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Political Thread

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To add to my point that all is not well in Ga or anywhere else I will leave this here

excessive force but you also had 2 persons not following directions from multiple police officers. I guess the bright side it wasn’t all white cops.
I will give you the not following direction but, the resulting action by the officers is something that happens everyday and why we are having issues. We have to give them better tools to deal with "not following directions. Most officers deal with that in a different way with better results. We need to train them better and pay them better.
excessive force but you also had 2 persons not following directions from multiple police officers. I guess the bright side it wasn’t all white cops.
I will give you the not following direction but, the resulting action by the officers is something that happens everyday and why we are having issues. We have to give them better tools to deal with "not following directions. Most officers deal with that in a different way with better results. We need to train them better and pay them better.
What do you want them to do? If 2 persons are not following directions then the cops have to take it up a notch. They don’t know if someone has a knife or guns. Does it look bad? Yes but I’m sure it’s something that’s trained to do. A better tool would be that people start following directions and stop being hard.
excessive force but you also had 2 persons not following directions from multiple police officers. I guess the bright side it wasn’t all white cops.
I will give you the not following direction but, the resulting action by the officers is something that happens everyday and why we are having issues. We have to give them better tools to deal with "not following directions. Most officers deal with that in a different way with better results. We need to train them better and pay them better.
What do you suggest?
What do you want them to do? If 2 persons are not following directions then the cops have to take it up a notch. They don’t know if someone has a knife or guns. Does it look bad? Yes but I’m sure it’s something that’s trained to do. A better tool would be that people start following directions and stop being hard.

And I agree they need to be paid more. It’s a dangerous job.
I feel that most people agree the riots need to stop as much as police abusing their power needs to end. The riots will end eventually but the question is will anything change with holding police accountable? It's ironic that the people who scream about a civil war and a rebellion if they take their guns are shocked by the actions of others who are having their rights taken.

- There are problems with our law enforcement system and BIG problems with our justice system in this country
- Too many people of color are getting mistreated (without cause) by police in this country
- Too many whites are getting mistreated (without cause) by police in this country
- about 95% of the cops in this country are probably hard working, respectful people who really serve and protect
- the other 5% are sorry excuses for Americans
- Many blacks and browns feel victimized in the US
- many blacks and browns don't feel victimized in the US
- some blacks and brown ARE victims in the US
- many blacks and browns in the US have been conditioned by politics and the media to SEE themselves as victims, dis-empowering them
- Some whites are racist, many are not
- Some blacks and browns are racist, many are not
- the media makes a MESS of things
- protesting is American and a good thing
- Rioting, looting, burning, beating people up, attacking people, and destroying property is deplorable. Those engaging need to be held responsible
- Those engaging are not protesters
- Our country was founded with a lot of injustice
- None of us alive today were involved with those founding injustices
- White men took land from Natives and brought over slaves long ago and that was not right
- Not everything today is the white man's fault, nor can he atone for all past sins
- We are responsible for ourselves and how we treat others
- We are all created equal (However you believe that happened) and should act that way
- We are all Americans and should act that way
excessive force but you also had 2 persons not following directions from multiple police officers. I guess the bright side it wasn’t all white cops.
I will give you the not following direction but, the resulting action by the officers is something that happens everyday and why we are having issues. We have to give them better tools to deal with "not following directions. Most officers deal with that in a different way with better results. We need to train them better and pay them better.

Yeah, most officers do a fine job and I appreciate the very difficult job they do. It is a shame that the many "good ones" are dragged down by the many fewer "bad apples".

Have you ever seen "Live PD"? I recommend folks watch it to see how difficult a job cops have. Also, the ones I've seen on there have largely done an excellent job and they're always very careful in dealing with the public, including as calmly as possible dealing with folks as well as not using more force than needed. For the most part, these cops have been very tolerant even when it is obvious folks are lying. I think that watching shows like this will help give people a better image of the police. Of course, I realize these cops have extra pressure to be on their best behavior because they're on live TV. But that's beside the point.
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What do you want them to do? If 2 persons are not following directions then the cops have to take it up a notch. They don’t know if someone has a knife or guns. Does it look bad? Yes but I’m sure it’s something that’s trained to do. A better tool would be that people start following directions and stop being hard.

And I agree they need to be paid more. It’s a dangerous job.
Well, they are not getting paid at all now and will not work as LEO's anymore. Certifications will be pulled and no one will touch them.
What do I want them to do? Nothing, I want them trained to handle situations better psychologically. Both with themselves and the people they interact with. Allowing your emotions to get the best of you in a tense situation is bad for everybody. That can be trained for better results. As far as following directions, good luck with that. People are going to be people.
You guys are missing the point. None of the looting or violence is justified but you have to take a look at what drove these people to go into the streets to perpetrate these acts. They are not oblivious to the fact that these acts will likely cause personal loss, yet they choose to continue. Sure you can beat them, arrest them and much worse but there are a lot of them. Everytime a protester is forcefully removed it gives the movement more traction. This is happening for a reason and not because someone wants a free TV. How about we figure out why and just address that.

