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Political Thread

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That is exactly what is being touted. We really don't need a panic to overwhelm the nation. What good would it do?

Indeed, we don’t need a panic but we do need and have needed much more extensive testing as @GeorgiaGirl stated. Why has getting this going extensively been so slow?
I do support Trump but will agree. I think he and others are downplaying this virus way too much. Even ones on this board. Even if half the US elderly die from this virus. That’s 25 million! When is the possibility of loosing that many lives just a ho hum attitude and of its just like the Flu. WTFE.

Yeah that's a "bit extreme" and no one is even coming close to implying or expecting that kind of impact....but most of the Trump supporters in my FB feed are all posting the same crap about "only" 522 cases and "only" 22 dead then say the flu kills 20-50k each year.....I try to explain that this will only be comparable once Coronavirus has infected as many people as the flu does every year or point out that the flu death toll is with a significantly vaccinated population and built in herd immunity from years of exposure to influenza, and by all accounts this virus is at least as contagious as the flu and probably more deadly.

The US has some gut checking moments coming up where we decide how to handle this, do we come together as a nation and try to take a few week hit by shutting down and trying to limit the spread or do we just let it ride and hope for the best.
So, @Yellow Snow, here's how you can play politics with the black swan. You can't beat Trump up for the virus. But he has gone out of his way to take credit for every rise in the stock market over the course of his presidency. Big mistake, and this situation perfectly illustrates why. He has contradicted himself several times on econ related issues. He set himself up for criticism, which is justified. It is a shame a black swan happened on his watch. But he owns the response to it as well as the messaging around it. He also owns the stock market response now that he has claimed ownership over it up to this point. He should not have done it. But he did. And now it's fair game.

And it will be fair game when this is behind us. You have the Govenor of California commending pres/vp publicly. They had a plan out weeks ago. Have stuck to it. 52 pages. 1st Dont allow anyone from countries where virus was breaking out to come into country. 2cnd try to to isolate and quarantine any cases stateside. 3rd and where we are entering now discourage social gatherings. Wish I had the rest of it.
Trump will own this and he will own the bounce back. He will also own the response. The crisis the left has dreamed of is here and they want waste a minute trying to throw another pie against the wall ,hoping it sticks. Long 4 to 5 weeks ahead with this virus,before we get stability opportunity to maybe re set. Jury is out.
You are the only person I have ever met that thinks supporting the death penalty is the same as supporting abortion. Sorry, but despite your personal views and religious beliefs, your theory just doesn't hold water.

On top of that, there is a racial bias to the death penalty.

We could have 331 million test and it doesn't mean 331 million would be tested. It's so easy to say we don't have the test, just test, we need test, test, test, test.... I've been married to a teacher for nearly 25 yrs and haven't heard the word test this much. It's more to it then just testing
The people not wanting to blame trump for the stock market free fall need to look at the messaging and contradiction going on in the admin. Inconsistent leadership drives great uncertainty and thats something which the market is allergic to.
I never understand partisans who refuse to see the inconsistencies in their guy/gal/party/president or what have you. It's mind boggling to me.
He's said stupid stuff I get it, he's a narcissist I get it, he's tweets dumb tweets I get it, we shouldn't support the lesser of 2 evils I get it.... but if not him, Hillary. No Gorsuch, no Kavanaugh, no support for the unborn, no voice for the hardworking, tax laying, law abiding 2nd amendment supporting citizens. It's a choice I can live with.
Why do Trump and Pence keep emphasizing that limiting travel very early on has prevented the virus from being as bad as it could have been? I want to hear about the future and not them bragging about the past for political purposes. I'm so sick of Trump always bragging. Stop being so selfish and wasting time talking about the past.
Funny when he enacted that travel ban he was basically labeled a xenophobe and overreacting, now it wasn't enough. Yeah yeah I know he brings a lot of criticism on himself, but he's been hated by the left from day one more than any other POTUS, pure vitriolic hatred. He could've pushed for deals that brought world peace and put a million dollars in everyone's pocket and they would still want his head on a platter.
Of course it was. It was a very specific part of it. If you do t support abortion you shouldn’t support the death penalty.
That unborn child is completely innocent and never given the chance he/she deserves. Over 60 million aborted, could've aborted the one who was going to find a cure for cancer or highly contagious viruses, we will never know. Why does an innocent child deserve to die? And I do support the death penalty as I detailed previously, to prevent them from killing again. I don't know, I can't figure it out, kill an unborn child with no fight at the drop of a hat, mention killing a killer and we're barbaric and protestors out of the woodwork to fight to keep'em alive.
The left will chain themselves to a tree to protect a spotted owl and laugh at you for standing up to defend a baby.

