Dewpoint Dan
A lot of Wendy's don't even serve breakfast.It’s was better years ago for sure. I do like the breakfast menu now.
A lot of Wendy's don't even serve breakfast.It’s was better years ago for sure. I do like the breakfast menu now.
I love sonic. Love their burgers, shakes, and chili cheese dogs.Hardees has good burgers if done right, however the service is so slow it pretty much kills it. Now Sonic burgers are awesome.
5 guys is good too but pricey .Hardee's and cookout have the best burgers. Sonic has the best hotdogs and burger king is better than McDs with the burgers. KFC is good as well. Bojangles has fallen from my grace as well.
I just had Logan’s Roadhouse..those rolls with honey butter are some of the best I’ve ever had
5 guys is good too but pricey .
This is what happens when you threaten the people harden the resolve, if they move in and this goes badly and people die Trump will have to answer for that blood and if you think what has happened to this point is bad just wait......
This is what happens when you threaten the people harden the resolve, if they move in and this goes badly and people die Trump will have to answer for that blood and if you think what has happened to this point is bad just wait......
They're getting ready to find out what happens when you poke a badger.DC's going crazy right now ....
They're getting ready to find out what happens when you poke a badger.
Ryan’s!Quincy rolls will always be king.....
Sweet manna from heaven.
This is what happens when you threaten the people harden the resolve, if they move in and this goes badly and people die Trump will have to answer for that blood and if you think what has happened to this point is bad just wait......
Actually in my opinion it will only further fracture the American people. Sure, those who approve of Trump are probably more than those who disapprove of him right now, but it's the long and bitter road to an unthinkable war later on. Hopefully Trump can help smooth the tensions soon. I'm speaking as one who voted for him too.This will make Trump look like a hero in most of the people's eyes. Oh, there will be a few that will try to blame him, but it won't make a difference. There will also be blood shed, but then folks will understand that there are still laws in this country.... and you just can't ignore them.
Actually in my opinion it will only further fracture the American people. Sure, those who approve of Trump are probably more than those who disapprove of him right now, but it's the long and bitter road to an unthinkable war later on. Hopefully Trump can help smooth the tensions soon. I'm speaking as one who voted for him too.
This will make Trump look like a hero in most of the people's eyes. Oh, there will be a few that will try to blame him, but it won't make a difference. There will also be blood shed, but then folks will understand that there are still laws in this country.... and you just can't ignore them.
This will make Trump look like a hero in most of the people's eyes. Oh, there will be a few that will try to blame him, but it won't make a difference. There will also be blood shed, but then folks will understand that there are still laws in this country.... and you just can't ignore them.
Maybe be more humble and tell the American people that he is aware of and apologizes for the abuses of those who enforce the law, while still letting everyone know it's not ok to destroy cities. When he kind of ignores what the protests are all about and goes on with how he's a Law and Order leader, it just seems to me like he takes the nation one step closer to civil war.Exactly how would you suggest Trump smooth the tension?
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Maybe be more humble and tell the American people that he is aware of and apologizes for the abuses of those who enforce the law, while still letting everyone know it's not ok to destroy cities. When he kind of ignores what the protests are all about and goes on with how he's a Law and Order leader, it just seems to me like he takes the nation one step closer to civil war.
It reminds me of the Bible story of King Rehoboam. The older advisers urged him to listen to the people and redress their grievances, while the young advisers urged him to take a tough stance on those who disagreed with his policies and say harsh things. Well, he lost his kingdom at that point. Just food for thought.
Actually in my opinion it will only further fracture the American people. Sure, those who approve of Trump are probably more than those who disapprove of him right now, but it's the long and bitter road to an unthinkable war later on. Hopefully Trump can help smooth the tensions soon. I'm speaking as one who voted for him too.
Never ever ever happen.Wonder if he could actually go join the protesters without getting shot! Now that would be a incredible show of peace
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Yep, if things go bad and the military kills Americans for protesting then EVERYONE should be appalled and DEMAND Trump resign immediately and there needs to be a general nationwide strikes until that happens....this is not China, this is not Russia, this is not Iran we DO NOT KILL protesters....the second our leaders sanction such actions they give up their right to be our leader period full stop.
Its one thing to put force in place to try and control the crowds I got no problem with that, they shoud be limited to non lethal weapons only though, if not it greatly increases the chances of something bad happening...all it takes is one rock to hit a solider with a machine gun and them deciding to dump the mag into the crowd for there to be dozens of not hundreds of killed and wounded....even worse there will be people, fellow Americans that friggen applaud it and say they got what they deserve.....
This is all so depressing. We see an absolutely maniacal Police Office murder a man that was already well under control and then we see thugs and hooligans taking attention away from those that genuinely want to protest this. Then by robbing, looting assaulting business owners and shooting and assaulting Police, they invite military intervention which would tear this country wide apart. There have to be consequences for all of this, the Officer should never see the outside of a jail again (or be meted out justice once inside) and the groups like Antifa need to be acknowledged for what they are, NOTHING but anarchists and ideologues who wish to destroy the country that has produced so much good (and yes some bad) around the world ?
First off, these are not peaceful protests! ..... Second, there are consequences to disobeying the law... up to and including lethal force. You guys act like this is all ok..... Pathetic.LOL the fact you think that's the case shows your in a bubble man....if the military moves in and attacks a otherwise peaceful protest then the number of people in the streets tomorrow will be even higher, do you really think killing and hurting a bunch of Americans will make Trump look like a hero....
First off, these are not peaceful protests! ..... Second, there are consequences to disobeying the law... up to and including lethal force. You guys act like this is all ok..... Pathetic.
First off, these are not peaceful protests! ..... Second, there are consequences to disobeying the law... up to and including lethal force. You guys act like this is all ok..... Pathetic.
Sometimes it's just a recognition of blindness.Sometimes a thunbsdown is a sign of pride!