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Political Thread

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biden is a badass. Trump is captain bonespurs, a liar, cheats on his pregnant wife, egotistical, maniacal loser.
Here we go another voter who prefers that old broken cane verse a dependabe used car to get us from point A to point B going forward as we come out of this crisis 35 to 40 days from now.

why dont you tell us why we should vote for Biden? What his plans,vision for America are? Instead of telling us why we shouldnt vote for Trump.
If a man has a used car and its dependable ,gets him from point A to point B, I doubt he will want to trade it in for a wooden cane with splits runing up and down it. I can get from point A to point B a whole lot easier,faster and enjoy what I plan on getting to point B for in the 1st place riding in that dependable used car as oppossed to walking, relying on that splintered old cane.
Trump is the dependable used car and Biden is the cane. I know what mode of transportation I and many folks will choose when they are head to head, side by side up there debating this fall. All the left,mainstream media,you and a few others on here do is spend your time trying to pull the motor out of the used car,dump sand in the gas tank. Cause you know unless you can stop the used car from runing, all you have to offer the American voter is a broken splinterd cane to move forward.
The lefts vision for America is a blindfold. Not how to get our supply chains restructered, cut all this burreacratic red tape and horrendous trade policies hampering whats best for us as a nation. The left sales and stands for Globalisim and Socialism. You want enough votes come Novemeber you best start explaining whats so grand about it. Otherwise youll be watching Uncle Don make America Great Again.
Here we go another voter who prefers that old broken cane verse a dependabe used car to get us from point A to point B going forward as we come out of this crisis 35 to 40 days from now.

why dont you tell us why we should vote for Biden? What his plans,vision for America are? Instead of telling us why we shouldnt vote for Trump.
If a man has a used car and its dependable ,gets him from point A to point B, I doubt he will want to trade it in for a wooden cane with splits runing up and down it. I can get from point A to point B a whole lot easier,faster and enjoy what I plan on getting to point B for in the 1st place riding in that dependable used car as oppossed to walking, relying on that splintered old cane.
Trump is the dependable used car and Biden is the cane. I know what mode of transportation I and many folks will choose when they are head to head, side by side up there debating this fall. All the left,mainstream media,you and a few others on here do is spend your time trying to pull the motor out of the used car,dump sand in the gas tank. Cause you know unless you can stop the used car from runing, all you have to offer the American voter is a broken splinterd cane to move forward.
The lefts vision for America is a blindfold. Not how to get our supply chains restructered, cut all this burreacratic red tape and horrendous trade policies hampering whats best for us as a nation. The left sales and stands for Globalisim and Socialism. You want enough votes come Novemeber you best start explaining whats so grand about it. Otherwise youll be watching Uncle Don make America Great Again.

lol. Biden is proven to be a stable person. Trump is literally a lunatic. Trump is the most embarrassing and unpresidential person we have ever had lead our country. Biden has been a senator for two decades and the VP for 8. Trump is going to get obliterated since he tied his fate to the stock market which is now in shambles. Go to joe Biden’s website. His vision for the country is there to see.
I couldn’t read the trump love any longer without adding some factual info about the mentally ill CIC.
Meh I sure don't love the guy but I like his policies enough I'll still vote for him. I don't hate Biden but he just doesn't have what it takes to lead this country
lol. Biden is proven to be a stable person. Trump is literally a lunatic. Trump is the most embarrassing and unpresidential person we have ever had lead our country. Biden has been a senator for two decades and the VP for 8. Trump is going to get obliterated since he tied his fate to the stock market which is now in shambles. Go to joe Biden’s website. His vision for the country is there to see.
I read it last night thanks to a link posted.
Green New Deal. Read it, thats what you beleive in, for kudos. Biden is your candidate.
Try convincing me why I should abandon fossil fuel, no more fracking jobs, energy independence. Why I should change my position against pro choice for Life. All I hear from you guys is Trump is this, aint that etc. Have you seriously looked at all the skeletons, short comings of your own candidate of choice? Your whole aurgument/debate is for reasons that describe your own candidate. Think about it!
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