So, assuming that major issues remain, the later dates are going to eventually skyrocket on earliest known sign of illness. It actually makes me wonder if the data that's being used is "this" instead of confirmed cases. If so, very, very flawed.

This also doesn't take into account that there's been some GA DPH problems too.
Just FYI. It’s a nice thought but the plants with sick workers can’t just hire the unemployed to work for the sick. There is paperwork, background checks, training and money to put on a payroll. It’s not something that can be done quickly. If they are not trained properly and get hurt on job then say hello to lawsuit.
Some states are already broke lmao. So can every American file bankruptcy also? This govt. is idiots on both sides. I really think they want the rich and poor and no more middle class. The govt. can not just print money to fix all these problems. Higher taxes and super hyperinflation will soon be upon us.
29% will be broke in a month.
160 million will be completely broke within 3 months.
That is half of America. Anyone think it will be calm and all good when half of Americans are broke? If you do then I sure hope you are right. Glad I have my ammo.
29% will be broke in a month.
160 million will be completely broke within 3 months.
That is half of America. Anyone think it will be calm and all good when half of Americans are broke? If you do then I sure hope you are right. Glad I have my ammo.
Everywhere will be opening up and removing all SIP orders in the next two weeks. It MUST happen or there will be massive political upheaval. Some areas may have more of a "tyrannical" approach (ie California, New York, Illinois) but most sensible states will open up. It still may be too late. Don't advertise what assets you possess, by the way.
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