The last five minutes of a basketball game often stretch out in a logarithmic fashion. If one team is far enough behind to be desperate, the players will begin committing intentional fouls simply to force a free throw from the foul line.&n...
Despite the cheerleading provided by the mainstream media, the Democrats are way behind heading into this election season. And they know it. The American people have had more than three years to grow comfortable with Trump. He's turned out to be a reasonably competent president, even if his tweets sometimes make us cringe. Trump turned the economy around, brought the Chinese to heel,
and actually does what he says he will do.
The Democrats, on the other hand, have continued to operate in the same old way that lost them the 2016 race. In order to avoid losing control, the party establishment cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination again. They then managed to shove the most senile, corrupt, and incompetent candidate of the crowded primary field into the race. Even with 95% of journalists ignoring Joe Biden's scandals, Trump is still pulling ahead in the polls. No wonder they need to cheat by mail to even the chances.