What happens if cause of the looting is greed and the burning of businesses is because they want to?
I will give you the not following direction but, the resulting action by the officers is something that happens everyday and why we are having issues. We have to give them better tools to deal with "not following directions. Most officers deal with that in a different way with better results. We need to train them better and pay them better.
What do you suggest?

As I stated above, Train them to better handle the stresses of the job and the people. Lastly, we are asking them to lay down their lives for us everyday. What's that protection worth to us in this day and time?
What do you want them to do? If 2 persons are not following directions then the cops have to take it up a notch. They don’t know if someone has a knife or guns. Does it look bad? Yes but I’m sure it’s something that’s trained to do. A better tool would be that people start following directions and stop being hard.

And I agree they need to be paid more. It’s a dangerous job.
Well, they are not getting paid at all now and will not work as LEO's anymore. Certifications will be pulled and no one will touch them.
What do I want them to do? Nothing, I want them trained to handle situations better psychologically. Both with themselves and the people they interact with. Allowing your emotions to get the best of you in a tense situation is bad for everybody. That can be trained for better results. As far as following directions, good luck with that. People are going to be people.
ONE OF THE PROBLEMS, is that it is people dealing with people. People are not perfect and some are evil. Therefore, we will still have issues long after we are dead, unfortunately. Hopefully, the police will take more caution with dealing with others for now on. But, the rioting has to be stopped ASAP
Well, they are not getting paid at all now and will not work as LEO's anymore. Certifications will be pulled and no one will touch them.
What do I want them to do? Nothing, I want them trained to handle situations better psychologically. Both with themselves and the people they interact with. Allowing your emotions to get the best of you in a tense situation is bad for everybody. That can be trained for better results. As far as following directions, good luck with that. People are going to be people.
Well people are going to get tased and forcefully removed from the vehicle. Normal people follow directions from officers and don’t try to be difficult and when you do you get what you deserve. Cops don’t want to do that and they asked multiple time and always do when I have seen videos like that. I guess I was raised differently.
1. Why are you lumping together protests and riots? They are not even in the same ballpark. Riots are a nonstarter as far as most law abiding citizens are concerned.
2. Where does the concern about social distancing to limit the spread of COVID fit into all of this?
3. Don Lemon on CNN is a joke. He was practically giving the ok for rioting last night because some folks are "frustrated"
I missed you, you may not have missed me man but I missed you! :D
What happens if cause of the looting is greed and the burning of businesses is because they want to?

In some instances I'm sure it is, but that happens everyday and we punish that. This is different. You have a lot of normally law abiding people involved in these acts. Why all of the sudden did they get involved in this mess?
Ok, so which group are we trying to figure out? We have Antifa, BLM, non-affiliated non-whites, whites, and others. Why are they doing riots and looting?

What is the purpose of protesting? What do they want to achieve?
Police reforms. Police should be held accountable for their crimes like normal citizens. They should have no extra protection for violence under the law. They should not be able to investigate themselves.
In some instances I'm sure it is, but that happens everyday and we punish that. This is different. You have a lot of normally law abiding people involved in these acts. Why all of the sudden did they get involved in this mess?

Opportunity is probably the biggest reason. Many law abiding citizens will turn a dime if you set an opportunity before them and they could get away with it.

The second reason is probably sheer emotion of the moment or heard mentality. Such as when the fans of a sports team burn their own city after winning a title.
Opportunity is probably the biggest reason. Many law abiding citizens will turn a dime if you set an opportunity before them and they could get away with it.

The second reason is probably sheer emotion of the moment or heard mentality. Such as when the fans of a sports team burn their own city after winning a title.
Yeah, all it takes are a few instigators for chaos to break loose, since there’s always going to be some opportunists in a crowd of significant size.
Well, they are not getting paid at all now and will not work as LEO's anymore. Certifications will be pulled and no one will touch them.
What do I want them to do? Nothing, I want them trained to handle situations better psychologically. Both with themselves and the people they interact with. Allowing your emotions to get the best of you in a tense situation is bad for everybody. That can be trained for better results. As far as following directions, good luck with that. People are going to be people.
Well people are going to get tased and forcefully removed from the vehicle. Normal people follow directions from officers and don’t try to be difficult and when you do you get what you deserve. Cops don’t want to do that and they asked multiple time and always do when I have seen videos like that. I guess I was raised differently.
Not really sure what normal is anymore. I was raised that way too and will always comply. Lot's of folks weren't and we can't lock them all up or beat them into submission. I know we can not continue down this path. There are those that are very happy with the discourse that is America right now and are hoping it gets worse.
Opportunity is probably the biggest reason. Many law abiding citizens will turn a dime if you set an opportunity before them and they could get away with it.

