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Political Thread

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Yeah, Biden did what he needed to do.

Aka repeatedly lie about fracking, social security, bankruptcy bill, among other things and got away with it. I am seriously in awe with how few Americans know when they’re being lied to or even possibly care? that they have been lied to. So much so that #LyinBiden is now 5th in trending twitter in the US. Do dems actually give a ----, or is it only when Trump lies that they boast their superior morality? Someone please explain this to me.
Aka repeatedly lie about fracking, social security, bankruptcy bill, among other things and got away with it. I am seriously in awe with how few Americans know when they’re being lied to or even possibly care? that they have been lied to. So much so that #LyinBiden is now 5th in trending twitter in the US. Do dems actually give a ----, or is it only when Trump lies that they boast their superior morality? Someone please explain this to me.
I'm not voting for him, so I don't know. I was just saying he did what he needed to secure the nomination.
What. An. Idiot.

To be honest, I think it would benefit everyone if he kept his opinion to himself because every time he opens his mouth about anything even remotely positive about the stock market, the opposite happens.


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Now, it's just as low as when he took office back in 2016.
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What. An. Idiot.

To be honest, I think it would benefit everyone if he kept his opinion to himself because every time he opens his mouth about anything even remotely positive about the stock market, the opposite happens.

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Now, it's just as low as when he took office back in 2016.
View attachment 37224
He is an idiot for this. He would've been better to stay silent because if even a handful of his base put 2 and 2 together they'll see how much he rode his popularity on the market and abandon him. Hopefully he learns and keeps quiet from here on out or better yet admits his mistakes. Like that'll happen though. Would be nice for party members to call him out on this internally.
He is an idiot for this. He would've been better to stay silent because if even a handful of his base put 2 and 2 together they'll see how much he rode his popularity on the market and abandon him. Hopefully he learns and keeps quiet from here on out or better yet admits his mistakes. Like that'll happen though. Would be nice for party members to call him out on this internally.

Lol, they def won’t. Many wishful think tf out their candidates these days, ignoring the reality of who they are and what they preach.
He is an idiot for this. He would've been better to stay silent because if even a handful of his base put 2 and 2 together they'll see how much he rode his popularity on the market and abandon him. Hopefully he learns and keeps quiet from here on out or better yet admits his mistakes. Like that'll happen though. Would be nice for party members to call him out on this internally.

His base will blame everything other than Trump for this, while giving him 100% of the credit for the market up till this point...one of the biggest problems though facing the market was it was already way over valued, and a lot of that falls back on Trump pushing the feds to keep his record bull market going, it was primed to correct......throw corona and oil war in the mix and well you get a crash, instead of a few small corrections we get one giant one....
His base will blame everything other than Trump for this, while giving him 100% of the credit for the market up till this point...one of the biggest problems though facing the market was it was already way over valued, and a lot of that falls back on Trump pushing the feds to keep his record bull market going, it was primed to correct......throw corona and oil war in the mix and well you get a crash, instead of a few small corrections we get one giant one....

This was a chart I sent myself on the morning of February 13th. It was a reminder to myself to not abandon my short positions because the market was out of control. See the last time it went straight up like that? 2000. And it took 3 years to start to recover and 15 to get back to even.

Well one thing for certain. Higher taxes and interest rates going up eventually.
I'm sure the answer will be more of the same. More spending and more tax cuts
There won’t be anymore tax cuts. The states will have to build back their rainy day funds they are tapping into now.
I know people will say the worst thing you can do to a growing economy is raising taxes but if not then, when do you?
Government likes to talk about how important small business is until they need money in a financial crisis. We can only afford to bail out big banks and corporations because it would be socialism if we gave it to normal people.
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