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Political Thread

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I give it 5 days before Georgia's beaches are closed again. Maybe less.

I'm actually in shock at this one. Governor overruling local government to enact more restrictions is one thing. But overruling to remove them as a means of public safety? Seems like political suicide.
This is happening here. Different opinions and if you want to live your life wo fear and you are practicing social distancing it’s still not enough. Another board I’m on it’s spilt. Some shut everything down and other half open Up. Everyone on that board respects the other. No chastising or calling them mentally ill. One person said he’s going to wear a hat that says “make handshakes great again”! No one disrespected him. I posted this on that board. No one disrespected me.

I understand the position we are all in but we can’t shut down for 6-8 weeks. If we do then the depression America will enter will be far worse than 100-200k dead if that many do die. 90% of American businesses are small business. That is 90% of the economy. We have most likely 3 weeks before things turn really ugly. By then 50% of Americans are broke. Flat out broke. I am hearing a lot of target practicing going on around me. My neighbors and I have all exchanged numbers in case social unrest starts breaking out. I am not at all trying to make anyone panic. Just saying it’s possible. Riots are not uncommon with just simple things such as teams winning championships or a Rodney king type case. I read today they are releasing more federal inmates. No money, inmates released, gangs, drug users, and hunger and poverty all are recipes for not good times. My mom who is a cancer survivor at 72 went out today to get groceries. She wore gloves and mask. She practiced social safe distancing. She said I can’t live in fear of getting it. She said my days are limited anyway. She understands when it’s ones time it’s time. How many will survive this but yet pass away tomorrow? Living 6-8 weeks in fear and when some come out of hiding they may pass away from an accident that very next day. That would be sad to have missed out on 6-8 weeks of living. My niece is an RT. Said she is not scared. Her job is to help people. If medical personnel do not want to help then no one is forcing them. A lady I know whose an RN her husband is ugly to her and tells her she should quit. That she is not thinking of him and her kids. She told him you are a selfish man. She is spot on. Do what makes you happy and comfortable. Plenty of food and supplies can be delivered. Stay safe and healthy to everyone here!

I’m sure many in here disagree and that is fine. Just remember we’re all human and calling people idiots because they choose to go out to beaches or parks is not right. You never know that one day at beach with family might be last time they get to go to beach with their family. At end of April if small businesses want to open up they should be allowed to. The people that go to those places know they risks. That’s the choice of Freedom that was fought for! No govt should be able to take that away.
@Mathew70 you must be living in a different America. I was out today for food and it was mostly business as usual. No roving gangs of released prisoners or violence. If people are broke they sure have a weird way of showing by packing the academy sports, EVERY fast food store was packed. I actually pulled out of the line at Chic-fil-a because the line was so long and slow.

You must be in a different America. My neighborhood has an unspoken pact. It's one way in the first houses report any unusual activity so we are well informed. We arent exchanging numbers in case of civil unrest. We are planning to decorate each others yards on easter morning to surprise all the kiddies.

You have determined how this will play out in a panic of devolving society and it seems to be consuming every thought you have of this ongoing crisis.
@Mathew70 you must be living in a different America. I was out today for food and it was mostly business as usual. No roving gangs of released prisoners or violence. If people are broke they sure have a weird way of showing by packing the academy sports, EVERY fast food store was packed. I actually pulled out of the line at Chic-fil-a because the line was so long and slow.

You must be in a different America. My neighborhood has an unspoken pact. It's one way in the first houses report any unusual activity so we are well informed. We arent exchanging numbers in case of civil unrest. We are planning to decorate each others yards on easter morning to surprise all the kiddies.

You have determined how this will play out in a panic of devolving society and it seems to be consuming every thought you have of this ongoing crisis.

I swear. The doom and gloom from him is over the top. I get it. You want life back to normal. You want everyone to keep doing like they were doing two months ago. This is the problem. People keep doing without thinking of others. It’s not the infected in hospitals we need to worry about. It’s not the people that test positive and are told to self quarantine. It’s the people that have this virus, don’t know it, are asymptomatic, and are unknowingly spreading it. If they’d stay home like they’re supposed to, the curve will flatten and everyone will get back to normal soon enough.
@Mathew70 you must be living in a different America. I was out today for food and it was mostly business as usual. No roving gangs of released prisoners or violence. If people are broke they sure have a weird way of showing by packing the academy sports, EVERY fast food store was packed. I actually pulled out of the line at Chic-fil-a because the line was so long and slow.

