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Political Thread

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Don’t worry let’s just stay on lockdown for another month or two. Yes lives being lost is sad but millions of lives being destroyed for how many?

I hope it's not one of your family members that ends up dying because of someone elses callous dont give a Damn about anyone else attitude.
I say stay on lockdown til July 4. Countless lives will be destroyed forever, but many lives will be saved at the same time.
We stay in lockdown till then. Then say hello to civil unrest and a depression most will not want to live thru.
I say stay on lockdown til July 4. Countless lives will be destroyed forever, but many lives will be saved at the same time.

I’m currently out of work from this virus. I understand saving lives but do to the type of job I have being temporary. I don’t qualify for unemployment. So yeah things will have to open up before me and my family is back at a full income to support ourselves

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And how do you enforce a national lockdown in a nation of 300 million people? With guns? grenades? tanks? drone strikes? Its just words. The effort it would take for such a thing is IMPOSSIBLE to enforce. The majority of people are doing as good a job as can be done in isolating themselves which is more than likely the reason those states haven't issued anything yet if they even will. Its note a 1 size fits all answer
It’s better than telling people it’s all a big liberal media hoax and it will magically disappear by Easter ?
I appreciate your psychology exam on us both. Good thing you are not a psychologist because your prognosis of many would be wrong meaning you would be a terrible one at that. I read what you say and your wx input is really good. I am not going to put you down because I do not want to stoop to your level. Everyone has a right to their beliefs and opinions. That is what makes America great and all of us unique.
This post just reinforces my earlier point.
We will survive.
I hope you are right Shaggy. I work in the manufacturing, construction, automotive, trucking industries and govt. Just this morning I have had many and I mean many that are being laid off and hours cut in half with not being paid while off. All said they are not happy and resentment is growing. A couple said they will take care of selves first if comes down to it. The division in America is growing each day this goes on. I am not one of just a few feeling this way. It’s much more than many want to believe. Let’s all hope it’s over 1st of May.
So your state is actively doing check points to see who is following the law and limit travel? I’m not defending AL or the government here because they are mostly idiots on the best sunny day. I have read the “lock down” order in NC and they allow you to leave your home for lots of reasons. Unless something has changed, no curfew is in place. I’m of the opinion if you are gonna lock down, lock down. Have check points, put limits on Walmart and Home Depot. Slow county to county travel.
The point is it’s a lot better than doing literally nothing and it CAN be enforced, if for example you’re not an essential worker and traveling out of state, you could be ticketed, fined, or thrown in jail. Even without strict enforcement, the mere thought or possibility of something like this is more than enough to scare many people away and it also gives workers (like my grandmother for ex) who are at risk, a legal reason to work from home in case her employer decides to not obey the stay at home order. I have to carry documentation anywhere I go now to show that I’m an essential employee or else I’ll risk gettinf pulled over and ticketed, that’s not me that mandated this either, came straight down from the president of Harris Teeter
And this post backs up what I said. You are always right and everyone else is wrong. That is your thinking and attitude and always will be.
Have you ever considered that this is because I probably have a stronger opinion than you do and am a legitimately reasonable person that doesn’t want the country to suddenly get back to work at the expense of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives? No it never could be something so reasonable, it has to be because I’m just mean spirited! Alas, I should quit feeding the “animals” & probably get back to the CoV-19 thread
I hope it's not one of your family members that ends up dying because of someone elses callous dont give a Damn about anyone else attitude.
Actually all of my family, siblings and mom all believe it would be better to let nature take its course. When it’s your time its your time. It’s better than being homeless and poverty and hungry. To see futures of millions suffering for years but we will be fine. I hope you all are right and will remember that.
Have you ever considered that this is because I probably have a stronger opinion than you do and am a legitimately reasonable person that doesn’t want the country to suddenly get back to work at the expense of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives? No it never could be something so reasonable, it has to be because I’m just mean spirited! Alas, I should quit feeding the “animals” & probably get back to the CoV-19 thread
You do realize that hundreds of thousands of innocent lives are also being ruined from this virus not just by death.
Anyway we can agree to disagree and drop this and move on.
Actually all of my family, siblings and mom all believe it would be better to let nature take its course. When it’s your time its your time. It’s better than being homeless and poverty and hungry. To see futures of millions suffering for years but we will be fine. I hope you all are right and will remember that.
“... it would be better to let nature take its course. When it’s your time it’s your time.”

LOL what?

You’d rather people actually die than risk being out of work for a while & struggling to make ends meet for a bit before the economy inevitably comes back?

Wow, you truly are mentally insane. Please seek some help asap
“... it would be better to let nature take its course. When it’s your time it’s your time.”

LOL what?

You’d rather people actually die than risk being out of work for a while & struggling to make ends meet for a bit before the economy inevitably comes back?

Wow, you truly are mentally insane. Please seek some help asap
You say these things because I don’t fear death and believe when it’s my time it’s my time? I’m considered insane? That’s liberal thinking. You have to believe their way and not have an opinion. I don’t really know you Web but I am not going to stoop to your level of name calling.
I hope you are right Shaggy. I work in the manufacturing, construction, automotive, trucking industries and govt. Just this morning I have had many and I mean many that are being laid off and hours cut in half with not being paid while off. All said they are not happy and resentment is growing. A couple said they will take care of selves first if comes down to it. The division in America is growing each day this goes on. I am not one of just a few feeling this way. It’s much more than many want to believe. Let’s all hope it’s over 1st of May.

How many damn jobs do you have?
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