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Political Thread

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Cuomo made sure to infect the nursing homes and assisted living homes. The same governor who allows babies up to 9 months be aborted. This is what you get from PP liberals when you elect them.
So how many deaths would it take? How many deaths for you say......damn that's too many?
Shaggy, I have already stated many times in here what needs to happen. Isolate the elderly, and open everything back up. Build herd immunity and protect our senors at the same time...... but no that would be too easy. Everyone thinks it has to be one extreme or the other. With my way, both sides win.
Shaggy, I have already stated many times in here what needs to happen. Isolate the elderly, and open everything back up. Build herd immunity and protect our senors at the same time...... but no that would be too easy. Everyone thinks it has to be one extreme or the other. With my way, both sides win.

So the argument is we are infringing on rights by issuing stay at home orders correct? Yet the the position of those throwing fits over that is to isolate other people. Seems pretty hypocritical doesnt it? If there is no right to restrict non elderly then what precedent is there to "isolate" the elderly?

How long does that isolation last?

Theres just no good path forward it seems.
Give it a rest dude.... That's not how this government works.

This has nothing to do with government but a lot more to do with the "we have to let elderly take their chances" stances held by some. His posts have been borderline nonchalant to downright dismissive of the deaths this virus has caused.

Funny how this isnt how our govt works when it comes to shutdowns but oh how wonderful trump is for shutting down borders and international travel.
I don't think they will do that, they will just put someone they really want as VP, they likely end up POTUS anyways if Biden wins.....hell so does Pence as Trump gonna stroke out one of these days from to many hambergers……..the dems can run a actual donkey right now and probably still beat Trump, Trump has to have at least 4 out of 6 of NC/OH/FL/WI/MI/PA with every other state staying the same to win and right now the rust belt states look bad for him.
Ha,ha,ha,.... you liberals keep wishing.... Truth be known, Trump will take more states this election than he did in 2016. Hide and watch!
Or it could be that a lot people are tired of the leftist Democratic Party now that they have shown their true tyrannical and socialist colors. This could be a rejection of Democrats of all stripes. Not really an endorsement of Trump. It’s anti communist/leftist sentiment here, maybe?
That's exactly what is happening. The truth is coming out and the liberals are losing face with the American people. Republicans are going to win big in November.
What do you think it is that Trump is hiding from the American people in his tax returns and college transcripts? Trump is the only major party presidential nominee since Watergate to never release any past tax returns. He is also the only president to refuse to release even a year of past returns. He is fighting to keep something hid from the American public... what do you think it is?
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What do you it is that Trump is hiding from the American people in his tax returns and college transcripts? Trump is the only major party presidential nominee since Watergate to never release any past tax returns. He is also the only president to refuse to release even a year of past returns. He is fighting to keep something hid from the American public... what do you think it is?

Not sure but he is sure fighting hard. Could be any number of things. We know he has committed fraud in NY by over valuing property to leverage as collateral for loans. He sure wants to hide it bad whatever it is.
This has nothing to do with government but a lot more to do with the "we have to let elderly take their chances" stances held by some. His posts have been borderline nonchalant to downright dismissive of the deaths this virus has caused.

Funny how this isnt how our govt works when it comes to shutdowns but oh how wonderful trump is for shutting down borders and international travel.
Just say my name. I’m not dismissive of those that have died from this virus. One could say the same thing for those wanting lockdowns. They are dismissive of all the people that are now homeless, jobless, in poverty, committing suicide, depression, lonely and are losing everything. Here is my suggestion. Those elders and older people able to make their own choices let them. If they want to go out or see loved ones in assisted living or hospitals let them. Separate parts of the hospitals or assisted living homes to accommodate. Those that cannot make their choices let the family make the choices. I would bet you would have overwhelming support that they would rather risk getting the virus than to be left alone and lonely. Also how long are we going to keep people from seeing their loved ones? What if one of these in assisted living is dying of cancer or copd? So that family does not get to say goodbye? A father has a heart attack and is rushed to ER. The family can’t see him knowing that he may not make it? So I’m dismissive of people dying from virus? Does it not bother you that loved ones are dying alone? Dying alone is much worse than catching this virus and dying with loved ones around you. I worked ER for 5 years as RT Respiratory Therapist. Death sucks and I have been by many that died with no family there. So assuming I don’t care you have no idea. I had to quit because emotionally I could not handle all the hurt and pain I saw. My high risk mom choices to live.
Interesting stat about Democrats today. 52% consider themselves Liberals.
What do you it is that Trump is hiding from the American people in his tax returns and college transcripts? Trump is the only major party presidential nominee since Watergate to never release any past tax returns. He is also the only president to refuse to release even a year of past returns. He is fighting to keep something hid from the American public... what do you think it is?
Likely related to fraud, as Shaggy mentioned, but also probally further evidence that he is beholden to Russian interests, which would prevent most people from even getting a security clearance.
I guess all those at Woodstock cared nothing about lives either. Well can’t blame it on TDS. Trump was not president then. ??‍♂️