You must be in a different America. My neighborhood has an unspoken pact. It's one way in the first houses report any unusual activity so we are well informed. We arent exchanging numbers in case of civil unrest. We are planning to decorate each others yards on easter morning to surprise all the kiddies.

You have determined how this will play out in a panic of devolving society and it seems to be consuming every thought you have of this ongoing crisis.
No where did I say it was happening now Shaggy. It is a POSSIBILITY that is what I said. Read it again Shaggy. I thought you were saying Trump and the administration should be prepared? So am I and my neighbors wrong for just preparing? Was it wrong for so many to go by ammo and guns before? The people that chose to buy extra food. That was their choices not for you to decide for them. You act like nothing could ever go wrong. That is fine I look at all possibilities and don’t live in fear and don’t fault or call you names for it. We just live and prepare in different ways. That’s all. If nothing happens then great. No complaints from me. You believe what you want to about the virus and I will believe what I want to. We can agree to disagree. I don’t need govt or others trying to live my life or make my decisions.
I swear. The doom and gloom from him is over the top. I get it. You want life back to normal. You want everyone to keep doing like they were doing two months ago. This is the problem. People keep doing without thinking of others. It’s not the infected in hospitals we need to worry about. It’s not the people that test positive and are told to self quarantine. It’s the people that have this virus, don’t know it, are asymptomatic, and are unknowingly spreading it. If they’d stay home like they’re supposed to, the curve will flatten and everyone will get back to normal soon enough.
No doom and gloom. It’s all possibilities. Jus Iike war is always a possibility. What happens when the lockdown is lifted and it’s starts spreading again. If it does? Lockdown again? Every state should do what fits them best. Why should TN do what NY is doing? So when cargo ships arrive from over seas will we still quarantine those people off the ship? Airplanes? That’s the whole point I’m trying to make. You slam me because I don’t believe like you do. Then do you buy ammo or any extra food? If did why? Why ammo? Nothing will ever happen. I am not going to call names. As I said to Shaggy. We can agree to disagree.
Logan’s announcing they are closing for good. Bankruptcy.
Not because of the virus though.
If we had left the pandemic team in place we would have had better eyes on our preparedness to this event. Are we going to suggest our federal govt and its relevant agencies didnt notice the "empty shelves" over the last 3 years? Building ppe wasnt somethin we should have been worrying about as this unfolded it should have already been in place.

You're going to have to go back much further than 3 years for your "blame game"; plenty of missteps to go around; not to mention if anybody has ever dealt with the government the sheer incompetence and bureaucracy at even the lower levels would absolutely amaze, stun, and sadden you..

The glaring weakness in all of this is the globalization of the supply chain and how we as a country are woefully unprepared. Need to bring more back in house and quit outsourcing. Companies should be penalized not incentivized and that goes for their hiring employees; it's going to be critically important going forward as our unemployment skyrockets and the longer this drags on the more the economy craters.

Of course China is cheaper because they don't give a crap about their people, the environment, or even quality control. There's always a price to pay for cheap.
You're going to have to go back much further than 3 years for your "blame game"; plenty of missteps to go around; not to mention if anybody has ever dealt with the government the sheer incompetence and bureaucracy at even the lower levels would absolutely amaze, stun, and sadden you..

The glaring weakness in all of this is the globalization of the supply chain and how we as a country are woefully unprepared. Need to bring more back in house and quit outsourcing. Companies should be penalized not incentivized and that goes for their hiring employees; it's going to be critically important going forward as our unemployment skyrockets and the longer this drags on the more the economy craters.

Of course China is cheaper because they don't give a crap about their people, the environment, or even quality control. There's always a price to pay for cheap.

No argument there.

At the same time each new admin has a chance to change the misdeed of their predecessors. Each failure to do so is a missed oppurtunity.
I was talking to my Iranian American friend yesterday. He was telling me the exact thing I’ve said here: he can’t remember a time when the US had been so divided. He said to me that so many of the red and blue hate each other like the worst enemies on the planet...worse than anyone in any unfriendly countries! That’s exactly what I’ve said. He noted that we’re supposed to be the “United States” of America but that America is no longer anywhere close to being united any more. Everything is unfortunately seen in terms of blue or red by so many folks. He’s really worried about the future of our country.