The second reason is probably sheer emotion of the moment or heard mentality. Such as when the fans of a sports team burn their own city after winning a title.

You might be right. I feel differently. There is a reason that this hasn't happened in a long time or on this scale. Ironically last time was for the same stated reasons. hmmmm....
What do you want them to do? If 2 persons are not following directions then the cops have to take it up a notch. They don’t know if someone has a knife or guns. Does it look bad? Yes but I’m sure it’s something that’s trained to do. A better tool would be that people start following directions and stop being hard.

And I agree they need to be paid more. It’s a dangerous job.
It is statistically not a dangerous job. The extra pay would be for judiciously and justly exercising the authority granted to their position by the state, and holding each other accountable.
I will give you the not following direction but, the resulting action by the officers is something that happens everyday and why we are having issues. We have to give them better tools to deal with "not following directions. Most officers deal with that in a different way with better results. We need to train them better and pay them better.

Yeah, most officers do a fine job and I appreciate the very difficult job they do. It is a shame that the many "good ones" are dragged down by the many fewer "bad apples".

Have you ever seen "Live PD"? I recommend folks watch it to see how difficult a job cops have. Also, the ones I've seen on there have largely done an excellent job and they're always very careful in dealing with the public, including as calmly as possible dealing with folks as well as not using more force than needed. For the most part, these cops have been very tolerant even when it is obvious folks are lying. I think that watching shows like this will help give people a better image of the police. Of course, I realize these cops have extra pressure to be on their best behavior because they're on live TV. But that's beside the point.
I have sir, that show models professional officers good at their job. and I agree. Also know that those officers are hand picked for those rolls because of that.
What do you want them to do? If 2 persons are not following directions then the cops have to take it up a notch. They don’t know if someone has a knife or guns. Does it look bad? Yes but I’m sure it’s something that’s trained to do. A better tool would be that people start following directions and stop being hard.

And I agree they need to be paid more. It’s a dangerous job.
It is statistically not a dangerous job. The extra pay would be for judiciously and justly exercising the authority granted to their position by the state, and holding each other accountable.
My son is a LEO and I guess you are right "statistically" till it goes wrong. Firefighters for the most part are paid to wash the trucks till they are asked to lay their lives on the line for our houses or businesses. Both are very dangerous when they are and that is what matters.
How about a licensing system for cops similar to nurses and doctors? If nurses or doctors screw up, are incompetent, or dangerous in any way they can have their license revoked.

So there's a photo of some cops with their hand in that weird looking okay symbol that's suppose to signify racism. In a licensed system they would be up for a review and have their licensed removed if need be. This way the bad ones cant go from one department to the next of they are fired for bad behavior?
How about a licensing system for cops similar to nurses and doctors? If nurses or doctors screw up, are incompetent, or dangerous in any way they can have their license revoked.

So there's a photo of some cops with their hand in that weird looking okay symbol that's suppose to signify racism. In a licensed system they would be up for a review and have their licensed removed if need be. This way the bad ones cant go from one department to the next of they are fired for bad behavior?

It's already in place. They have to be certified and that can be revoked. That action has to be taken though and sometimes departments hesitate to do it on separation for cause.
I have to think the unionization of police forces is part of the issue. It makes it harder to take disciplinary action since the union will generally come to the officer’s defense (which, granted, is what they’re supposed to do).

Mind you, I’m not an expert on policing, so I could be off base. I’m just spit balling...
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This is all so depressing. We see an absolutely maniacal Police Office murder a man that was already well under control and then we see thugs and hooligans taking attention away from those that genuinely want to protest this. Then by robbing, looting assaulting business owners and shooting and assaulting Police, they invite military intervention which would tear this country wide apart. There have to be consequences for all of this, the Officer should never see the outside of a jail again (or be meted out justice once inside) and the groups like Antifa need to be acknowledged for what they are, NOTHING but anarchists and ideologues who wish to destroy the country that has produced so much good (and yes some bad) around the world ?
Im getting Taco Bell right now. That statement is blasphemous.

Hardee's and cookout have the best burgers. Sonic has the best hotdogs and burger king is better than McDs with the burgers. KFC is good as well. Bojangles has fallen from my grace as well.
All are 2nd rate. Wendy's sucks and is at the bottom of my fast food list along with taco bell.

I'd put little ceasar on the same level as pizza hut. Decent pizza at a reasonable price.
I have never cared for Wendy's. The only thing I like there is their salads and chili.
Hardee's and cookout have the best burgers. Sonic has the best hotdogs and burger is 2nd with the burgers. KFC is good as well. Bojangles has fallen from my grace as well.

Hardees has good burgers if done right, however the service is so slow it pretty much kills it. Now Sonic burgers are awesome. Wendy's is on the level of MCD or Burger King which is decent if need a quick cheap grab. Jacks also has killer burgers.

TB just tagged me for $32 bucks. The kids eat as much as we do.
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