Also a tad misleading both Bush and Obama had much higher than 49% at points during their first terms, Trump has never been above 49%, in fact his average approval has never been over 47%..... also this is just a single poll if you average all of them then Trump is at 44-46%.....

https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ .....they compare Trump to other presidents day for day if you scroll down.....

Polls are nonsense most times they only sample 1,000 people or less. That’s not a very accurate poll

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I really don't care if the President releases his tax returns or not personally, I am fine with it either way. However if he does realease them, it won't matter to Liberals as they will just go on to something else if they show nothing. The leftist press and most Liberals have been trying a multitude of charges and innuendo against him and they keep just changing the goal posts each and every time on to something "new". I most likely won't vote for him because he is a narcissistic jerk but I KNOW I can not vote for Joe Biden under any circumstances and can not fathom a rationale for any person who does. I earlier made a comment about how I could possibly vote for Gov Cuomo since he was a leader, I now officially retract that comment and would not vote for him ever after learning from some here and online what he REALLY stands for.

1. The country for the most part isn't still locked down. It is carefully opening back up, which is what needs to happen.

2. But some of us want this to be done carefully like is occurring now in most cases. There needs to be some balance, as Trump/White House Task Force guidelines recommend.

3. Those of us who want this to be carefully done due to worry about the disease aren't just thinking about our own health. In many cases, including myself, we're thinking much more about loved ones who are at much higher risk than ourselves. Or if we get sick, what about the loved ones whom we're taking care of? So, it isn't right to portray those of us concerned about safety from the disease as selfish.

4. Why has this become so overpoliticized and why so black and white?

5. Business closings, bans on gatherings, fines for violating guidelines, and social distancing are nothing new. They were widespread in the 1918-19 flu epidemic.

6. Talking about selfishness, many people here openly enjoy and in some cases root for severe wx, hurricanes, and other dangerous wx (and some will lie and deny it), which helps nobody and is instead dangerous to loved ones. That's true selfishness. So, don't tell us folks who are concerned about safety from this disease that we're selfish. Look in the mirror, you people who love and root for dangerous wx. Those who love it will not stop loving it. But at least they can stop being hypocrites and stop complaining about selfishness of those concerned about this disease.
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1. The country for the most part isn't still locked down. It is carefully opening back up, which is what needs to happen.

2. But some of us want this to be done carefully like is occurring now in most cases. There needs to be some balance, as Trump/White House Task Force guidelines recommend.

3. Those of us who want this to be carefully done due to worry about the disease aren't just thinking about our own health. In many cases, including myself, we're thinking much more about loved ones who are at much higher risk than ourselves. So, it isn't right to portray those of us concerned about safety from the disease as selfish.

4. Why has this become so overpoliticized and why so black and white?

5. Business closings, bans on gatherings, fines for violating guidelines, and social distancing are nothing new. They were widespread in the 1918-19 flu epidemic.

6. Talking about selfishness, many people here openly enjoy and in some cases root for severe wx, hurricanes, and other dangerous wx (and some will lie and deny it), which helps nobody and is instead dangerous to loved ones. That's true selfishness.

Texas had their single highest daily jump in cases since the pandemic started.

Well guess Cuomo has joined the dismissive non caring sacrificing people. What will the liberals say now?
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