By the way, he’s an independent and not much into politics because of this ugliness. He’s highly intelligent. He’s very much into philosophy.
No doom and gloom. It’s all possibilities. Jus Iike war is always a possibility. What happens when the lockdown is lifted and it’s starts spreading again. If it does? Lockdown again? Every state should do what fits them best. Why should TN do what NY is doing? So when cargo ships arrive from over seas will we still quarantine those people off the ship? Airplanes? That’s the whole point I’m trying to make. You slam me because I don’t believe like you do. Then do you buy ammo or any extra food? If did why? Why ammo? Nothing will ever happen. I am not going to call names. As I said to Shaggy. We can agree to disagree.
Can I share something with you? Every time I read a post of yours, my blood pressure goes up.

Why do you think that is?
I was talking to my Iranian American friend yesterday. He was telling me the exact thing I’ve said here: he can’t remember a time when the US had been so divided. He said to me that so many of the red and blue hate each other like the worst enemies on the planet...worse than anyone in any unfriendly countries! That’s exactly what I’ve said. He noted that we’re supposed to be the “United States” of America but that America is no longer anywhere close to being united any more. Everything is unfortunately seen in terms of blue or red by so many folks. He’s really worried about the future of our country.

By the way, he’s an independent and not much into politics because of this ugliness. He’s highly intelligent. He’s very much into philosophy.
I agree with him.
Can I share something with you? Every time I read a post of yours, my blood pressure goes up.

Why do you think that is?
Well that could go both ways for many of us. I read others posts and could let it make my bp go up. I read and listen to what everyone says. So tell me why?

All the things you say are ruining us are what's getting us through this. In NC we have turned this around already. We have to keep our foot on the gas and we need to push through and finish this.

Taking our foot off the gas could be exactly what pushes us into the situation you seem to fear most.

I was talking to my Iranian American friend yesterday. He was telling me the exact thing I’ve said here: he can’t remember a time when the US had been so divided. He said to me that so many of the red and blue hate each other like the worst enemies on the planet...worse than anyone in any unfriendly countries! That’s exactly what I’ve said. He noted that we’re supposed to be the “United States” of America but that America is no longer anywhere close to being united any more. Everything is unfortunately seen in terms of blue or red by so many folks. He’s really worried about the future of our country.

By the way, he’s an independent and not much into politics because of this ugliness. He’s highly intelligent. He’s very much into philosophy.
This can be squarely blamed on the media, mainly social media. They thrive on the division to push an agenda and give people an easy platform to voice angst and disdain because there are no repercussions. People dont talk to people, they talk to screens.
Well that could go both ways for many of us. I read others posts and could let it make my bp go up. I read and listen to what everyone says. So tell me why?
I will answer this in good faith.

Because it seems like you are always thinking of the worst case scenario. I realize you believe you're just telling us the possibilities, but in my opinion it always seems to skew towards doom and gloom.

I don't know how old you are, but I am barely old enough to remember when the Soviets were the enemies during the Cold War, and people thought World War 3 was inevitable, and one day something would happen, and we'd both launch the missiles and blow each other up. Are you old enough to remember that and worry about it? Because if you did, it didn't matter. If those missiles had flown, there was nothing we could've done.

A lot of the things you have mentioned and worry about, we have no control over, and probably won't happen. Focus on what we can control. Reality is more than often the mean between two extremes.
This can be squarely blamed on the media, mainly social media. They thrive on the division to push an agenda and give people an easy platform to voice angst and disdain because there are no repercussions. People dont talk to people, they talk to screens.

We both believe the internet is largely to blame. He noted that there is so much false info out there that it makes it hard to know what the truth is even for intelligent people. He wishes there were some way to police the internet for false info but knows that that is not going to happen.
We both believe the internet is largely to blame. He noted that there is so much false info out there that it makes it hard to know what the truth is even for intelligent people. He wishes there were some way to police the internet for false info but knows that that is not going to happen.

I always thought the internet was gonna unite the world and bring everyone together with knowledge......boy was I wrong.
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