Go watch unplanned , true story from a planned parenthood top employee. I promise you , you will be pro life after seeing the truth. All factual.
On top of that, there is a racial bias to the death penalty.

ACLU says it all for that article. They are is same category as Alex Jones.
It's individual specific deterrent, in other words it guarantees that individual will never kill again. And yes that's possible and it happens, they can/have killed other inmates, they occasionally escape and kill again, also the correctional officers that have to watch then 24/7 have lost their lives. 4 right down the road from you in 2017, death penalty needs to be carried out to prevent these from killing again.
You can paint the picture however you want, but it still doesn’t change the content. The death penalty is there and does not deter crime. It is outdated and not a deterrent.

https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/... sided. The death penalty is not a deterrent.

I think we need a total new paradigm for our penal system. I do not agree with the death penalty but I think society paying to keep violent criminals in jail for decades makes no sense either. I don't have a good answer but I wish there were a way to get some contribution from violent criminals. Rather then us paying for them to rot in jail for decades they need to pay a debt to society somehow. Have them out building houses for the poor, cleaning up blighted areas, working in soup kitchens, picking up more litter, something to make a contribution They would have to be well monitored of course and tools would have to be limited. Maybe getting someting constructive out of them would help "pay" for some of the expense of keeping them and it may even be rehabilitative for a few. I don't know, but we need to make some big changes.

The left will chain themselves to a tree to protect a spotted owl and laugh at you for standing up to defend a baby.

Go watch unplanned , true story from a planned parenthood top employee. I promise you , you will be pro life after seeing the truth. All factual.

Just my opinion, but if I think about some of the most horrific things people have done in history; genocide, slavery, they way the ancient Mayans or Chinese tortured and mudered people, Hitler, Stalin, etc, its hard to understand how people could have been so cruel and barbaric. I gotta say, I think abortion blows them all away. It is hard to fathom a sicker, more barbaric, more inhumane practice. I truly hope, and even believe, that one day future generations will look back in shock at the idea and thank God it is in the past.
He's said stupid stuff I get it, he's a narcissist I get it, he's tweets dumb tweets I get it, we shouldn't support the lesser of 2 evils I get it.... but if not him, Hillary. No Gorsuch, no Kavanaugh, no support for the unborn, no voice for the hardworking, tax laying, law abiding 2nd amendment supporting citizens. It's a choice I can live with.

I voted for the man for many of the reasons you mentioned, but dang I will not be his or anyone else's lapdog.
I voted for the man for many of the reasons you mentioned, but dang I will not be his or anyone else's lapdog.
Man, trust me I know.... I'm not gonna be controlled by this guy and voting for him wasn't exactly easy. The only reason I defend him now is to try to prevent the other side from getting in there. The liberals have a huge support group with the media and as soon as a conservative speaks negative of Trump they pile on and rally around them as if they were one of there own. Just like when Sen. Lee was critical of the briefing from the WH, the media, which up to that point hated (I mean hated Sen. Lee), all of a sudden loved him and used it as fodder to feed the anti-Trump, pro-socialism agenda. That's not a reason to not be critical I'll admit, it just makes it difficult to do, because you know it will be used as another justification to get him out which means put one of the socialist in. If he'd just shut up and let Pence do all of his talking....
I see "religious" people every day defending Trump's reprehensible behavior because of Judges, freedom of religion, 2nd amendment, etc. And then saying he was the only option when there was Cruz, Kasich, Rubio and on and on. So they justify a man that had sex with porn stars and claimed to be "very pro-choice" for decades. Republicans have completely lost the ability to hold the moral high ground argument. I'm an independent that voted for Rubio in the primary 4 years ago but you can bet I'll be voting for Biden this year. Not all democrats want socialism either so that argument is pretty weak.
I see "religious" people every day defending Trump's reprehensible behavior because of Judges, freedom of religion, 2nd amendment, etc. And then saying he was the only option when there was Cruz, Kasich, Rubio and on and on. So they justify a man that had sex with porn stars and claimed to be "very pro-choice" for decades. Republicans have completely lost the ability to hold the moral high ground argument. I'm an independent that voted for Rubio in the primary 4 years ago but you can bet I'll be voting for Biden this year. Not all democrats want socialism either so that argument is pretty weak.
Morals in politics does not exist. Clinton was worse. As for Biden don’t worry plenty will come out on him. I would suspect he will probably even have sexual harassments claims against him if he wins. Either way we are just putting off the inevitable. When the liberal Democrat wins then the civil war in America will happen. Will be fun every single day and post we can trash Biden and talk about his impeachment. Might as well trash him constantly like the media has Trump. Of course Biden will get a pass because he can’t remember anything. Maybe his son and his porn star baby momma can be the VP selection.
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